(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
Reader Supported News: OWS Organizers Blast MoveOn (10.15.11)
Occupy Wall Street Basic Information~
Civil Rights Resources for Occupying, How to Donate money or food,
Web sites & Facebook pages to find an Occupy near YOU, Live Streaming links,
Unions/Organizations/People in Solidarity & more.
Previous editions in this series can be found HERE for earlier articles, etc
**NOTE: Updates will be done at the TOP of each section & have an asterisk**
PARTICIPATE: Locate Occupy Events in YOUR area–WORLDWIDE!!
The 1% have addresses. The 99% have messages.
Life gets awfully lonely for those at the top. What can we do to let them know someone’s thinking of them? Maybe they need some new friends! We’ve thought of two ways we can help them with that.PARTICIPATE TODAY: Occupy Their Mailboxes The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
ATTEND: Occupy Wall St. Benefit Show !
Saturday, October 22 at 6:30pm – October 23 at 2:00am
Gussy’s Bar & Grill 20-14 29th St Queens, NYTURN ON LIVE STREAM: open a tab for Live Stream- Global Revolution
SIGN PETITION: Working America: I Am Not Your ATM
SIGN PETITION: WE the People: petition the obama administration to: Make Bribing Politicians Illegal
SIGN PETITION: Change.org: NYC Mayor: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Change.org: Occupy Wall Street: Occupy TogetherSIGN PETITION: AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Credo: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
Over 200,000 signatures!
Help us expose the auction. If you’ve received political fundraising solicitations on the phone or over email, submit them!SIGN PETITION: Eric Grieco: Tell Congress: We need jobs, not cuts!
(for more info see “Petitions” HERE)DOWNLOAD: POSTERS!!
(see more under “NEWSPAPER/MEDIA” HERE)WEAR/DISPLAY/SHOW Your Solidarity: CafePress store T-shirts!
T-shirts, bumper stickers, decals, mugs & much much more!
99% items, Occupy Items, Fawke ItemsSHARE A RIDE: Are you going to an Occupy event & have room in your car? Do you want to go but have no ride?
Carpool-to-Occupy is endorsing yRides (promoted by Occupy Together)
Reader Supported News: OWS Organizers Blast MoveOn (10.15.11)
Are You with an Occupy Event? Make sure YOUR General Assembly sees this:
*Recognition of Oppression Across Occupations – ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’
Occupy Together Meetups
in 1995 cities as of 10.19.11 at 1pm EDT
Occupy Together is creating has created an Occupy Directory!
Please make sure YOUR Occupy Group is listed!
please excuse any repeated listings.
**PDF**The Sanders Report on the GAO Audit on Major Conflicts of Interest at the Federal ReserveMarketWatch: Todd Harrison: The mindful revolution (10.19.11)
Irish Times: Paul Krugman: Wall Street’s whining cannot be taken seriously (10.18.11)
Irish Times: Naomi Wolf arrested at NY protest (10.19.11)
CNN: Wall Street demonstrations may get star power (10.19.11)
Miami Herald: Leonard Pitts: World’s eyes on Occupy movement (10.19.11)
Mainichi: $435,000 could help NY protesters endure winter (10.19.11)
(this report is from South Africa)
IOL: At Occupy Wall St, the 1% are people too (10.19.11)UPI: N.Y. cop disciplined for pepper spray (10.19.11)
“Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna was given a so-called command discipline and will lose 10 paid vacation days, police told tThe New York Times and other news organizations.”(excellent ideas)
PRWeb: TAP America Provides Next Steps for Occupy Movement – 87 Percent of Americans Blame Washington Over Wall Street for Poor U.S. Economy (10.19.11)
The State: Occupy Columbia vigil not hampered by rain (10.19.11)The State: Video: Occupy Columbia protestors
(this is BIG news in SC)Crooks & Liars: Heather: Erin Burnett Panel Drowned Out by #OWS Protesters (10.18.11)
MSNBC: AP: China: Occupy Wall Street’s issues worth thought (10.17.11)
MSNBC: AP: Latest developments in the global Occupy protests (10.19.11)
Post & Courier: Prentiss Findlay: Local Occupy eyes orderly event(10.19.11)
RawStory: Agence France-Presse: (10.18.11)
Huffington Post: Lita Smith-Mines: Occupying the Hamptons (10.17.11)
RawStory: Andrew Jones: Fox News promotes Nazis who claim to support ‘Occupy Wall St.’ (10.18.11)
RawStory: Megan Carpentier: New Jersey Sen. Lautenberg says it’s time for a new WPA (10.8.11)
NYTimes: Where Do You Rank Among the 99% or 1%?
