Put on your old grey bonnet

(9 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Whatever happened to my recording of Four Boys and a Guitar by the Mills Brothers, I dunno, but it’s a classic from the true Kings of Harmony.  

The first vid has poor sound quality, but illustrates that, except for the guitar, they did everything, bass, harmonies, and “hand trumpets” using their voices.


Fellow dharma bums, please note the spontaneous bop prosody and toot the horn to the wedding of your soul in,

Put on your old grey bonnet:

I’ll throw in Paper Doll, because (a) fucking classic, amirite? and (b) check out how the second lead vocalist’s style (when the tempo picks up) was totally and graciously “adopted” by Dean Martin.

Paper Doll:

As an old landscaping buddy who was not entirely proficient in English used to say, “Check it off, man!”


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