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We are being lied to, and being told to get used to it.

And I have to say I’m death on outright lies being told to me, personally, and then being expected to help and support that person despite the lies.  Yeah, yeah, there’s the political process that has been inculcated into each one of the American would-be serf cognoscenti, again and again and again.

Things about coalition building.  Tactics such as “vote for me on this bill and I’ll let you vote no on that bill, so as to look better to your constituents.”  Things about so-called political pragmatism which is as opposite to the actual pragmatism of running a country for the benefit of its people.

People on liberal blogs will tell you that the Republicans are 100 times worse, and so the natural thing to do is to work for and vote for Democrats to keep the Republicans from getting office.

And, if you subscribe to that theory, yeah, there’s some truth in it. There are many names for this reasoning — it’s called “extortionist reasoning” with much truth by some, but from people who employ it sincerely I’m going to call it the “keep the boogeyman at bay” argument.

You see, there’s a dangerous boogeyman outside your door.  What he wants to do is take all your belongings, rape your spouse, sell your children into indentured servitude and burn your livestock — what you are a serf and you don’t have livestock?  Ok, your pets then.

I’ll circle back to that.

In America of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, we’ve been steeped in a culture of lies.  Much of it comes with a wink and a nod, and through an initial culture of consumption.  And despite the fact that people bemoan that Americans are clueless, unschooled and unsophisticated in some ways, for example not being able to find Afghanistan on a map, we have become very sophisticated (I might prefer the term “jaded”) in some ways.

When we see advertisements on TV, or on the radio or in print media, we’re totally used to being lied to with wild abandon.  We know that the products and services we’re being sold come with a passel of lies.  We know that vacuum cleaner just will not work flawlessly for years and as a side effect clean the air we breathe.  If we are sophisticated, we know that the paid programming with the latest get rich quick scheme is a total con job.

So, we’re expected to be sophisticated about it, and if we’re not sophisticated, we’re gullible dupes.  Because of this expectation of sophistication, no one else has to take any responsibility for their lies, on the expectation that those who were sold a bill of goods should have known better.  That TV station that aired the total con job with the criminal liar isn’t responsible for any lies the criminal liar tells — heck they even SAID they weren’t responsible!

Another nail in the coffin of “Change we can believe in”

Well, at least they’re not Republicans.  Or something.

Yesterday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend the Patriot Act, a law that violates the Fourth Amendment right of all people within the USA to be protected from unreasonable search and seizure. The Patriot Act grants extraordinary government powers to spy on Americans’ private lives, grabbing records of their communications, commercial activities, and even checking on which library books we’re reading. The law makes it crime for anyone conscripted into aiding these government spying programs to tell people that they’re being spied on either – they’re required by law to lie, and pretend nothing happened instead.

Last year, the judiciary committees of the Senate and House attempted to draft reforms of these kinds of terrible abuses. The reforms were weak, but a small step in the right direction. However, the Patriot Act extension passed this week by the House and Senate contains none of those reforms. In fact, the Patriot Act extension just passed by Congress has no reforms at all.

(emphasis added)

Democrats: Now YOU understand.

In the election of 2010, it won’t matter if you call yourself a progressive.  It won’t matter if you sent a sternly worded letter to the Obama administration or denounced Republicans on the floor of the Congress for wanting people to die.

Anything goes wrong, anything at all, your fault, my fault, nobody’s fault, the American people are going to come screaming for your seats, and you’ll lose them.

It’s as simple as that.

If you don’t pass health care reform, you are going to lose the majority for a generation.  If you pass a corporatist bill with mandates but no public option, you are going to lose a majority for a generation.

And if you play the kabuki of pretending to be for the American people while telling them that their rejection of people dying from lack of health care or medical bankruptcy is “not realistic” or that their wanting decent health care that the average person can afford without giving their money to criminal murder by spreadsheet companies is akin to “wanting a pony”, you are going to lose your seats.  If you turncoat at the last minute and refuse to shove through a public option because it’s “not the right timing”, you’re going to suffer a humiliating defeat as a party and perhaps as an elected official.

It’s time for some goddamn respect for the American people, Congress.

And that is only the start.  The American people aren’t buying “we can’t” anymore.  You better.  And sooner or later the “vote for us or the puppy gets it” routine will fail too.  It’s already failing.  One by one, people aren’t buying the pee-on-our-feet while telling us it’s raining act.

I’m talking even to you, Michael Bennett.  I am talking to you too, Dianna DeGette.  We want results.  And more and more people are not going to be fooled by the red bull flag the Democrats wave with the Republicans acting crazy and the Democrats doing nothing about it.

If you don’t take us to a better place in this country, things are going to get a whole lot worse.

And it won’t matter whose fault it was.

A brief observation about a “news source”

I’d like to think I am a tolerant man.  I like Docudharma partly because of this toleration.  There are few rules, and what rules there are are largely sensible.  It’s not a single mission blog, like some others, and so there’s a great deal of freedom to explore what some people might consider the “wacky and crazy”.

