The Illuminati Times

Personal Armageddon first.

Socio-Mom and her lawyer want to sign papers keeping all the assets in a trust the Wall Street fat cats, the IRS, the health care providers and the lawyers can suckle on.  My oldest daughter, expecting, unemployed and therefore uninsured is procedurally on her way to being homeless.  Huge fight with my other daughter about their financial habits.  But that was only after visiting my former employer and getting the news they hired a yuppie twenty something to replace me and a co-worker who had 22+26 years of collective experience.

Obviously getting things done is not a priority here, asskissing is.

Health Care Double header!…

Yes, I will stick that needle in your eye.…

Note the 12,000 lab experiment figure.

From Amy Goodman interviews a former Israeli minister to clarify the term anti-semitism.…

Once again and not worth mentioning, corpo-rat mockingbird media seeks to pollute your mind by diverting attention to some “racial” type incident about a Harvard professor.   Blow by blow the intimate details of who said what about such a non newsworthy topic prompts people once again to get pissed off about race.

Be especially vigilant this week for “drills”.  Billed as NLE09 this crap is the stuff 911 was made of.

The North American Union is being re-marketed and rebranded in the wake of bad publicity.  They want to “humanize” the founding principles of perpetual unemployment started by the original NAFTA in 1993.

David Dees has yet another prize winning graphic about this week’s Bohemian Grove campout.  That would be on right now.


  1. Pentacon survivor filing lawsuit.  Court documents here.


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