The Squeaky Wheel

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Reuters is reporting that Tim Geithner is unhappy with Obama’s new Bank Regulatory policy-

dday asks-

and Jon Walker says-

Not to mention the Beltway Bloggers are pitching a fit-


What lessons do you draw from this?


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  1. How many divisions does he have?

    • sharon on January 22, 2010 at 04:01

    expected to be the consequence of his election.  even with the scotus decision today, this is making me smile.

  2. …which would definitely be a clear sign that someone got a wake up call.  

  3. … are unhappy with the policy, then the policy has passed the first hurdle and deserves a closer look.

  4. honestly, what the fuck is that guy doing anywhere near the Treasury. Fuck him.  

  5. I’m not that fond of Bernanke, either, but given a choice between the two, Bernanke is probably saner.  Geithner is just another cog in the Corporations are People Too wheel.


    A pox on both their houses.  Why does anyone still listen to any of the neoliberal economists?

    Trickle-down?  Piss On You!

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