One of the reasons I spend more time here as of now as opposed to anywhere else in terms of participating on the internet is that I find most or many ideas that aren’t palatable, at least tolerable, and that this benign toleration is preferable to constraining conversation and trying to create a community where topics that are “off-mission” are grounds for being banned from a site.

And, being a hermit, online community is important to me.  One of the things that strikes me is if you think about it, most of us have people in our own lives who are dear friends and family members who hold views that we might consider crazed.

I once had an eminently accomplished and deeply analytical friend who thought that the Earth was 6,000 years old and that dinosaur fossils were placed in the earth to lure people to Satan.

I have a family member who is a conservative Christian, committed adultery, married the woman he committed adultery with and divorced his wife, and once told me that my being gay was an abomination because it was “selfish” and that I was denying all my manifest charms to a woman.  Apparently there have never been any limits on a person with such a history judging others while refusing to look at the “plank in his own eye” to employ a Biblical phrase.

I had a friend who came over unannounced at all hours, and called me up all the time for help, and finally what precipitated the end of our friendship was his trying to introduce me to the joys of crystal meth.

And, as I have said more than once, I have one sibling, a dear brother, who remains dear to me, who thinks among other things that the problem with Democrats is that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are too darn liberal and thinks that gay people shouldn’t have certain civil rights because it would “cost the taxpayers money”.

So, yeah, I’d like to think I am a tolerant man.  The reason for me pointing out the above examples is to posit that sometimes we will tolerate a lot more in terms of bug-eyed battiness from family and the people we care about and adore in person than some people do on blogs.  And that is the reason, I believe, that Docudharma cultivates viewpoint toleration as a social good.  I know, there are some who believe that Docudharma is a “nutty fringe” website.  This, I believe is worth the price, because when you start shutting down discussion you start losing good conversation and good ideas and anything that might result from that.

What I feel most of us realize on Docudharma is that people are more than the sum of their words on a blog.  It is the totality of their existence that matters, and further too many other blogs forget that, to the detriment of forming the communities that are going to be the backbone of the liberal movement.

There are on this site people who appear to believe that the Illuminati are real and that the biggest problem we have today is a shadow government that is about to take over the world.  There are others who seem to believe that global warming is a hoax and that vaccines cause autism and that 9/11 was a conspiracy.

Honestly, I don’t care.

Speaking of “Change we can Believe in”

I just came across this article in Mother Jones, which is a bit horrifying:

Walters’ discovery that her home had been sold out from under her marked the low point of a four-year fiasco that began when Ocwen Loan Servicing became her mortgage servicer in late 2004. Through no fault of her own, Ocwen incorrectly processed or lost dozens of Walters’ payments and charged her more than $2,000 in late fees and thousands more in additional charges-all without notifying her. The Florida-based company tried to foreclose on her three times. After she paid more than $10,000, Walters figured things were settled. But Ocwen had other ideas.

Please read the entire article, it’s a tale of shocking usury, which we’re used to by now, but what is more telling to me is the reaction of various agencies of the Federal government, which I am mournful to remind people who believed in Barack Obama, he now heads.

Quiet Revolution

One thing I am always impressed about on Docudharma is how we not only talk about how to change the political system that currently exists but how to upend it using disruptive politics, technologies and techniques.

We talk about restoring the centrality of community to our lives.  It is this concept of community which, many of us feel, will provide a needed bulwark against the depredation of corporate feudalists and looters.

The social aspect of community, and what Americans are lacking in that regard, is well established and has been for a long time.

It’s not my favorite genre of music, but the best example of exactly what I think of as wrong in terms of American community or lack thereof goes like this:

And, if you think about it this way, the fact that our culture is sick and overrun with parasitism begins to make sense if you think about it in an organic way.

For decades, we have had a monoculture of American expectations .. what Americans are supposed to do, how Americans are supposed to live.

But one thing you learn about in Biology 101, is that monocultures die out.  Why do they die out?  Because they are far more vulnerable to predation by parasites.  Any given parasite can more easily infect and destroy a population if that population is the same than if there are many different and varied populations.

Welcome to Idiot America

Where the biggest problem we have is that Democrats are too partisan.

Where the fight to reform health care is not a pressing concern:

“Somewhere along the line, the White House lost its way,” said Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “Instead of focusing on solutions to help America’s families wade through the wreckage of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, Washington has wasted valuable time wrestling with partisan politics in an effort to rush through drastic reforms that do not directly address our most immediate needs.”

Gee I don’t know about you, but it sure is more important to me that our Congresspeople are nice to each other than whether or not I will have a major medical problem and be out of a job and as a result hopelessly bankrupt for the rest of my life.

Yes, Congressman Skelton, the problem isn that Democrats have been “too partisan”.  

It’s not as if the Democrats have given away the store to the Republicans while the Republicans have openly vowed to frustrate every iota of the stated Democratic Agenda, and still got nothing for their efforts.


