Enuff ‘z Enuff: We’re gonna rein in our damnable lobbyists!

This is IT, man!  The bankers’s lobbyists pissed on the bankers’s rugs, man, and a line in the sand has been drawn.

Right before their very noses, and in the midst of the worst political and financial regulatory crisis since at least the Great Depression,  the banks’ lobbyists have been over-aggressively trying to quash real financial reform, totally unbeknownst to the bankers.  And this has infuriated bankers.

An angry and victimized Goldman Sachs investment banker, Jeff Lebowski, read the news aghast,  still dressed in his paisley bathrobe and drinking his morning Ovaltine, angrily sputtered,

This will not stand, man!

CEO of JP Morgan Chase, Jamie Dimon delivered a more inflected and innuendoed  response to the news of failed financial reform, first quoting the great American poet, Wallace Stevens:

From oriole to crow, note the decline

In music. Crow is realist. But, then,

Oriole, also, may be realist.

(update: here, both Stevens and Dimon fix upon you a sidewards pomegranate eye!)

Some read this as a vague middle finger to President Barack Obama’s tongue-lashing of the banks on network television on the previous evening.  When queried for clarification, Dimon said he was obviously chiding Stevens for failing to notice that “The jay is the fucking populist, man!”  And with that, it seems, financial reform is all but guaranteed.


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  1. That was hard to see, but maybe there will be something for this financial mess, something more than letters and commercials, and a special comment.

    Check this video about one minute, guess what they are saying

  2. The Chinaman is NOT the issue!

    (On second thought, maybe he is.)

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