What is really going on with the economy?

(9AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

  The whispers on Wall Street lately have been the feared “double-dip”.

There is a much louder chorus of people proclaiming that we are only looking at a “slow-down”. Of course they were the same people who were telling us as recently as April that we were in a “V-shaped” recovery.

 Generally speaking, Liz Ann Sonders agrees.

  “I’m amazed people still say it’s not a ‘V’-shaped recovery, which to means they’re simply not looking at the charts,” says Charles Schwab’s chief investment strategist…

 Ah, yes. The charts. I have several issues with people who say things like this.

   The first issue is that these chart worshipers never look at all the charts, and the ones they do look at they usually tend to rationalize what they are saying to fit their bias.

  A good example of this would be the people who couldn’t see the housing bust coming until it was happening. They never looked at household debt levels, credit conditions, and most of all, historic housing prices related to income and rent. They only looked at home prices and default levels, both of which never revealed a problem…until there was a very big problem.

  The second issue I have is the historic record of these chart worshipers. Most of these people would have gotten fired as TV weathermen for gross incompetence by consistently being wrong. Yet they show no shame or guilt. They don’t even seem to be able to recall their failures.

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Part-swappers versus diagnosticians

  I believe the problem is that economists today are the equivalent of “part-swappers”.

By this term I am comparing economists to most auto mechanics.

  The average auto mechanic is a “part-swapper”. He looks around your engine to find out what part isn’t running correctly, then he changes it out. If that doesn’t work, then he swaps out another part, and another, until he eventually takes care of the problem.

  The part-swapper only needs to know the basics of how a car runs. As long as the problem is simple, he usually fixes it.

  The diagnostician, OTOH, is a much more rare breed. He’s a master at his craft. He understand how the various parts of the car work together. Unlike the part-swapper, the diagnostician never answers, “I’m not certain” when asked why something failed.

  When the diagnostician starts telling you what he knows you need to shut up and listen, because what he says will save you money down the road.

 You can also see this separation in the IT support field. The part-swappers tend to work on Microsoft Windows. The diagnosticians prefer Linux, tolerate Macintosh, and have nothing but disdain for Windows.

  The reason is because Windows never lets you do more than swap parts. You can never be certain how the various parts work together.

 Which brings us back to economics. Looking at a couple charts doesn’t tell you everything you need to know. In fact, sometimes even the raw numbers need to be interpreted.

 That’s where the part-swappers and diagnosticians get separated.

Not all jobs are equal

  A good example of this is the recent employment report.

 Nonfarm payrolls fell by 125,000 during the month of June, but the Labor Department stressed that the drop reflects a 225,000 decrease in the number of temporary census workers. Meanwhile, the private-sector added 83,000 jobs, better than the 33,000 it added in May, which was revised lower from 41,000. The unemployment rate also fell to 9.5%, from 9.7%, lower than the 9.8% anticipated by Wall Street, even though concerns remain that the figure could rise back to 10% before the recovery is complete.

 This article is pretty typical of the financial news coverage, except that they took the extra step to report that last month’s numbers were revised down. It was a positive report overall.

So what is wrong here?

  Quite simply, a complete lack of asking, much less answering, the obvious questions. For instance, how could the unemployment rate drop while we are losing 125,000 jobs?

  The reason is because 652,000 people were dropped from the labor force. A full 842,000 are were added to the rolls of “not in labor force”. People were dropped from the labor force faster than we lost jobs last month.

  If you simply stop counting people then your numbers can improve a great deal. We could arrive at “full-employment” in no time at this rate.

 What’s more, the numbers themselves are rather funky. Consider the Birth/Death Model, in which the BLS plugs in “assumed” jobs from new businesses that can’t be verified. Consider where the economy is supposedly growing.

 The B/D adjustments say that we added 65,000 construction jobs in the last two months, over half the total number of jobs created. Really? US single-family homes set an all-time low sales number this week. Mortgage applications are way down. Home construction is off. Commercial real estate construction is down. Where are those construction jobs?

