the last man standing

We’re crazy.

That’s what I think.





It’s gotten so crazy that a guy who vehemently opposes torture ends up alienating people, all of whom (i’m sure) vehemently oppose torture.

It’s so crazy that another guy writes an essay at the GOS urging a progressive movement… and he’s nice you know… no fuck you’s or anything edgy. Just solid progressive ideas  . . . his essay generates 100s of comments, about 7  tips and like 25 hide ratings. This seemingly provocative piece does NOT end up on the rec list. Why? Seems that promoting a third party is against Daily Kos site rules.

Fucking really? That’s crazy. I mean. Somebody fucking tell me: how serious are our problems? As serious as we have been writing? Or are we suffering from some kind of mass hysteria? And all we need do is keep electing Democrats.

Are we facing catastrophe or are we all a bunch of delusional liberal drama queens? Because the last thing I’m worried about is electing more democrats. A Dems majority under Bush had no problem being bipartisan with Repubs to quickly come up with billions of dollars to bail out bankers et al. Yet a Dem president (with Dem congress and a clear mandate in Nov 2008 election and poll after poll in favor of health care reform) can’t seem to close the deal on health care. Call me skeptical.

It seems so clear that we get what’s wrong. What is incomprehensible to me is that we still refuse to understand that the crux of the problem remains in Washington: conventional politicians, whether Dem or Repub.

We need to get it straight. Either this shit is serious or we’re just living in a real-world soap opera.

But if it is real, all this doom and gloom, then it’s time we all fucking grow up. Stop beating each other up. Get our minds straight. There is so much work to be done. Politicians are not the ones who will get it done for us.

It’s time to use the internet to organize grass roots and take back local and regional control. Pull a Ralph Reed.

What we don’t need is to lose ourselves in attacking each other.

MinistryOfTruth talks about getting rid of Harry Reid. Sigh . . . I and others strongly urged progressives to oust Ms. Pelosi last cycle and, while at it, make a good faith effort at ousting a few other leadership Dems, just to flex some net roots muscle. But no. We can’t seem to see it.

Instead we cry about health care and insist that voting in Dems is the way to get it. Health care as some banner of this movement… health care. Kind of not relevant if what we’re writing about comes true in a few years. Or am I missing something here?

If the planet is dying and the crooks insist on following policies that hasten its death, then what the fuck are we doing?

Health care will be like fast food… primed to taste good but not good for you. The crooks will never let it work if it means less money for them. Don’t we get it yet?

No sound regulation. No sound banking or finance. War machines. The laws are easily broken. There is no accountability. The crooks are drug addicts, really. The facts are not relevant to them. They’re addicted to power and wealth. The will never admit what is happening. They can not stop what they’ve started. We are not dealing with rational actors.

I know this essay is all over the place. But good god. What is wrong with us? The longer we wait for Democrats to work this shit out, the farther and deeper in the hole we get. The longer we wait for Democrats, the easier it becomes to lash out at each other as we increasingly feel helpless and rudderless.

Time to get our heads straight. Start to see what is happening. Start to understand that we are alone. And we don’t have the luxury of time. We need to find a way to reach others around the world about consumerism and energy and living on the rim of reality (h/t flag) . . .

Tell me, will Daily Kos become irrelevant as it becomes clear that Democrats do not have our best interests at heart? Will sites like this one end up torn up by like-minded people not able to find ways to talk to each other?

It has this eerie feeling of a game of last man standing? Like the guy with the most toys wins . . .

Chest-heaving sigh . . . I’m afraid if we don’t pull ourselves together, there will be very little left for anyone upon which to stand.


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    • pfiore8 on October 21, 2009 at 00:45
  1. world soap opera.

    You know how it will end. Somebody will blow up the world. There will be a few survivors. They might reproduce, a few generations later there won’t even be such a thing as language.

    Or. Alternatively. Somebody will not blow up the world and we are going to kill one another more slowly over declining resources. There will be one rich person left, we will all be slaves on their farm.

    Third. We solve all of the world’s problems have peace and harmony and then we won’t have anything to blog about. I will retire and be a dog breeder. Before the age of 105.

    So I pick the third option or hopefully death before the other two happen.

    So actually who really fucking knows anything?

    Neat to see you here.

  2. I’ve been thinking the same things lately about the doom and gloom.  Are the problems as serious as we and others are learning or am I going insane.  Best said with, “the last thing I’m worried about is electing more democrats”.  That is what so many of are thinking now, “what the fuck good is it going to do for these earth shaking issues we’re faced with”.  

