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We are shareholders of brand America

We are shareholders of brand AmericaTM. It is our brand and our reputation.

How proud we were of brand AmericaTM.  The brand name on any product we produced set it apart from all others.  We were proud of brand AmericaTM and all that it stood for.  Our products were not perfect, but they were always improving.  When a product was defective, we owned up to it and vowed to do better!  Never satisfied with the status quo, we always demanded better of ourselves and everything brand AmericaTM produced.  Most of all, we took pride in the fact that our most cherished and sought after brand AmericaTM products such as liberty, freedom of speech, voting rights, and protection of civil liberties, were available and affordable to all.

Seven years ago, brand AmericaTM was hi-jacked by a band of counterfeiters.  They have robbed the company coffers, gutted the warehouse, and sold the contents on the black market.  These interlopers refuse to provide the resources to produce quality brand AmericaTM products.  They exploit the employees and treat their customers with disdain.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…I Don’t Have All The Answers.

That Iraq is a wholly complete and unmitigated mess of our life-time is a gross understatement.  Four things are clear and unequivocal:
1.  The United State should never have gone to war with Humpty Dumpty (Iraq).
2.  Humpty-Dumpty is broken beyond all recognition.
3.  We must work 24/7 to get this commander-in-chief of idiots to step away from the controls.
4.  Our military presence is making things worse, not better.

What is not clear to me: How do we (or anyone) put Humpty-Dumpty back together again?