 For the blogs this is usually where the analysis ends. I wanted to take this a step further.

  I noticed that the non-seasonally adjusted numbers didn’t look nearly as bad as the seasonally-adjusted numbers did. The labor force and participation rate both went up.

  So why does the seasonally-adjusted numbers show such a large decline?

 Part of the reason is because June is normally the month that nearly a million teens join the workforce for the summer. Not this time.

  Less than 500,000 teens found jobs in June, the lowest number since 1951.

As a result, 152,000 teens were dropped from the workforce. Another 120,000 college-aged kids between 20 and 24 years old were also dropped from the workforce.

  There are two things to take away from these numbers.

 The first thing is that the Birth/Death model says 158,000 new jobs have supposedly been created in the hospitality and leisure industry in the last two months, the areas where so many of these kids normally get summer jobs. Considering the June jobs report and the state of the Gulf coast beach resorts, I get the feeling that the Birth/Death model jobs will be revised much lower in the future.

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  The second thing to consider is the current condition of the long-term unemployed.

The average duration of unemployment is now 35.2 weeks, a record. Nearly half of those laid off will exhaust their standard state UI before they find a job.

  But the key information here concerns the older unemployed worker.

 The unemployment rate for over-55s is at the highest level since 1948. Since the recession started, both the number of older people seeking work and the rate of unemployment for over-55s have increased more sharply than for all other demographic groups. And older workers comprise a high share of the long-term unemployed. In May, the average duration of unemployment for older job-seekers climbed to 44.2 weeks, 11 more weeks than the national average. Nearly six in ten older job-seekers have been out of work for more than six months.

 The reason why this is significant is what happened to the unemployment extensions in June. The Senate blocked an extension of them.

  So what do you think all those older unemployed workers did in June when their unemployment checks stopped? I don’t have any proof, and there won’t be any hard evidence of it for several months, but I can make a pretty good guess.

 There is a reason why those teenagers couldn’t get those temporary, part-time, minimum-wage jobs last month. The jobs had already been filled by people a lot older than them.

Jobs, class and chart worshipers

  The economic “part-swappers” will never look that deep into the numbers to ever come to that conclusion. Nor will they even care because every job only counts as one job to them. They don’t care that the temporary, part-time, minimum-wage jobs makes a fraction of the wage that the previous job holder made because they don’t really understand what it means to the economy in general.

  What matters to them is that the jobs chart went “up”. Or, in this case, it went down a little less.

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  The chart worshipers will look to personal income to see if there is a change to the economy. As long as it goes up, no problem. The personal income chart gives nothing but a summary number. It fails to show such things as the rich becoming more wealthy at the expense of the poor.

   Which brings up my biggest problem with economists today – ignoring the issue of class.

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  One of the primary reasons that the field of economics has so completely failed as a science is that it ignores the subject of how wealth is distributed. Instead they treat every consumer as if their interests were exactly the same.

 That is, if we picture an auditorium with one hundred people and one hundred seats, the single richest person would be able to spread out smartly over nearly forty-three seats.  The poorest sixty people in the auditorium would have to make due squeezing into a single seat.

   This mal-distribution of wealth does not bode well for a society based on the buying and selling of goods.  Our super-rich plutocrats, after all, do not need more than five or ten automobiles or five or ten homes each.  This top one percent-3 million people-certainly cannot purchase all the goods that the poorest 180 million Americans would be capable of purchasing had our society a more equal distribution of wealth.

 One of the few economists in the world today that I respect is Steve Keen. In his seminal book Debunking Economics he breaks down the various assumptions that the field of economics is built upon that, to put it simply, are bald-faced lies. One of those assumptions is the behavior of consumers and income.

 Classical economists such as Smith, Ricardo, and Marx divided society into social classes, and considered how different policies might favour one social class over another. The notion of class has been expunged from economics by the concept of the indifference curve and its ‘one size fits all’ treatment of everyone from the poorest Bedouin to the richest American. Yet because the preferences of different individuals cannot be meaningfully aggregated, this concept is invalid for the analysis of anything more than an isolated individual.