and some of the Readers AnswersNY Times: David Brooks: The Great Restoration (10.7.11)
(the following article link was emailed to me)
Charlotte Observer Daily Views: A troubling side to Occupy?(which referenced these two articles:)
Politico: Ben Smith: Israel group attacks Occupy Wall Street on bias (10.13.11)(and another aticle about this)
RawStory: Andrew Jones: Fox News promotes Nazis who claim to support ‘Occupy Wall St.’ (10.18.11)(and my answer is:)
HERE and more fully HERECharlotte Observer Blog: Taylor Batten: For protesters, no bathrooms to occupy (10.18.11)
Charlotte Observer: Gavin Off: A well-mannered but persistent protest (10.18.11)
(really good article~ria)
News & Record: Joe Killian: What I saw at “Occupy Greensboro” (10.17.11)News & Record: Protest Sunday ‘occupies’ Winston-Salem (10.17.11)
News & Record: Taft Wireback: Occupy protesters look for new campsite (10.17.11)
StarNews: Marc Lacey: Countless Grievances, One Thread: We’re Angry(10.17.11)
StarNews: LTE: A Voice in the Wilderness (10.18.11)
StarNews: LTE: Manufacturing jobs flurish[sic] in America
>StarNews: NANCY FOLBRE: Storming the Capitalist Castle (10.17.11)
WSPA TV7: Karen Kelley: Occupy Asheville Protestors Arrested (10.18.11)
WSPA TV7: Asheville City Council Leaders Find Place For Protestors(10.12.11)
NYT 538: Nate Silver: The Geography of Occupying Wall Street (And Everywhere Else) (10.17.11)
(yeah, i can pull numbers out my ass & prove a point also. pffft! ~ria)DemocracyNOW: OWS coverage (10.17.11)
(EC investigating bank fraud)
Irish Times: EC raids banks over lending ‘cartel’ (10.19.11)Irish Times: Protesters say they plan to stay despite weather (10.19.11)
Huffington Post: Matthew Motta: Solidarity in Sweden (10.17.11)
RawStory: Agence France-Presse: Bolivian native protest march nears La Paz (10.18.11)
Irish Times: Violence over Dale Farm eviction (10.19.11)
(evicting Travellers after over a decade of them living there)PBS: The true cost of the bank bailout (09.03.10)
(It was NOT $700 Billion spent on propping up our nation’s financial system. The U.S. has lent, spent or guaranteed as much as $12.8 Trillion to rescue the economy. And most of that taxpayer money hasn’t had much public scrutiny at all.)RawStory: Eric W Dolan: Ohio lawmaker: Drug test bailed out bankers and politicians (10.18.11)
(can you believe this? Occupy must be doing something right)
RawStory: Stephen C Webster: Failed banker-turned Senate candidate funds ‘End the Occupation’ website(10.18.11)NPR: Income Disparity And The ‘Price Of Civilization’ (& Audio) (10.18.11)
Nation of Change: Michael Spence: The Global Jobs Challenge (10.7.11)
Sen. Sanders List of 10 worst corporate income tax avoiders
HereIsTheCity: More Uncertainty As Two Firms Said Likely To Lay-off Thousands More Staff (10.17.11)
HereIsTheCity: 11 Of America’s Highest Paid CEO’s (10.17.11)
CBS: Stephanie Condon: Number of Millionaires in Congress: 261 (11.17.10)
Gothamist: Ben Muessig: Bloomberg Spent $102 Million On Campaign(11.28.09)
DKos: Eddie C: Poison in the Water, Corruption in the Air (10.16.11)
LATimes: Lowe’s to lay off 1,950 workers and close 20 stores (10.17.11)
AlterNet: Robert Greenwald: More Reports of Cancer Near Koch Brothers’ Factory (10.18.11)
(with the bonus video I found illustrating)
Fiat Money
@kgosztola Kevin Gosztola
#OWS is not going to get in the business of helping two major US political parties further rig system. They aren’t a #GOTV movement.
9 minutes ago via web (10.16.11 7:51pmEDT)OccupyEarth Occupy Earth
We #OccupyEarth and we claim the right to protect our land from unsustainable interests. #globalchange #tomalacalle15o #Oct15 #takewallst
2 minutes ago (10.12.11 appx 9:45pm EDT)@OccupyPeoria OccupyPeoria
We’re not the left. We’re not the right. We are the bottom and we’re coming up. #ows #occupychi #occupypeoria #occupyamerica #occupyearth
8 Oct via web (9:45amEDT)OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Organizations and politicians are supporting us but they are not sponsoring us #ows
about 3 hours ago (10.08.11 appx 8:20am EDT)OpWallStreet #OccupyAmerica
by OccupyWallSt
To those who are worried about #OWS becoming co-opted by partisan politics, DONT WORRY. #OccupyWallStreet by design cant be controlled.
9 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 2am EDT)
ZombieBankDeathSquads: LYNCH PIN
“Stop a Zombie Banker Man!”Nation of Change: Sarah Van Gelder: Why The Occupy Movement Stands Apart
Chris Hedges speaks out on Occupy Wall Street!
Chris Hedges in Times Square, October 15, 2011