Prudential Corporate Blood Greed About To Blow Wide Open? {UpDated w/video report}

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Not just Corporate Greed but joining the scum War Profiteers to even a higher level than just holding the policies and garnering the interest rates from!

Just caught this little article as to what a Lawyer is saying about a client, Gold Star Mother, he’s representing. No names of the Fallen Soldier nor his Mother so couldn’t search out when he was killed nor in which theater of operation. But my guess is there will be more in the coming days. The article was just posted up about an hour ago at this writing.

Lawyer: Insurance company holding money belonging to beneficiaries

Sep 16, 2010 – WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – Mark Terrell calls this story a “travesty.”

The Wilmington lawyer is defending a mother from Brunswick County, whose son died while fighting overseas. Terrell says she has not received a single dollar from his $400,000 life insurance policy.

Terrell says Prudential Insurance is responsible for alerting beneficiaries about the money within a year, but if the insurance company does not find the beneficiary they get to keep the money.

“In this case, the beneficiary was not notified, nor did she know about it,” {read rest}

But as this Lawyer says in the writeup and video, this can’t be an isolated case and there could be many more if not hundreds more!

I couldn’t find any other links as yet, no matter what I searched, so far it seems to be local.

Now this was going on, and apparently just plain overlooked by the then Republican Congresses then the Republican Controlled Washington till, like many many similar issues, Arlington Cemetery etc., finally started coming to the surface and being investigated and Congressional Hearings held, more to come!

This is a recent VA Press Release on this now seemingly even more growing issue:

VA Continues to Ensure and Protect Servicemembers’, Survivors’ Life Insurance Benefits

September 14, 2010 – VA Takes a Hard Look at SGLI/VGLI Program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reviewed the account administered by Prudential that includes Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) programs to ensure beneficiaries are protected, being treated fairly, and accorded the utmost care and respect.  VA is also ensuring that benefits are delivered in a transparent way that clearly outlines all available options.  

Since 1965, VA has successfully delivered life insurance benefits to survivors of our Nation’s Servicemembers and Veterans.  

“The most important thing we can do is ensure that beneficiaries have options that are clear, competitive, and come at no personal cost during a time of emotional stress,” said Veterans Affairs Chief of Staff John R. Gingrich. “Providing clear and concise options for the beneficiary is a top priority.”

VA will continue to provide a full explanation of terms up-front, increase clarity of options and more actively promote current financial counseling to assist in decision making.  These efforts will further enhance the transparency that will continue to ensure confidence in this important program. {read rest}


  1. …are criminal.  If there ever were any honest insurance companies they’ve disappeared in the era of Ponzi schemes and corrupt government.

    Disgusting story, but totally expected.  Recommended

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