Arguing Teeth


Now, I’ll bet the first thing you think, when confronted with this image is:

Well, how many teeth does that shark have anyway?

Now picture that smile inches away from your face in the water.

Are you still prepared to argue about it’s teeth?

PhotobucketI’ve heard every single accusation and label now, out here on the lonely left, where so very few of us gather dreaming of taking our message beyond our choir. Alarmist. Reactionary. Prophets of the Dire. Doom and Gloom Set. Tin-foil Hatter. Tree-Hugging-pinko-commie-dirty-fucking-hippy.


Not to speak the obvious, but remember what stopped the Vietnam War? Is there anyone alive who thinks we should still be fighting it?

Remember “Silent Spring?” Is there anyone alive who would prefer extinct Bald Eagles and DDT in our food chain?

Who truly wants worker safety regulations, 90 hour work weeks, child labor, and segregation to all come back as the norm?

Today the scholars, the thinkers, the very people trying to protect the interests of the people have become branded as enemies of the people.  Today, every single one of those gains made are being reversed. This is the irony of it all. As downsizing empties the cubicle next to you, do you not find your work load doubled, your lunches cut short, that you bring work home, even after working overtime and weekends for no EXTRA pay, just for the “privilege” of showing yourself to be valuable enough to not get the next ax? Has any minority filled those empty cub-eys lately? Any hispanic? Any gay? Any radical islamic trying to destroy America?  Has “big government” decreed that your job be outsourced overseas? Was it the Democrats who told BP to not follow safety regulations and forever trash the pristine Gulf of Mexico coastline? Will Republicans shrink government enough when your unemployment gets cut off, your social security is eliminated and your Mom cannot have her breast cancer addressed because it is now “pay up front” for any surgeries?

We have been indoctrinated to the Holy Writ of Capitalism to the point that we cannot see we are about to be swallowed whole.

We have been intentionally, pragmatically dumbed down to almost the dark ages, where religious writ is now science and and we cheer for the Lions on our Reality TV Gladiator games. Intellect and questioning is ridiculed and the backwoods Bubba mindset is lauded as “Real America.” We swallow scapegoats like gumdrops, and beg to be the ones to throw the “evil” into the volcano to appease the Gods and our lost “way of life.”

Even those on the “Left” have fallen prey to useless argument about how best to support their tooth in the shark. Or which faction should splash the loudest in front of it.

“We need to support the Democrats, because they seem to eat us a little slower than the Republicans,” or “This candidate is better on gays, immigration, education, health care…”

While each and every pet issue on the Left is admirable and in the best interests of the common good, at this point? Its all arguing about the TEETH.

We can no longer redress a system that does not exist.

Let me be perfectly clear here.




Ponder this Jeffersonian quote:

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.

Our government has become Big Business, and has outsourced nearly every aspect to Private Industry from our Security, to the very process that Elects its officials. We have allowed the line to blend, to blur and finally become nonexistent between the two.

We have allowed men with vested private interests to perform their elected duties biased only to the profit of said interest, with no regard whatsoever for the common good. We have allowed no-bid contracts to be handed to private companies who bribe contribute to those who assign the contracts. Our government is really a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, XE and all the other companies that can now spend unlimited monies on people to Represent them in what used to be our government. The government itself has been shrunken by a relentless program to “privatize” every aspect of it, in order to profit and ensure that each and every cranny of it has been filled my those who have the interests of Profit for the Stockholders in mind.

These representatives are placed to ensure one thing, and one thing only:

The unfettered ability for the uber-rich to make increasing profits by any means necessary.

That means You, dear reader are no longer even in the equation. Your vote, your voice, your existence itself is now irrelevant to the end goal of Record Profits.

All the dissection of the minutia of the voodoo of market and economic theory is useless in the face of that realest of realities.

You are irrelevant to a system that serves only the Elite Class in their insatiable greed to amass more wealth. It is not, and perhaps never has been a system that was set up with the best interests of everyone in mind. And now? It is a system of Capitalism for the Capitalists at the top.

So, as the inevitable yammering about local races and teaser legislation is presented to distract us, a Class War has been waged upon us, and we are about to be swallowed.

Business without Borders now runs our Country, and nearly every other Country too.

We are the well, the source of their wealth, and they have run us dry Globally.

The only profit left is in War, and their ability to sell us on fear and insecurity so that we continue to pay to wage it for profit.

We no longer have the luxury of time to argue about the detail, the teeth in the shark per se.

The ONLY thing left to do with this system is tear it down, and create a new one out of the ashes; rejecting the very core-beliefs we have been milk fed.

The shark is Capitalism itself, and only by a Communist/Socialist revolt can we tiny little fish eat and survive another day….

and you know what tastes best?




    • Diane G on October 23, 2010 at 17:41

    The choices are BAIT or FEEDING FRENZY.

    You choose.

  1. It’s just that the elements that we the people have access to and interact with are in total system failure.  The parts of it that protect and advance the interests of the already wealthy and powerful are kept is the sleekest of working order.  The rest of it is allowed to grind to a halt, and the only reason that it matters is that some of us get caught in those non-working gears, and far more of us waste our own energy trying to make the stuck gears work again, and don’t seem to be able to grasp that they never will.

  2. My attempts,barking at the moon of globalist sociopaths.  My theories of 3M6B.  If they turn us into a third world Africa like feudalism it frees up the resources so they can easily exploit the other six billion souls on earth.   And I fully believe it.  I think they can power earth sans oil, make us live to our hundredth birthday as spry as any fifty something yet having that lifespan and experience would be a danger to them.

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