The Coalition of The Comfortable

You can’t blame people for wanting to be comfortable.

But you can question their comfortable resistance to change when the net result is that it continues or increases a lack of comfort for those less fortunate…and privileged…. than themselves.

The hallmark of the Right is an almost complete lack of empathy for anyone, the hallmark of the Left is empathy for absolute empathy for all beings…even snail darters and spotted owls.

The Center is of course, halfway between those two poles.

They feel empathy, they want to to help, but they are so risk averse, so afraid of losing their comfort, and thus are ….uncomfortable…. when any major change to The System that has provided their comfort is challenged that they are willing to allow others to suffer if it might cause them discomfort.

It is FAR too easy for them, for you, ensconced in their comfort, to ignore starving children, ignore the fact that their soldiers are killing innocents in the name of their comfort and safety, ignore even their neighbors being thrown out of their homes and losing their jobs. In fact the latter only makes them more ‘reactionary’ in their way, Instead of becoming Loud and active to make things better, they tend to pull their heads in in hopes that the misfortune of others will pass them by if they can go unnoticed by the realities affecting others.

Yes, you care. But do you care enough to take even the slightest risk to your comfort? Or will you actively resist change if there is even a small chance that it will make you….uncomfortable?

The Left is, has, and will be always fighting to change The System. Get used to it. And we will make you uncomfortable in the process, because it is that System that has made you comfortable.

We KNOW you don’t want anyone else to ‘rock the boat’ either, as the water that might come in could possibly get you wet and….make you uncomfortable.

Even if it means that others have to be uncomfortable to preserve your comfort.

This drives the empathetic Left nuts.

If you want to be comfortable, fine. That is perfectly understandable.

What is not understandable…to us…is that you wish to prevent us from even trying to help others. Even though you do not realize that that is what you are doing. You don’t understand how your resistance to change, resistance to activism, resistance to anything or anyone Loud…..prevents us from helping others.

It is this societal passive aggressive response by the Coalition of the Comfortable  that preserves the status quo…a status quo that is comfortable for YOU….but not so much for those who do NOT have rights equal to yours, who do NOT have three meals a day, who do NOT have a nice house to live in, or who are being attacked by your soldiers or have become Climate refugees.

The passivity of comfort is, again, fine on its own. It is when you become aggressive in protecting your passive comforts, passive comforts provided by the status quo, that that dynamic becomes a problem.

We want everyone to share in your comfort.

But that will take changing The System. A System designed to have an underclass, a System designed to pillage and pollute the Planet, a System designed to raise a relatively few of the 7 billion people on the planet to a level of comfort that causes huge resentment in those who don’t share it. To the point that it drives some of the 7 billion people to become so angry that they will commit acts of terror. And thus a system designed with a military to go and crush those angry people…..and kill innocents in its wake.

Innocents that then become understandably (just as your desire for comfort is understandable to us empaths) even MORE angry when their children or parents are killed in a war designed only to keep you ……comfortable.

It is this System we are trying to change….not your comfort.

But if you have to give up a little of your comfort to help those who are actively suffering at the hands of the System, well we might have some empathy for you. But when we look into the eyes of a starving child, or the mother of a child who has been killed by your soldiers…we won’t have too much sympathy.

We want you to be comfortable, we want everyone to be comfortable

And it is only when you aggressively protect this System, that is designed to make a certain percentage of other people uncomfortable….by shouting down and attacking those who wish to change it….that our empathy for your desire for comfort becomes shall we say….strained.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way, said Tom Paine. And that is all we ask. We are not trying to hurt you.

We are trying to help others.

That is what our coalition is about. Please ask yourselves what yours is REALLY about. Please take a minute to ask yourselves what YOU are fighting for.

Is it a better world? To help those less fortunate? Is it for the Greatest Good for All Concerned? Or is it….under all of your rationalizations and justifications….merely for your own comfort.

Because that is how it looks to us, when you actively try to stop us from actively helping others, by changing the System.

That has made you….comfortable.


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    • Robyn on January 7, 2010 at 21:08

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has privately told her politically vulnerable Democratic members that they will not vote on controversial bills in 2010 unless the Senate acts first.

    The Hill

  2. …. decided to abdicate their responsibility.

    The HOUSE is supposed to originate legislation, then the Senate is supposed to temper it so it affects each uniformly, not the other way around.

    She’s abandoning trying to uphold the Constitution with that concession, just trying to hold on to a majority which just declared it is going to do nothing.

    Political suicide.

    Thanks for the link.  

    • rossl on January 7, 2010 at 21:57

    but I’ve got to point out that there really isn’t a right and a left and a center.  You probably already know that, but since we’re all crazy wacked out radicals here I think it’s our job to reinforce ideas like that.  The metaphor of an ideological spectrum is flawed, presents a false version of reality, and justifies awful things like the two part system.

    By the way, nice thing in the corner about Witness Against Torture!  Looks like we could be off to a good start forming some kind of Coalition of the Uncomfortable here…

    • Robyn on January 7, 2010 at 22:49

    The NJ Senate voted against marriage equality, 14-20.

    • Edger on January 7, 2010 at 23:48

    being comfortable is an extremely uncomfortable thing to be. You’d figure the comfortable would get it after being so uncomfortable all their lives.  

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