Goat-Grabbing in Samangan Province, Afghanistan


The sport of Buzkashi consists of grabbing the carcass of a goat off the ground while you ride at high speed in a stampede of 40 or 50 horses and riders, and then depositing the carcass across a finish line in the “Circle of Justice” while all the other riders try to knock you off your horse.

This is an image of the American “mission” in Afghanistan.




  1. Samangan province has 60 hospital beds for a population 350,000.

    But with the same ratio of hospital beds to population which the developed world enjoys, the number of hospital beds in Samangan Province would be 2400.

  2. So your “career” goes away as they put a gun to your head and pay you off to shut up and not sue them for that non-existent diversity group age.  You then sit on your ass and collect unemployment for 99 weeks before you realize all of the other bean counters who got laid off have created the internet job listings and hiring practices inspired by the highest of Satan’s minions.  

    You find the same job listed by the real company plus nine other “temp agencies” so the real company don’t have to pay benefits.

    You seek out lawyers which you can no longer afford and discover there is no justice.  You stop going to the doctor and dentist.  You can’t go shopping to relieve depression, can’t afford to fix up the house, the car and worry about your kids who are worse off.

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