The Remedial Education Of Sarah Palin

Palin Meets With AIPAC Even Obama had his session. It must be e pre-req for the American Executive Branch. Don’t know about you guys but I really disliked pre-reqs and GERs. If Sarah nods her head and genuflects at the proper moments she will get vetted by AIPAC and be acceptable to the PTB. Does this strike anyone but me as un-American?

Maybe Palin thought the AIP was the American-Israel Party – not the Alaska Independence Party. AIP, AIPAC. all these acronyms; it gets so confusing. I guess there’s more to life than getting your barrel properly sighted.

It will be interesting to see how this newly hatched duck begins to fervently adopt memes that would be beyond her ken in Alaska politics.

On the Who Knews front, Rick Davis announced yesterday that this campaign will not be decided on the issues. It will be decided on vague perceptions of personalities. If the tabloids get involved I expect a constant barrage of calls for DNA tests to prove that the most recent daughter is actually her granddaughter. This would tie in nicely with Chinatown and Brie’s storyline on Desperate Housewives.

This stuff hurts my eyes to see. Might be early-onset glaucoma. Maybe some preventive herbal remedy would help…


    • Edger on September 4, 2008 at 05:05

    I listened to her for 2 or 3 minutes in amazement at her confidence, till I realized where it comes from.

    It’s not just politics for her.

    She actually believes the shit she is saying about McCain.

    Even though she knows it’s shit.


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