Ok Here is Where I Could Help

Save from some “left wing”  PC asshole banning me for commenting on topics blacklisted by Murikan lamestream media.


And as anger increases and the full impact of the Illuminati Plan to re-allocate American suburban energy use becomes fully apparent I hope more people will embrace the revolution.

But what is “The Revolution”, most people don’t know, can’t see as they wake up to start each new day with the TeeVee news and weather, programming devoid of any long term history of post modern affairs and specifically designed to avoid topics deemed “offensive” to corporate interests.  It is like starting each and every day like Bill Murray in the movie Ground Hog Day.

www.projectcensored.org documents the top stories ignored by the current, what I think it’s down to two media oligarchs now, who in reality form the basis upon which people make their political and life choices.


Number one- one million Iraqis killed.  Yeah but Iraq after all is a distant place and a distant land.  When I as an American suburbanite start contemplating recipies for rabbit stew and wild turkey gumbo to survive what happens in Iraq don’t concern me much.

Number two- The SPPNA, Bush’s plan to fold US soverignty into a tri nation EU type union of Canada, Mexico and the US,ignored by the PC Kumbahya “left”, a premier point with which these assholes could have stabbed the political “Redstaters” directly in their flag waving lapel pins hearts with.  A concept only taken up by the now defunct John Birch Society and “those loons” on CNN, Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs.  Well in all of it’s lunacy that plan is now being “militarized”.  The rest of the globally connected business world is now USING the NAFTA concept to ISOLATE trade by categorizing THE WORLD into THE NAFTA countries vs The Rest of The World.  Don’t think this is the case?  Call me Sibel Edmonds but I did in fact sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of my “package” and as a Knight of the Fifth Veil I have to honor my word.

I was in fact in the employ of a company with true global reach and that division of NAFTA vs World was apparent in company literature, computer network structure, operating procedures and overall corporate policies.  Not stated but implied was the concept that you, you retarded simpleton Americans currently obsessed with the color of Sarah Palin’s underwear or some other such shit shall be confined to your own cesspool while we, the adults of this community shall deal with the rest of the living, working and progressive world.

Now I hope that this is a powerful enough indictment of the US government or rather those who have hijacked it for their own financial gains but even as I write this I realize it only reaches a specific and small audience.

My family had a two hundred acre farm.  I want the fucking farm back.  Why? Because the farm would have provided locally grown food for the post modern era.  Why is the farm gone?  Well because government wanted to tax it as suburban house lots when my senile uncle got too old to prove me made money farming the place.  Well was the land buildable .5 acre suburban house lots?  Well fuck no, the clay laden soil didn’t perk and as such would never pass the mandated Assachusettes title five septic regulations.  So what happened.  Well the family had this lawyer who eventually got several prime acreage and sold it off shortly before he DIED OF CANCER, good fucking riddance.  In the end it did get sold off to a developer who built yuppie elderly housing that nobody can afford now and the original owners, my family got a mere pittance for it.  That pittance invested in the stock markets, paper money, a mere fucking agreement between the very same assholian lawyers and accountants and the investment houses financing China’s gold rush and the job losses of my grandson are what these Illuminati fucks are after right now.

People backed into a corner with nothing left………

Local-Want to fix up your house?  Well learn to do it yourself and fuck the Permit process for things that are not visible to the outside world.  All you have to do is conform enough to stay under their radar.

State-point out frequently to your state government that you know they are the the funtional equivalent of your local dog catcher in their significance in the current globo-facscistic world we live in now and their blind following of federal mandates.

National-what national only a few people in Vermont had any common sense whatsoever.


Yeah, that’s a nasty rant even for me.  Keep me off the Apocalyptic horse.


  1. Both parties are owned by the Illuminati and serve merely as focus groups to extract the most destructive memes to be used in de-constructing such concepts as liberty and justice for all.

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