  But the conditions under which aggregation is valid – when tastes are identical and unaffected by changes in income – are at least reasonable as first approximations when the analysis splits society into different social classes. It is not too unreasonable to lump all workers, all landlords, and all capitalists together, as Smith, Ricardo and Marx used to do. Incomes within a class vary substantially less than incomes between classes, and tastes are far more likely to be common within classes than between them.

 This is more than just an academic exercise.

If the personal income chart remains flat, economists will expect demand to remain the same. However, if that personal income is being concentrated in just a few hands then in reality demand is going to fall, because the wealthy don’t need to consume with nearly as much of their income as the poor do.

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  To give you a different example, this is why the whole concept of Trickle-Down Economics was always a joke. Anyone who wasn’t a chart worshiping, part-swapper could see that.

  What this means is that our fiscal and monetary policies of the last 30 years that heavily favor the wealthy and their wealth concentration will increasingly cause economic difficulty because consumer demand will forever fall short of expectations (now that the credit bubble has burst). The top 1% will simply not consume at the same percentage of personal income as the working class, while they increasingly absorb more of aggregate income.

  With consumer demand not bouncing back as expected, economic growth will underperform and double-dip recessions will become more likely.

 It would be a miraculous revelation if the general field of economics would accept this basic, logical concept. They won’t because their wealthy masters don’t want people talking about class and having rational, informed discussions about who really benefits from today’s fiscal and monetary policies.

  But if the field of economics ever wanted to regain its credibility, it must start discussing the issue of class.

Instability, class and part-swappers

 This is all good stuff, but like the unemployment numbers, I wanted to keep digging. While economists like Steve Keen and Michael Hudson draw attention to the issue of class and consumer demand, I can’t help but wonder about the other side of the same coin: class and capital.

  As the world’s wealth becomes increasingly concentrated in fewer hands, less of it is consumed and more of it is saved. Well, the wealthy have to do something with all that money. How does that effect the world economy?

  To answer that, let’s compare the world economy before Reaganomics to after.

 From the late 1940’s to 1982, regional and global financial crisis, as well as domestic banking crisis, were very rare. Since 1982, and increasingly so over the last 15 years, there are more, larger, and more frequent financial crisis.

  The U.N. is blaming the root of this instability on the dollar-based monetary system, and their charge is not without merit. Their solution? Ditching the dollar and going to a system based on IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s).

  SDR’s are nothing but a notation on a ledger based on Yen, Pounds, Dollars, and Euros. Thus the U.N. surprisingly identified a critical flaw in the world economic system, and in the same instant revealed that they are nothing but part-swappers.

 I propose that the problem is instead more and more capital in idle hands seeking quick returns on investment.

  No one talked about hedge funds a few decades ago. That’s because they barely existed in 1980. Now they have over $2.7 Trillion in assets and are globally disruptive. Small nations literally fear them.

  The same goes for the increase in forex trading, exotic debt instruments, and derivatives. These are not markets that the working class can play in. It’s the domain of the wealthy, and as the wealthy continue to accumulate massive amounts of capital they need places to put it.

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  Just look at the world bond market today. It is enormous, about $67 Trillion, yet bond prices in many countries are still at historic highs. The wealthy are buying bonds by the truckload because they need some place to park their cash. They’ve never minded if the world’s taxpayers are loaded down with debt, they are more than happy to buy it, just as long as the taxpayers continue to pay interest on said debt.

  Bonds, stocks, real estate, crude oil, everything is already expensive in historic terms.

  As the amount of wealth grows larger and into fewer hands it also increasingly becomes a more destabilizing force on the world financial system. It rushes from one country or sector to another, frantically trying to beat the crowd and avoid losses. The rapid influx and outflow makes it increasingly difficult for normal market operations in the real economy. How can the market accurately price an asset when it could double in price, or drop to half price at any moment, for reasons other than supply and demand?

  It is also a destabilizing effect for democracies, as these self-interested financial entities grab increasing amounts of political power.

