Why I’m done fighting

Ministry of Truth has a great essay on why he fights.

They are all very good points.  I guess I am just too jaded, because I DO have a rebuttal to those points.

Here is why I am done fighting…

I fight for equality, the rule of law and justice, but above all accountability.

As a veteran and former law enforcement officer, I have fought for the rule of law and justice.  I held my airmen and officers accountable.  But, I was alone.

George Tenet got a medal for his failures.  George Bush was allowed to leave office unscathed.  No Bush official will face charges or accountability from President Obama.  Hell, he won’t even hold his OWN people accountable for THEIR failure in the intelligence of the bomber on flight 253.  I watched a SMSgt in the Air Force deliberately put his people into a situation he KNEW would go bad and get PROMOTED to CMSgt for his failure.

Do you know who gets held accountable?  The poor schmuck driving 10 mph over the speed limit.  

I fight so that ALL Americans may prosper.

Prosper?  How about simply having a job that pays a fair wage?

I had a job where I “prospered”.  When I was doing the clearance in Hawaii, I STARTED at $68k/yr.  When I went back to Iraq in 2006, I was making $150k/yr.  But, that was because I have a special skill.  Now that I can’t do that job due to my health, I will not make a fraction of that.

While those of on “Main Street” are without a job, those on Wall Street are STILL making hundreds of millions in BONUS money, despite almost tanking the world’s economy.

“The people” have NEVER been allowed to prosper when there were elements in our government and society who could exploit them for their own profit.

I fight for good paying American jobs that afford Americans the right to Unionize if they so wish.

The formation of unions came into being because of sweatshops.  When the worker deigned to think they could get a fair wage, fair benefits, and fair working conditions, that cut into company profits.  As we see, corporate campaign finance money now runs our government.

Telecom companies got their legalized immunity.  Big Pharma got their vaccine immunity.  Bailout Wall Street but let GM fail just to break up the unions was the mentality.

Unions will be busted.  If it takes the Supreme Court to rule that unions are “illegal”, it is coming, simply BECAUSE corporate money controls our government.

I fight for quality education and health care for ALL Americans.

Quality education?  I live in South Carolina where COLLEGE students can’t read.

Health care for ALL American’s?  Not happening.  Just look at how the Democratic Party, who CAMPAIGNED on universal health care, killed it.

I fight FOR peace and AGAINST unjust wars.

I’m all for peace and unjust wars.  Unfortunately, our government, from Bush to Obama, have shown that our government isn’t above fighting an unjust war as long as they hold the power to wage it.

I fight FOR a clean environment and AGAINST polluters.

(see above about corporations controlling our government through campaign financing)

I fight FOR the Truth.

A noble concept.  It’s too bad that FOX News won a lawsuit based on the fact they had no LEGAL requirement to tell the truth.

THAT was the deathnell of truth in America.

I fight for many things and against many things, but always my goal is to fight for a better America FOR ALL Americans, not just the Super Wealthy, the Special Interests and the Corporate America that seems to do best when average Americans are taken advantage of.

And that is just the start of it . . . .

I’ve fought.  I’ve fought during wars.  I’ve fought while in law enforcement.  Hell, I had a second wife who thought marriage was ABOUT fighting!

I’m done with fighting.

Our government will wage war, just or unjust.  Criminals will still commit crimes.  Wives will still pick fights with their husbands.  And, corporations are still going to do what they want because our government runs on THEIR money.

Obama said he would change all that.  He proved that he has no intention of doing anything more than what the corporations will allow.

I have a step-daughter.  I didn’t teach her how to fix cars.  I didn’t teach her how to shoot guns.  I SURELY didn’t teach her about explosives.  I always said that if I ever had a son, I would have taught him enough that he would grow up to be the world’s biggest mega-terrorist.  Given where the world is heading, maybe he would have been a savior.

If the country totally goes into shit mode, and I’m still alive, I know enough to keep my family safe.  

At this point, that is all I will fight for…


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  1. and you should get 1000 recommends just for this line:

    Do you know who gets held accountable?  The poor schmuck driving 10 mph over the speed limit.  

    but I disagree with this:

    but if the country totally goes into shit mode and I’m still alive, I know enough to keep my family safe  

    Uh, I don’t think any of us have that ability any more. It’s random. You’d have to be in some sort of organized community, just for trading for goods, and the other side still has the drones….

  2. over the last two years compared to what I’ve been seeing lately, particularly with the “war on terror”, has me about ready to focus on me and mine.  I’ve said my piece, made up my mind on what’s going on and why.  It doesn’t matter.  A patsy Nigerian causes Obama to say “we are being attacked”., and it goes without challenge.  The same frigging things over and over and most people don’t have the intelligence or openness to see thru it.  I’m convinced things won’t get better until they get alot worse, and if things are going to get alot worse, then I’m going to prepare for that.    

  3. that’s all any of us can do at best, in the current environment–protect our own family.  And, that’s why MOT’s essay came across as so naive, and a little egoist.  Kinda like some folks that keep hoping everything will get better after the very next election–for like 20 elections in a row.  

    But, there may come a time when we can do more.  

    Knowing South Carolina as I do, even just talking to friends and neighbors there could make a difference.  

    Are we losing? Yes. Can the pendulum be turned the other way? Yes. But, it’s gonna take a long time, and start with very small things, like education and dispersing information and hope all this eventually combats fox news and the coolaide drinkers at dk, and all that.  

    • rossl on January 6, 2010 at 17:53

    There are reasons to be hopeful – look at how the Gilded Age spawned the Populist and Progressive movements.  They seriously did improve life in this country.

    • banger on January 6, 2010 at 18:58

    Other than a few people at the fringes the oligarchy has it all locked in. The worst part is to see a “progressive” community locked out of the political struggle by its own weaknesses and illusions.

    There can be no political power without force. Progressive though preaching sermons to the oligarchs will get their attention. That doesn’t work — it just causes more laughter in high places. Force, btw, comes from community. So where are the communities?

    The vast majority of Americans left and right only want to be entertained and live their fantasy-role-playing lives. The crave “safety”, security, comfort, and accept without question the prevalent narcissistic cultural norms.

    I see no movement in any positive direction except places like this that indicate that some humans want to grasp the truth. But I see no action and no community coming out of any of this.

    Thanks for your honesty.

    I wasn’t a cop or in the military but I know how to take care of myself and handle things when they get rough — been there.

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