WWL Radio #12 @ 6pm EDT: Surviving Armegeddon Intact

Join us tonight for an unscripted version of WWL Radio, as I discuss in raw and brutal honesty the emotional fallout of living in these times with Ed Encho and Gottlieb.

We want to hear your voices too.

Have you become more jaded, more isolated, or more involved and connected?

Has it brought a depression or a rage to your life to live in financial collapse, or endure certain job loss?

Do you feel like going postal or going fetal?

The call in number is 646-929-1264

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

The live chat link will be active after 5:30-ish.


Be warned: We have had ongoing technical problems with BTR, so be patient on the line, and if dropped, call back!!!!


    • Diane G on March 27, 2009 at 19:39

    this link for our further consideration:


    Talk to you all tonight. There will probably be a lot of us on air, so be nice, take turns and remember to identify yourself when speaking if you will.

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