(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Cornel West was just arrested in front of the Supreme Court!***
*Live Stream october2011 recorded live on 10/16/11 at 3:50
*Live Stream october2011 recorded live on 10/16/11 at 3:52 CORNEL WEST ARRESTED
Occupy Wall Street Basic Information~
Civil Rights Resources for Occupying, How to Donate money or food,
Web sites & Facebook pages to find an Occupy near YOU, Live Streaming links,
Unions/Organizations/People in Solidarity & more.
Previous editions in this series can be found HERE for earlier articles, etc
**NOTE: Updates will be done at the TOP of each section & have an asterisk**
Occupy Their Mailboxes The Pen Is Mightier Than The SwordATTEND: Occupy Wall St. Benefit Show !
Saturday, October 22 at 6:30pm – October 23 at 2:00am
Gussy’s Bar & Grill 20-14 29th St Queens, NYTURN ON LIVE STREAM: open a tab for Live Stream- Global Revolution
SIGN PETITION: WE the People: petition the obama administration to: Make Bribing Politicians Illegal
SIGN PETITION: Change.org: NYC Mayor: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Change.org: Occupy Wall Street: Occupy TogetherSIGN PETITION: AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Credo: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Eric Grieco: Tell Congress: We need jobs, not cuts!
(for more info see “Petitions” HERE)DOWNLOAD: POSTERS!!
(see more under “NEWSPAPER/MEDIA” HERE)WEAR/DISPLAY 99%: CafePress store T-shirts!
SHARE A RIDE: Are you going to an Occupy event & have room in your car? Do you want to go but have no ride?
Carpool-to-Occupy is endorsing yRides (promoted by Occupy Together)
Are You with an Occupy Event? Make sure YOUR General Assembly sees this:
*Recognition of Oppression Across Occupations – ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’
Occupy Together Meetups
in 1831 cities as of 10.16.11 at 1pm EDT
Occupy Together is creating has created an Occupy Directory!
Please make sure YOUR Occupy Group is listed!
First Declaration of the Occupation of New York City 09.29.11
Be sure to see the TWO posts from Oct 15 Oct 15 #1 and Oct 15 #2 for a wealth of articles, photos, videos & Live Stream links.
please excuse any repeated listings.
*BREAKING: CORNELL WEST ARRESTED AT SUPREME CT. BUILDING*The Venus Project: Response to Occupy Wall Street (10.16.11)
*Washington Post: Ezra Klein: Financiers for Occupying Wall Street (10.14.11)
*HuffingtonPost: Al Gore: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street (10.13.11)
*KnowThankYou: We Are Corporate Compost: Government Of The Corporation (10.16.11)
*RawStory: Eric W. Dolan: ‘Occupy’ protesters remain camped out in Frankfurt and London (10.16.11)
*MotherJones: Josh Harkinson: Exclusive: Video of NYPD’s Arrests at Washington Square Park (10.16.11)
Daily Chronicle wants YOUR opinion on OWS
(poll at bottom right)Read more: http://lancasteronline.com/art…
(10.15.11)Occupy Detroit: Need to get the word out
Bloomberg: Max Abelson: Wall Street Sees ‘No Exit’ From Financial Woes as Bankers Fret (10.12.11)
SodaHead: Jason Easley: Rupert Murdoch Declares War On Occupy Wall Street (10.10.11)
(some related Good News)
Slate: Peter Fulham: Billionaire Hedge Fund Founder Given 11 Years Sentence (10.13.11)MotherJones: A Global Day of Action for Occupy Wall Street (10.15.11)
Gawker: Adrian Chen: Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD (10.15.11)
Gawker: Lauri Apple: Citibank Not Alone in Turning Away Account-Closing Customers (10.16.11)
The Atlantic: James Fallows: ‘False Equivalence’ Reaches Onionesque Heights, but in a Real Paper (10.15.11)(referring/answering above article)
MotherJones: Kevin Drum: Reality Has Changed, Reporting Should Change Too (10.15.11)Nation: John Nichols: The 99 Percent Rise Up (10.14.11)
Reddit: The City of Cleveland Said ‘NO Tents”
NewsNet5: Mike Vielhaber: Occupy Cleveland protesters granted public event permit (10.13.11)
DKos: Senor Unoball: San Jose: Millions Withdrawn from Bank of America and Wells Fargo!+ (10.13.11)
Liberal OC: Dan Chmielewski: Scenes from Occupy Irvine (10.15.11)
HuffingtonPost: SNL Mocks Bloomberg Over Occupy Wall Street (VIDEO) (10.16.11)
DKos: pistols at dawn: Middle-Class Tourist Visits #OWS, Debunks Myths (with photos)+ (10.15.11)
poco, in the comments of above post relates a story about Police Stand-off
LBO News: Doug Henwood: OWS takes a walk uptown (10.15.11)
NY Times: NELSON D. SCHWARTZ and ERIC DASH: In Private, Wall St. Bankers Dismiss Protesters as Unsophisticated (10.14.11)AROUND THE WORLD
*Chronicle Herald: DIANA MEHTA: Occupy Canada keeps peace(10.16.11)*Globe & Mail: kim mackrael: CAW throws support behind growing Occupy movement (10.15.11)
“Canadian Auto Workers, Service Employees International Union, and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada have all endorsed the movement”Guardian: Alan Travis: Riot curfews for public proposed by Home Office (10.13.11)
@SalmanRushdie Salman Rushdie
No not just kids. All ages all races – this feels like everyone. No leader, no ideology: just a demand to fix a broken system. #occupywallst
14 minutes ago via Mobile Web (10.6.11 4:28pmEDT)@SalmanRushdie Salman Rushdie
At #OccupyWallStreet now. It’s so civil and polite. And the idealism is overwhelming. Keep going kids!