American Idiot

Kitty Progress Report

This is an update since I promised to keep people informed.

So today for me started early – at 5:30 AM.  I did laundry and a more or less normal routine to keep him from becoming suspicious.  Keeping the cat carrier upended in the living room seemed to have had its intended surprise effect.  I picked Twister up lovingly and he was licking my face when I dropped him unceremoniously into the carrier and closed the prison bars in less than a second.  Bad, evil dad!

Of course the moaning started immediately.

I got him to the vet on time and the doctor was very nice.  Actually one of those rare types who seems more concerned about your animal than whatever distractions are going on or the size of your wallet.

Surgery of this nature, I was a bit surprised to learn, is an all day affair.  I expected wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am when it comes to kitty surgery, but this was a bit different, and I was told I wouldn’t be able to pick him up until after he had gone through recovery from general anesthesia.

The Battle of America’s Deep

An allegory in four parts

Part I: The Warning of the Dirty Fucking Hippies

The power of the Enemy is growing.  The corporations will use their puppets, the Republicans, the media, and the Blue Dog corporatists and centrists, to enslave the people of America.  Fascism has been unleashed.  The eye of the corporations now turn to the last free people of America.  Their war on this country will come swiftly.  They sense the ring is close.  The strength of the Democrats is failing.  In their hearts, progressives being to understand, the quest will claim their freedom — all their freedom.  It was the risk we all took.

In the gathering dark the will of the Ring grows strong.  It works hard now to find its way back into the hands of Congressmen.  Congressmen who are so easily seduced by its power.  The young Captain of America has now but to extend his hand, take the Ring for his own, and the world will fall.

It is close, now, so close to achieving its goal.  For the corporations will have dominion over all life in America, even unto the ending of the world.

Do we leave America to its fate?  Do we let them stand alone?

Core accretion

It may be time to utter the “unutterable”.

There’s a phenomenon called “core accretion” in the world of astrophysicists.  It refers to the process by which little planets become big planets during solar system formation.  

During this process, the biggest and strongest of the planetesimals gobble up the smaller ones.  And the character of the new planet takes on the combined character of all the rocks it has accreted in the process.

It works a little like this:

If the Democrats continue to take this country the direction they’ve been taking it all the way through 2010, it may be time that the Democrats are done.  If the Democrats were supplanted by another Party or Parties, what would happen next?  What to do, this would bring chaos and political defeat!

Not really.

Accommodationists to Mass Murder?

So, if you haven’t seen this, it appears that David Bahati, the main sponsor of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill, believes he is invited and will be attending the Family’s National Prayer Breakfast in February.

If you’ve been living in a cave for the last six months, Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill includes the death penalty for homosexuals.

In addition, the bill provides for sentences for non-homosexuals knowing homosexuals and not reporting them to authorities, and extradition from other countries (presumably including OURS) Ugandan nationals or others who committed the “offense” of homosexuality on Ugandan soil, and long prison sentences for homosexual “tendencies”.  If this bill were passed in Uganda the way it is, you could literally be imprisoned for looking at a person of the same sex the wrong way, and I quote:

4, Attempt to commit homosexuality.

(1) A person who attempts to commit the offence of homosexuality commits a felony and is liable on conviction to imprisonment seven years.

(2) A person who attempts to commit the offence of aggravated homosexuality commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for life.

So, apparently, certain questions have been raised about this visit

Did the sponsors of the National Prayer Breakfast actually extend the invitation for David Bahati to visit?

If so, what will be the position of the Obama Administration on this?  Will he be permitted to come?

Status Update (personal)

So, just to let you know how we’re all doing — Took Twister to the vet today.  The news isn’t all that good.  The vet took blood and it appears he may have a sarcoma or carcinoma because the cells looked abnormal.

The next step is to get the lump surgically excised and looked at by a pathologist.  This is going to cost a lot of money, naturally, but we’re looking into options and I may get some help.

He was a big baby about the cat carrier but was too terrified by the vet to give them much trouble and was a very good boy on getting home (only 15 minutes of pouting under the bed) and has now been rewarded with his catnip treat.

I am keeping my job, for now.  The somewhat stressful irony is I have to complete certain work within a month and the recommendation is for Twister to have his lump removed within the month so it doesn’t become in the words of the vet “too difficult to manage”.  This is encouraging in a sense .. we don’t know how invasive the tumor is but in getting it removed the hope is “not too much”.

And apparently my dad is cranky but feeling better and is getting out of the hospital tomorrow.

All this of course sucks but I am so grateful and aware that it’s not anything like “Haiti class sucking”.  I just wish I could help but it appears that all my energies for the next month or so are going to be about self and cat rescue.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words and support – and, I will be all right.  I broke down and cried to my brother a bit over the potential loss of my long time companion and friend, like the wussy I am, but he’s a happy kitty and wants to live.  He’s not in any pain unless his foolish master, like the oaf he is, pushes too hard on the lump, which he will not do again, on pain of being bitten.


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