An interesting visit to my blog!

So, I posted a story to my blog: Australian adviser to US military provides chilling insight into neo-colonial mentality.  It wasn’t heavy on analysis, as the original article did that.  BTW: It’s well worth the read.

You have to understand, on a good week (usually involving a Kucinich video), I’ll get around 600 hits.  A normal week somewhere between 100 and 200 hits.  It’s a better rate than the average blog (my understanding is the average blog gets ~1 hit per day or maybe week, and that’s probably the mean blog instead of average blog).  I get most of my hits (according to sitemeter) from reddit and

Speaking of sitemeter, I looked at the stats for today (I usually check referrals), and several were of the unknown variety, so I looked a little deeper.  I checked details (which tells what web domain the user is visiting from.  And there I saw it!!

So I hope this leads toward Mr. Kilcullen no longer working for the US military (fat chance).

On the other hand…if I totally disappear…..


  1. It’s always fun when someone in the government takes notice, even if what they notice is the original posting and not the portal for that posting.

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