on the edge

one of our friends is on the edge of an abyss in the pitch dark with a solid wall in front of him

he needs our help.


y’see our good friend edger has just gotten some bad news. his dad has a few weeks, maybe a month or so left.


edger has been out of work for quite some time.

he’s in school now & is developing a web business but….

he has no cash to get a way home to see his dad.


time is of the essence, before his father’s spirit takes flight…


please, let us give him a helping hand, so that he may make this important journey…


please, Please, PUHLEEZE

go to Antemedius, scroll down the page a little bit &

hit the orange “donate” button on the right

please~ give what you can, even if it’s only $5

let’s not leave our friend on the edge…..



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    • RiaD on March 13, 2010 at 20:14

    • Edger on March 13, 2010 at 20:33

    I just tried to call him, but Ruth answered and told me he’s asleep, or more likely unconscious from his pain meds, but I wanted to let them know that I’ll try to get out there for a visit in the next few weeks, and she says he’d really to see me. She says just try calling at different times and hope to catch him in a awake moment…  

  1. Hehe.  Just kidding.

  2. my papaw died two weeks ago and I had to “hitch” a ride with relatives to get back to Arkansas. Slept in a different bed every night, passed between family like a vagabond. Hope you get there somehow edger.  

  3. I lost my Dad about a year and a half ago to ALS and miss him very much. Thankfully I didn’t have to drive far to see him.

    Get there soon Edger.

  4. …I’m contacting Edger!

  5. Best wishes to your father and you, Edger.  I hope you make your visit.  I am sorry to report that I am humiliatingly broke.  Plus the paypal thingie was not cooperating, anyway, for even a meager donation. Damn the devil to hell.  

  6. When I moved across the country a couple of times many years ago, I needed someone to drive a second car across that same distance.  In both cases, I found a trusted friend to deliver my car, paid for all the gas, and paid for their return air fare.  I still think it was probably the most economical means of getting my second car delivered.

    If you have a good driving record, depending upon where you are starting out and where you need to go, you might be able to find such a situation.  An ad in the paper, or perhaps some calls to local moving companies might let them know that you are available, in the event that you might be interested in such an arrangement.  

    I seem to recall that once in awhile, if an extremely important document needed to be delivered ASAP, large companies would hire someone to hand carry the document, and pay for their flight, provided that they immediately hand delivered the document to its destination as soon as the flight landed on the other end.

    If your destination is somewhere in the Eastern United States, there are some extremely low cost discount bus services, such as this one.  I checked into it several months ago, and some extended rides, especially during odd hours, were extremely cheap.

    My dad passed on a year ago last summer, and I still miss him often.  And I’m grateful for every moment that I was able to spend with him.  I do hope that you can get there, one way or another.

    Please let us know if there is anything more we can do.  If you are comfortable with letting us know where your approximate starting point and ending point might be, perhaps some of us might be able to suggest some very low cost options.

    Wish there was more I could do, but I’ll add any more suggestions that come to mind, should I think of anything else.

    • TMC on March 15, 2010 at 05:08

    I was in Germany when my Dad died on December 22 of 1966. He died suddenly of a cerebral aneurysm. I was in the Army and I was given emergency leave to return home. I went up to Frankfurt Rhine Maine Air Base and was given “stand by” priority for a flight to NYC on the civil side of the air port as there were no military flights going to either NYC or McGuire AB in NJ. Since it was a nearing Christmas and there was a major snow storm in NYC seats were nonexistent. I had waited on the civilian side of the airport for nearly 24 hours, when a pilot from Lufthansa came over and told me to get my bag and come with him. Apparently the word had spread among the clerks of my plight to get home and mentioned it to this gentleman. I was escorted on board a 707 to the cockpit. My carry on bag was stashed by the flight attendant and I was seated in a jump seat in the cockpit for take off and landing. The charge from Lufthansa..$0.00.

    You have my donation, Edger.  

  7. so sorry about your dad.  just sent you a paypal c note through your site.  hope it helps.

  8. you can work it out. You really need to go.

    sending my best warm well wishes.

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