Obama: Hard-anodizing the Hierarchy

(4 PM – promoted by TheMomCat)

The problem with Teflon is that Teflon peels, eventually. But you see? Rust never sleeps.

Teflon fails quickly when hard tools touch it. You see, when there is a Republican holding the Highest Office in the Land, the non-Fox media at least objects marginally to the actions of the Hierarchy. The Left, however breaks out the big tools – questions tough as nails, tries to scrape away the facade with steel wool investigations. Teflon barely worked for Ronnie. Teflon was an epic fail for Bush the lesser.

Clinton had Teflon, though the Left used softer tools on him, like nylon flippers for NAFTA. But in the end, the harder tools of the Right made Teflon “suck” for him, so to speak. Even many on the Left were turned off by that affair.

So, you see, they needed better cover. Some how they had to electrify the process to create an impenetrable coating for the Hierarchy. They needed a coating that was not only surface veneer, but something that would create a reaction that hardened the actual base itself in such a way nothing would ever stick. Yes, yes, electrify the base, create a whole new brand of “change” to keep the inner workings coated in such a way nothing would get through. Enter Stage “Right”….

::All-Clad Obama::


I mean, what better tool to use than a hardened black exterior that won’t chip or peel, with a polished pale interior that is so shiny it blinds?

The coating transcends criticism – if you complain about the dishes served up – you are either a racist or unable to fathom its shining brilliance.

As for its performance? The inner core is  made of EXACTLY the same stuff all the other Hierarchy Cookware has ever been made from. It’s always about the Copper, baby. The Coin.

With an Obama Presidency, the Right only lobs ludicrous accusations that would never stick: Birth certificates, Muslim extremist, or Socialist. Not one of those accusations could or were meant to stick you see. They were made only for the appearance of trying to singe his coating. The only tools they have used against him, really are mushy and soft – so many soured grapes just sliding pathetically to the floor.

The Left, however, seems more intent on “protecting” him from those grapes, then making any attempt at all to scratch beneath the surface. He can do anything at all; take actions more horrific than Bush, be a bigger war criminal than Cheney, out-source worse than Clinton, give away more than Bush Sr to the rich, and spy on more people than Hoover ever dreamed. Not a single weapon of mass instruction dares challenge All-Clad Obama on any of it.

When Bush had Gitmo open for business, it was a war crime. With Obama, there’s just no other options, the poor dear!

When Bush bailed out Bankers, he was a crook. Obama bails them out further and he is just trying to “save us” from a depression.

When Bush talked about cutting “entitlements” he was the evil, when Obama does the same? Crickets.

When Bush declared “War on Terror” as a tool to make War on any Nation he so chose, we screamed about the Unitary Executive. With Obama, they just cheer the killing of the “bad guys.”

When Bush restricted access to the process, there were screams for transparency; Obama’s administration is even less accessible, and no one tries to break the barrier.

When Bush spied, it violated our rights, when Obama allows rape-scanners, its only security.

And the drone bombings? Where are our War Protesters in light of this? FINALLY coming to the game as part of the Occupy movement.

Image Source

You see?

Nothing sticks to Hard-anodization. If its part and parcel of your “base” it must be good, otherwise you would have to admit that the “base” itself is the problem. The right won’t attack, because it is getting what it wants, and the left won’t because we are dazzled by the shiny new tool. But in the end, our asses are cooked unless we wake up.

No matter what coating you attach, or process you use to change the surface to impenetrable; the bottom line is the kettle works for the “pot” no matter what color the coating. And the money is in the pot. And the heat’s being turned up. And we are getting burned.

I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking if Obama’s an All-Clad tool, then we are just common tools too, unless we break out and realize than even the most protected “core” can be reached if we turn up the heat like never before.

Hey, Melting Pot? Its time for them to meet Smelting Pot. Its time to spread the copper out!


Lets get out of the blue, out of the black and into the “Real” RED!

Global People’s Unity!


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    • Diane G on October 30, 2011 at 17:24

    there’s more to the picture than meets the eye…

  1. is highly toxic once scratched.  Have you tried those new stoneware pans?

    Mr Peace Prize adds more countries to the terrorist/Russia replacement enemy list than……

    Oh, did I say I have NOT had medical insurance since 2008?

    Did I not blog about the Orwellian surveillance state,911 truth, BARDA and the big pharma/GMO/factory nutrient deficient food supply since before being banned from the Great Orange Satan?

    Many of the prophecies/futurism studies I see as relevant point to the/a last US President whom I take as Obama and real serious relevant adult based news?  In the English language?  Nah, ain’t happening.

  2. Information Act. Just a small change: If information exists, just let the Govt. say I doesn’t, cause Americans need protection. And since he appears on talk shows, everthing must be cool. A nice change of law to go along with Citizens United. I wonder how he’ll try to pull this one off? An amendment hidden somewhere? An executive quasi order? Just do it? Magic?

  3. the “State AG’s” with Obama’s blessing desired deal with the banks.

    He’s literally cheering for the banks to get off with nothing and they are all about how Republicans are going to destroy the country?!

    And I tell them, listen, you are not batting an eye about the things that used to get you totally incensed!  Obama’s literally deciding to kill American citizens by drone attack with a secret court and people are going “so?”.

    It’s on their heads — when a Democrat blows up Social Security and Obama agrees and does everything in his power to assure Social Security remains under attack, by appointing people like Simpson.  They deserve what they get.  

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