38 minutes ago via Mobile Web (10.6.11 4:32pmEDT)@SenatorSanders Bernie Sanders
How do we change the system to work for all Americans, not just the top 1%? 6) Establish a Wall Street speculation fee. #ows
30 minutes ago via HootSuite (10.16.11 3:30pmEDT)@franyafranya franya
From Buddhists to great-grandmothers, #Halifax’s best minds & hearts came out in support of #occupyns on #oct15 – peaceably assembling. #ows
24 minutes ago via TweetDeck@FELDart Frank
RT @CBCAlerts: ‘Occupy’ protesters take to Toronto streets again . Dozens chant, ‘Whose streets? Our streets!’ #occupy
19 minutes ago via TweetDeck (10.16.11 3:45pmEDT)@GregK_ABC Gregory Krieg
You can’t arrest an idea, they say. Incredible the turns this keeps taking. #OWS
21 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone (10.15.11 appx 12:30pm EDT)@JeffreyFeldman JeffreyFeldman
Amazing to see people standing together across the US, public squares filled across Europe. Just…wow #OWS #OccupyWallStreet
23 hours ago via TweetDeck (10.15.1 appx 2:30pmEDT)@TheNewDeal TheNewDeal
0 Bankers Were Arrested After Purposely Crashing Our Economy. 1,000s Have Been Arrested for Speaking Up About it. #OWS
14 Oct via webOccupyEarth Occupy Earth
We #OccupyEarth and we claim the right to protect our land from unsustainable interests. #globalchange #tomalacalle15o #Oct15 #takewallst
2 minutes ago (10.12.11 appx 9:45pm EDT)@OccupyPeoria OccupyPeoria
We’re not the left. We’re not the right. We are the bottom and we’re coming up. #ows #occupychi #occupypeoria #occupyamerica #occupyearth
8 Oct via web (9:45amEDT)OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Organizations and politicians are supporting us but they are not sponsoring us #ows
about 3 hours ago (10.08.11 appx 8:20am EDT)OpWallStreet #OccupyAmerica
by OccupyWallSt
To those who are worried about #OWS becoming co-opted by partisan politics, DONT WORRY. #OccupyWallStreet by design cant be controlled.
9 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 2am EDT)
*Tony Tracy: #OccupyHalifax / #OccupyNS Occupation Photos
(scroll thru others)*CBS: “Occupy” protests go global
*Group hug at #OccupyHalifax / #OccupyNS occupation
(scroll thru others)DKos: Occupy Wall Street goes global, in pictures
Police in front of bank of America’s hq in nyc
(click “display media”)Photos from Day 1 – Occupy London Stock Exchange
(need a laugh?)
We Are the 1 PercentRawStory: Slideshow: Occupy Wall Street Posters
Global Grind: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global (PHOTOS)
LINK to TheOther99’s photo account
We Are the 99 Percent (bring tissues!)
Official Occupy Wall Street Flicker Photos (ALL from people THERE)
*RoarMagazine: Jérôme E. Roos: Global revolution: protests in 1,000+ cities – in videos (10.16.11)
*Raging Grannies at Nova Scotia
Tens of thousands of people fill the Puerta del Sol in Madrid while playing the ‘Ode to Joy’. October 15, 2011
They’re holding their empty palms in the air, chanting “These are our weapons!”
It’s to show their peaceful resistance movement.Global Revolution Live is scrolling through Protests Worldwide!!
Occupy Wall Street Music Video
Shocking statistics illustrate the song “The Bus” written by Scott Ernster.Occupy Dame Street, Dublin Ireland
Occupy Wallstreet Humans On Planet Earth (appx 20min)