Content Removed: gbce

I had ONE dispute with an admin here, with full good intentions to suggest there may be room for reasonable doubt.

Not only my content, but all of my front pagers, who all regularly graced the FP of this blog, have been suddenly and completely ignored and not since seen one FPing.

I raised money for this blog and budhy, both at my site and here, I have supported DD like a second home; both myself and my admins have never seen the light of day since…. despite the other admin’s reassurances there would be no retributive actions.

You can keep all my content, it was given freely… but from now on readers who wish to read me, must visit my blog,

I don’t delete. However, my content forward is now removed from posting here.

The messages of anti-war, the dangers of the right, and everything else we write about is too important to be subject to petty disputes and preempted by meaningless crap about dog shows.

Sorry, all, I gave it a chance. A couple MONTHS.

My worst feelings were proven right.  I have no time for this shit.


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    • Diane G on February 17, 2010 at 03:15

    you are welcomed to join and cross post.

    I won’t DD-bash, nor do I welcome DD bashing.

    I am just done.

    • Diane G on February 17, 2010 at 15:38

    of premature essayculation, although having a bad day is an understatement to my past year. I am in financial hell, and medical uncertainty. That is nothing new.

    I have been thinking about this for a while, and while it may appear a vainglorious attention gambit, it is not.

    I scrolled through my past years essays, and compared the response and promotion levels pre-conflict with Ek and post-conflict with Ek. It was day and night, and that was just the measurable evidence of the deeper truth: I am unwanted here.

    This is about being ostracized.

    It matters not that I explained, my intent was lofty, and that I am not by any stretch the anti-semite he branded me as; his last email said he never wanted me back because he had decided I was.

    So, he has ostracized me, and he does most of the content placement and control on this blog. Many of the other admins are not here often, because of other worthy efforts on their parts in real life.

    Sure, this blog is about many things… as it should be. But my content is no longer judged by its content, it is judged by a prejudice that is personal, a vendetta.

    Either that, or by the grace of one day, I suddenly have lost the ability to write.

    yeah. right.

    I actually discussed this with a few of my admins, what to do about it. I did not write this without thinking about whether or not leaving was a good idea. But ultimately, if I check in and end up feeling BAD, it is counter productive to my stress level and heart condition.


    Any one who knows me knows I would NEVER vandalize a blog, let alone this one, who holds so many users I hold dear. It is not and has never been my way. The suspension was nothing but a smack-down. I have seen others (most notably Miep) argue much worse and leave gbcb essays with Ek without similar treatment. The man despises me, and he hold the most power here.


    I just left this note as both a farewell and an explanation I felt I owed.

    I won’t wallow at the heels of a place I am unwelcome waiting for forgiveness for a crime I did not commit.

    Alliances run both ways, and I have seen little in the way of support since that day from DD…. so I have to put my energies into supporting myself.

    Ostracization sucks.


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