Lawrence Welkianisms

What is a Lawrence Welkianism?  Simply put it is something accepted by and or promoted by commerical lamestream for profit project Mockingbird American media.  Since Lawrence Welk is not a popular current show the obsoleteness and irrelevance comes into the picture.  I do submit that such a concept might be useful in de-constructing political bullshit which comes directly out of the think tanks of parasitic profit oriented assholes most of the time.

Let me get this illustration off my chest.  I have to deal with the question of warehousing my Dad tomorrow.  My over five year eldercare saga down the Alice in Wonderland of insanity will be brought up later.  I have refound the HIPPA bullshit chart here.…

Most people don’t know what is in their permanent digital medical records and unlike your credit report which you are allowed to review and question your medical surveillance records going everywhere at the click of a mouse are/could be far more damaging than your Admiral Poindexter inspired data mining Farcebook page.  You are after all mostly oriented towards good and don’t think you could get fired for a picture of you holding a possibly alcoholic beverage.…

Media told you it’s a Homeboy Security world so ratting out whomever is just a patriotic duty.

I mean if you do get screened for cancer potential does your auto insurance rate go up?  Have you answered your health risk assesment?

Unions, workers rights, makework and the rise of “temp companies”.

Boston’s Big Dig is over so all of the union carpenters are “on the bench”.  You just can’t have practical employment but you can have Sarbanes-Oxley accountants counting irrelevant stuff.  Why.  Well it impairs/impedes domestic businesses over foreign ones.

OOwww almost forgot.  Check out the graphic in the center of this link.  The story comes from one of those tin foil hatter type places and the story is relevant but that center graphic?  Wow!  The Lasthorseman psychic evil from a picture syndrome went into overdrive on an immediate basis.…

So is “net neutrality” a Lawrence Welkianism?  You betcha, to steal one of their own buzzwords, truely ironic ain’t it.

On a lighter note, good stuff from the professor.…

Plus globalist Titanic deck chairs of Egypt.…

What, there is no pill I can ask my doctor for?…

One of my engineering websites cited the unreliability or rural broadband internet access as an obstacle to the register and bar code the microchipped lettuce provisions of the recent S 510 Food Safety Bill.  Sad but true only two states are barfing about it.…

Boston’s own “right wing” talk radio station has been recently talking up the issue of bullying in school.  “Normally” or rather in the world I used to live in I could have associated this bullying issue as an extension of left wing based political correctness/diversity/affirmative action/LGBT rights/smoke Nazi-isms and guns are icky crowd.  Needless to say this is a “right wing” punditorially oriented place echoing the bully theme which promotes internet babysitting and the zero tolerance policies of “the left”.

Last up in these interesting times is the prospect of Fire Department calling Protocols.  Is the house really burning down or could you possibly handle or endure the situation yourself.  Mind you the Fire Department will respond and “help” you but if water is coming out of your electrical outlets because of snow on the roof they will call Guildo the building code Mafioso who will order you to fix it with funds you don’t have to avoid the insurance risk of having people occupy an unsafe space.

Guess that blows my chances of going more mainstream don’t it.  Meanwhile, enjoy life like it was the last of days.  Play with the grandkids, get out in the sun, seek truth and withdraw all support of anal controlling dweebs.  The spring floods are just around the corner, the psychic friends network tells me.

Is old america a Lawrence Welkianism.  Is that such a bad thing.


  1. I don’t know what to say to that either.

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