(noon. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
This is an Open Thread

Essays Featured Wednesday the 13th of April:
Highway Song begins the day in Late Night Karaoke, mishima DJs
TheMomCat most kindly gives us a repeat performance of her Health & Fitness News.
Todays recipes focus on Desert!
originally posted on Saturdays at The Stars Hollow Gazette
Wednesday Open Thoughts from Youffraita are some great LoL’s
Today Gabriel D‘s Perfect Conversation discussion is centered on & around:
the idea of The Lottery Exemption
Pine Cones on the Stoop from Wendys Wink, republished by RiaD
from Timbuk3: The 100 Greatest Rock Songs of All Time!
Tonight #83
is being a bit sluggish today
i must need to blow out the pixel-webs