  Basically what I am saying is that the increasing global wealth inequality is amplifying capitalism’s built-in instability that Hyman Minsky so eloquently explained in his book Stabilizing an Unstable Economy. Unless the trend is reversed these financial forces will cause the real economy to stop functioning, at least in a efficient way, and eventually break down the entire monetary system.


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  1. The world economy is dysfunctional and broken. Now is the time to dream up something new.

  2. It’s a club, and we’re not in it, but it explains the lack of financial reform.

  3. Thanks gjohnsit

    • Xanthe on July 7, 2010 at 05:38

    I have to reread in am – my mind is not that sharp at this hour anymore.

    But several items jumped out at me I hadn’t considered before.


  4. Thanks, gjohnsit.

    I have a few friends among the not-well-informed ranks of republicanism and even they are beginning to come around to the utter failure of ‘trickle-down’ economics and the fraud of ‘class-warfare’ language among their party faithful. I’ll see if I can pass along some of the excellent material you’ve provided here for their consumption.

    On a different, but related note, I couldn’t help but be impressed with your observation:

    You can also see this separation in the IT support field. The part-swappers tend to work on Microsoft Windows. The diagnosticians prefer Linux, tolerate Macintosh, and have nothing but disdain for Windows.

     The reason is because Windows never lets you do more than swap parts. You can never be certain how the various parts work together.

    I have been an IT diagnostician since before PC’s existed, and you are spot on here. I’ve not been able to condense the current state of affairs in the field into such a concise summation as you have provided here. Thanks! I would add that a true diagnostician can also use part changing as a tool, and rather than being totally different categories of pursuit the one incorporates the other. Some part changers can learn to become diagnosticians, but I’ve noticed also that some diagnosticians have trouble applying part changing when it is an appropriate tactic!

    • banger on July 7, 2010 at 14:42

    … to the crisis. Those in power responded very quickly to the crisis, which I believe the elites expected if not planned, and used it as an opportunity to take even more power.

    The rich are, again, getting richer while the rest of us have a future of “austerity” and neo-feudalism. As I say often here, without a functioning left and a labor movement in this country there is no counter-force to the corporate/militarist elites. They’ve got their security apparatus in place in case anyone seriously resists the system. Not that there will be any unrest, except on the right, which is dominated by people in an advanced state of dementia and are petitioning the government to give even more power to the very forces that they oppose.

    The American people fully prepared to accept austerity they won’t even know, as they don’t seem to know now, that is is being imposed on them. The key is that we have a propaganda system that works probably better than anyone expected–people want to believe that they live in “the greatest country in the world” and that “we” ought to be killing people all over the world so that they can be “free.” This ideology is not so deep but it gives and excuse to the average person stoned on mass-media, entertainments, narcissism, and social media. In short, for those of us who still profess leftish politics–GAME OVER, we lost and there is no getting back by any means currently in sight.

    Now your excellent analysis, gjohnsit, does stand up very well, of course. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t think that the world economy will “crash”. It is likely that there will be a long period of slow or no growth and a hardening of social class and arrangements in line with the neo-feudal future that is inevitable. Economists are now just part of PR–they design theories to fit their bosses interests–the non-rich are not figured into any equation–and why should they be? They’ve allowed the elites to do as they please and through indulging in fear and fantasy allowed the elites to scrap the Constitution, Habeas Corpus, and even the validity of elections, so they can pleasure themselves on weekends–the apt metaphor is Pleasure Island in Pinocchio where the kids gorge themselves and then turn into donkeys. Well, we are living in a time where the kid are now growing ears–that means us.

  5. Interesting how Wall Street and pundits found Minsky.  And also very interesting how they totally ignore his policy proposals particularly at the end of the book mentioned including an Employer as Last Resort policy or a direct jobs program.

    Minsky and Keynes both recognized that capitalism is flawed because it mishandles capital and that complex financial systems ultimately lead to instability.  

    BTW, Steve Keen has a scare Minsky Model that indicates that we are far far from out of the woods.

