(noon. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Regular Daily Features:
- The Yardbirds kick off the day in Late Night Karaoke, mishima DJs
- Six Brilliant Articles! from Six Different Places!! on Six Different Topics!!!
Six Days a Week!!! at Six in the Morning!!!!
Essays Featured Tuesday, February 22nd:
- In Tuesday Open Thoughts puzzled queries What would You do?
- tnichlsn kindly allowed me to republish his inspirational essay:
Adventures in Community Gardening in Boston’s South End - Lady Libertine shares her recently located family history & celebrates TWO birthdays in Happy Birthday George!
- Firefly Memories 1.0 is where Alma takes a look back at some of the Brilliant essays of our first years posts, highlighting those which exemplify our firefly-dreaming spirit and mission.
Today:Enabled Gardening 1
join the conversation! come firefly-dreaming with me….
keeping the light on for ya