Revolutionary Cred

I spent well over 15,000 hours conservatively, $546 thousand at my customary rate (very reasonable) not counting the money I spent or the $10 grand my thieving traitorous Vice President stole from me while she was cheating on my brother, achieving my ambition of becoming Capo di Tutti.


Hey, I won, and the rejoicing was not universal but I really don’t care because I achieved my primary goals. My advancement changed the political system forever and the reforms I instituted and the norms I defended did not come without a political cost.

Doesn’t matter. They still have to play ‘Hail to the Chief’.

Anyway even the reigning part wasn’t Skittles and Beer, it was 3 more years of 40 hour weeks pissing on fires and sticking your finger in the dike and I could have done it forever if I hadn’t gotten bored and tired.

Oddly enough I turned it over to a guy who had sabotaged me personally and professionally and is (if he is still alive) perhaps the most reckless person I’ve ever met. But he was competent and loyal (yes to me and eventually) and very importantly willing even though he knew what was involved in terms of work.

I spent 10 more years in purgatory but I’m done. People who know me approach me, sometimes for big projects (predominately bad ideas) and I try to explain-

It’s like having a very powerful and harmful Super Power. Sure you can, but should you?