    Here in pdf file

  6. First, Liz Ann Sonders is a total babe. (but that’s enough on the hormonal commentary)

    On the subject of class. Joseph Stiglitz gave an interview (2002) regarding the “New Gilded Age” in the economy. In it he discusses the disregard of class in economics study.

    One of them is that their [IMF] major responsibility has been macroeconomics. At one point, the head of the IMF even said “we aren’t concerned about poverty.” They wanted to just look at macroeconomics — and in fact, they didn’t do a very good job of that. Secondly, they believed, a lot of them, in trickle-down economics: If you can succeed in getting [an economy] to grow, everyone would benefit.

    In the United States, we’ve rejected trickle-down economics; you have to have pro-poor growth policies if you’re going to succeed. It isn’t necessarily true that a rising tide lifts all boats. Some are left behind.

    Thirdly, they[IMF] had a fixation on financial markets. Historically, people with that kind of focus worry more about inflation than they do about unemployment [because inflation does more immediate damage to their investments]. They worry less about poverty than they do about what will happen to the capital markets. In my view, a lot of that has been shortsighted. It is a mistake to ignore the social and political consequences of policies. Even if you don’t worry yourself about poverty, it is bad economics. When the IMF cut out the subsidies for the food and fuel to the poorest people in Indonesia, it led to riots. Those riots led capital to flee and that exacerbated the economic downturn, the depression, in the country. So ignoring the social consequences is bad economics.

  7. Damned fine writing. You hit the point perfectly.

    I have minimal (at best) understanding of economics. Still, it seems to me that the longer folks are unemployed, the more of them drop out of the measured workforce. If they’re not getting unemployment (it ran out, or they gave up looking for work and didn’t qualify because of that, etc.), or if they took a 2-hour-per-day minimum wage job just to try to pay the rent (and probably are no longer qualified for unemployment), they no longer count as unemployed.

    One more thing – at least in KY, the amount of money one gets in one’s unemployment check depends on the previous wages. If you made a lot of money in your job before you lost it, you get the maximum amount. If you only made minimum wage, you get much less. What will the financial impact be on all these people who took low-wage temp jobs, when the temp jobs end? Even smaller unemployment checks, right? When and how does that death spiral end?

  8. assessment of the economy.  Unfortunately I don’t recall his name, or the program he was on (Diane Reams, I think).  But some of the points he made that stuck in my head were:

    A more volatile economy will be the norm.  We will have decades of more frequent recessions–more like the 60’s/70’s than more recent decades.  That it’s too late for any “fixes” like another stimulus, etc to head off another dip, as the business cycles are already in motion and legislation can’t keep up.  Etc.  

    Also, an article by Jim Jubak gives some insight into why the world economy will be strained over the next 20 years:

    Someday the euro debt crisis that started in Greece and spread to engulf Europe will be over…Hard to believe but still true…

    Here’s something, however, that may be even harder to believe: The euro debt crisis for all its power to shake financial markets and the global economy is just Chapter One in a story that will run for the next two decades. This crisis is actually only our introduction to the kinds of wrenching changes that every national economy in the world-yes, even China-will face over the next 20 years as the world ages…

    And let’s hope the next chapter suggests that there’s an ending to this story that doesn’t involve riots in the street and the long-term decline in living standards for entire national populations.

    Let’s hope. But the lesson from the euro debt crisis is that it’s not going to be easy. It may not even be possible…

    The combination of falling competitiveness and an aging population would be lethal enough-How are fewer workers making less competitive products going to support an increasing number of retired workers?…

    Now governments could take the next decade or two to plan ways to meet or shirk this burden. Countries could set a schedule for raising the retirement age so that everyone would know what was coming and could plan for it. More generous incentives for private savings for retirement and retirement healthcare could help make reductions in government funded pensions less punishing…

    Governments could do that.

    But the evidence of the Greek crisis is that they won’t


    All in all, a sobering couple of viewpoints.  I’m still trying to process everything.

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