(midnight – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
Ia ora te natura
E mea arofa teie ao nei
Its in the coastlines now, in the harbors, bays and myriad brackish branches of the bayou. Visions of fingerling rainbows sparkling their false gold promise in the sun, creep into my view. Beautiful death, such a mask for the evil. Bright orange globs and tarred waters tint and leach into these relentless prismatic wisps, breaking free and meandering, searching, seeking to spread its chokehold throughout the very alveoli that breathes life into the Gulf.

Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall
You’ve seen it all, you’ve seen it all
Watched the men who rode you switch from sails to steam
And in your belly you hold the treasures few have ever seen
Most of ’em dream, most of ’em dream
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes…again
They say it has been coming out at 10 times the rate they originally reported. The blame game has started; they drilled deeper than they were supposed to, who will pay, and the National Guard is riding in to save the day… only the day cannot be saved once twilight has given birth to the night.
There are separators that clean up ships could have been equipped with, but if they didn’t spend the 500k for a shut off, would they spend millions on equipping them with these? Ultimately, there is nothing that can stop this. We always build bigger disaster than we can fix, more virulent diseases than we can cure, bigger bombs that we cannot protect ourselves from. There is nothing left but the Requiem.

But there’s this one particular harbour
So far but yet so near
Where I see the days as they fade away
And finally disappear
Mike Tidwell has written “Bayou Farewell” and spoken often about the dying Cajun Coast, killed by the loss of hardwood forests, freshwater marshes, barrier islands, and the life giving floods that deposited the silts that built it into the paradise it once was.
Now Mr Tidwell has this to say:
As a former journalist who has reported extensively from the*drilling fields of the Gulf of Mexico, I can tell you the US public has NO IDEA of the scale and scope of the drilling operation there. There are at least 35,000 wells and over 4,000 platforms. At night, the hazard lights on the rigs are so huge and*numerous, they look like the reflections of the stars in the sky above. If you were to stack all the Gulf offshore rigs end to end they would form a 30-story tall structure as*wide as an aircraft carrier*from DC to Philadelphia. On nautical charts, the platforms truly appear like a galaxy of stars. They literally form constellations that boat captains us to navigate by: “I’m passing the bunny ears right now and headed toward the barbecue pit.”
The point is this: at this volume of operation, human error guarantees that BP-type spills will happen again. A bit of luck has kept the Gulf free of big spills in*the recent past, but it will happen again, guaranteed. No new regulations will tame this beast.
Now, they are still talking about drilling more, here and in ANWAR; an area with no apparatus in place for such an emergency.
Lakes below the mountains
Flow into the sea
Like oils applied to canvas
They permeate through me
Oh, but no writer ever dreamed the oils applied to this canvas, the oil that would mean its death.
They are talking about regulations still being excessive and accidents being acts of god, as the man made volcano erupts. I even heard one person say a good hurricane was in order to “disperse” the cancer. Listen to men making plans and excuses for ever more, as the body begins to corrupt before its even dead. The denial stage writ large; everywhere you turn.
They cannot admit it is over. And it is. Or maybe they know, and don’t care, happy to harvest as many organs off the host before moving to the next place to rape. They want to drill more, the black gold drives them insane.
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need…of some…stranger’s hand
In a…desperate land
Lost in a Roman…wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you’ll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end
Ia Ora Te Natura
E Mea Arofa Teie Ao Nei
Ia Ora Te Natura
E Mea Arofa Teie Ao Nei
(Nature lives (life to nature)
Have pity for the Earth
(Love the Earth)
But there’s this one particular harbour
So far but yet so near
Where I see the days as they fade away
And I finally disappear
Ia Ora Te Natura
E Mea Arofa Teie Ao Nei
Ia Ora Te Natura
E Mea Arofa Teie Ao Nei
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(sticking my toe hesitantly back in the DD waters on behalf of dying waters)
Soundtrack available on WWL version:
Off to bed with me. G’night.
He says the BP estimate that it will take 2 months to complete the new drill hole is overly optimistic, he guesses it could be 4 months before that will happen.
Four months of this oil flowing into the Gulf is almost too ugly and sad to contemplate.
This catastrophe is filling me with a deep sense of sadness and a deep sense of rage. Thank you for this.
a bandaid over the wound tomorrow.
Oil leak dome
(The flanges on the side are “mud flaps”.)
it might be fantasified into something, a physical representation of spiritual angst of a mother… like
my favorite African mask, but I cant remember the correct spelling of her name enough to google it: