(11 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
No money for infrastructure? Get ready to crumble! July 28: Ed Rendell, former governor of Pennsylvania, talks with TRMS guest host Melissa Harris-Perry about the litany of benefits that would come with more investment in US infrastructure and the certain disaster if Republicans succeed in slashing government spending.
Not only infrastructure but add in alternative energy and new needed grid needs for.
We were the ones that started those alternatives some forty years ago and allowed the brakes to lock on advancing further by the same forces now funding the climate change deniers, and we would have been on a growth cycle, like China, with Our Debt Monies, and many others who are leaving us far behind, once they all envied us, these past five years if we had once again, especially with these wars, taken up that American spirit of innovation now long gone or exported, not still collapsing.
Construction trades professionals, and like Rendell says in above video manufacturers, like myself would not be in forced early retirement or, as more are, just out of work and out of unemployment but not old enough to retire.

Let alone bringing in younger workers, especially the veterans of the present conflicts who have trades or are using the GI Bill and would start small businesses as contractors, sub-contractors or manufacturers especially with government help and start up funding, who’ve shied from the trades, into good paying jobs of hard work where they earn it with brawn and brain and spend what they work hard to earn creating many other much needed jobs, that’s capitalism as long as the worker shares in the fruits of their labor!

And of course we already know about this issue and the reality as to that incoming jobs party of the 112th congress:
July 28, 2011 – The number of people laid off this week because of the congressional wrangling over fiscal issues keeps growing. As we’ve been reporting, the Federal Aviation Administration has been forced into partial shutdown by the argument. CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has an update.A $31 million air traffic control tower at Oakland International Airport has been halted in mid-construction, idling workers like Greg Talmage.
And at FAA headquarters, there are empty offices of nearly 1,000 furloughed workers.
It’s all because Congress can’t agree on a new $16 billion a year funding bill for the FAA. The old one expired Friday.
That hits every big weak spot in the economy. Around 70,000 construction workers and nearly 3,500 FAA employees have been furloughed. About 150 airport construction projects have been stalled. And $200 million per week in ticket taxes are lost because the FAA has no authority to collect them.
snip Today, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood urged Congress to solve their disputes.
“And for all of my friends on Capitol Hill who give speeches every day about jobs, the importance of jobs, putting people to work — this is not the time to be laying off 70,000 construction workers,” said LaHood. read more>>>
We did it before, and I grew up in and into, and that’s what built our once strong middle class that now is being destroyed by bottom line failed economic capitalism!