Sunset or Sunrise


Health-you must be “on” something to manage your symptoms

You must be entertained to keep you connected to “acceptable” society norms

Goggle Strategic Communications Laboratories

You must pay others for access for the energy that enables you a modern lifestyle.

You must “get a job”(if you can).

You must keep your opinions to yourself, as you are not the brightest bulb on the tree.

You must pay for legal advice in a system which offers little justice.

You can’t be allowed to offer organic real foods in a society that worships Big Macs.

You should “support “our” troops even if they are operating at the bequest of global multinational corporations who can frisk my wife, search her car, go through her pocketbook and prevent her from seeking said fake justice in a real American courtroom should she ever become injured/stepped upon by said corporate entity simply because she has elected to perform some service to them in exchange for money to live on.  I addition to this the “required” immunizations (flu shots) which BTW left at least one known high school student a literal “retard” (using a non-PC word here) and the complete destruction of yet another American family, swine flu mandatory road stops and quarrantine camps aside.

Magically disappearing oil, Russia on fire and the August 3 coronal mass ejection aside, how was your day.  Be thankful they have not bombed Iran yet I guess.


  1. The stories are endless . . . . . hard to understand how we’ve always considered ourselves “special” and above 3rd world status and, yet . . . . . where are we exactly?

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