Mid March and the Third Six

I specifically recall the predictions of mid March 2011 being full of disaster.  Granted these prophecies focused on the financial but wow.  Six Japanese melted down reactors and “fake” projections of nuclear fallout reaching the entire western hemisphere in 6 days?

Kind of makes Obama and his endorsements of torture, destabilizing the entire middle east deliberately, escalating Bush’s old Wars of Error while expanding the TSA airport pervometers to local little league games and WalMarts on top of demanding mandatory unicorn flu shots for all.

Time magazine once named Hitler man of the year now says get over data mining.



Are there not six of these reactors in danger?  Should we care about what Obama thinks?  Or Charlie Sheen?   Meltdown Black Monday on Wall Street, fill up the gas tanks and tack up the Apocalyptic horses.

Wow! Six reactors

Six days

Looking for that third six here.