  3. when they come to grab your possessions. So. It might end up being for humans, to!

  4. If you are ready go to and watch the entire presentation by David Wilcock.  Even if you don’t believe the science is amazing in and of itself.

  5. mcjoan may (SHOULD) ditch GOS altogether and move over here. lol. I keed. (I dont think we can afford her!)

    dats some crazy shit.

    . . .

    pf8, Im not far behind you.

    Im just back (today) after a brief hiatus away from the blogs, and… I dont know. And I can hardly even stand to watch even the “liberal” channel News, even Keith and EVEN Rachel.

    • Diane G on October 21, 2009 at 02:50

    said kindly, this is one of the 2 meta essays in the top spots.

    People just dig talking about their feelings, I guess. I do, myself.

    Me? Staying out of all of it.

    Peace darlings 🙂

    • Inky99 on October 21, 2009 at 03:01

    I’m kind of joking.  

    Tha’ts why I’m glad they banned me over there, because I would have had to have leave anyway.

    That’s ridiculous.  I’m glad I missed that one.

    People do NOT want to face reality.  

    That’s really all there is to it.   It’s pure denial.

    They invested emotionally in Obama and the Dems and they can’t let go, no matter how much they’ve been betrayed.

    They remind me, sadly, of the Repubs who kept insisting that Bush’s actions were for the good, and that Bush actually meant well.   Just clutching at a dream that had been proven extinct.

    • Inky99 on October 21, 2009 at 03:28

    I wrote this piece a while back.  I meant every word of it.

    My first comment got 41 recs and only 2 troll ratings.  

    Imagine if someone were to write it over there now:

    Fuck the Dems — that’s it.  I’m done

    I cannot be a member of a party that is for losers.

    I cannot be a member of a party whose leaders are absolute idiots.

    The Democratic Party is a bunch of losers, wants to represent losers, and is filled, at the top, with a bunch of absolute fucking idiots.  

    I am done with them.  Forever.  

    They had Bush on the ropes.  Bush was in the position, where if he wanted any more money for his little criminal vanity war, he was going to have to compromise.  The Dems had absolutely no reason to fund JACK SHIT regarding this war.  

    So what do they do?  They cave to the man with no power.  They cave to the man with an approval in the 20’s.  They give him a blank check to steal our money and give it to “contractors” and continue killing American citizens.  

    Well fuck them from now until forever.  Till hell freezes over.  Fuck them.

    theyrereal’s diary :: ::

    Can somebody give me one reason I should stay with this party of losers?  

    They do NOT represent me.  They do NOT give a damn about what their own members want.  

    This is not Democracy.  I don’t even know what it is.  It’s like the team who was hired to play the Harlem Globetrotters — a fraud, a fake team, a bunch of paid LOSERS who are there for the show, to give the ILLUSION that there’s a game going on.  

    Pelosi?  Reid?  All of you Dems?  Why don’t you just resign, right now.  

    Just fucking resign.  Get out of the way — you are PART OF THE PROBLEM, not the solution — and let somebody else who actually can put two brain cells together run the show.

    Understand?  No, of coursre you don’t, you’re a bunch of fucking morons.  

    What party will I join?  I don’t know.  But I cannot be a member of this one.  No way, ever again, they just lost me COMPLETELY.

    This was from May 2007.

    • banger on October 21, 2009 at 05:00

    I’ve seen an almost violent turn around in the general tone of discussion at DKOS. Radicalism is breaking out all over as people see that the Democratic Party is a center-right party not a center-left of even centrist party.

    I think we are on the cusp right now of a potential change. We are struggling with big issues and getting to the essence of what is wrong with our political and economic system. The right has no answers but sheer idiocy (other than at the libertarian side which I like). The left is utterly without a political part of movement and once more people realize it I think we are going to see something happen so we must get to it now. The tempers flaring is a symptom of energy rising — it is good. Now let’s grow some guts, balls and tits and learn to struggle — yes, let’s start struggling with each other to see what we’re made of. Call each other out if we have to, hug if we have to. But be real because this struggle is real and perhaps the most important struggle mankind has ever been engaged in (let me know of a more important time or place).

  6. Or a couple of them, that I’ve returned to the revolutionary views of my youth.  I’ve spent 30 years now fighting reformist, incrementalist battles, and in those 30 years things have just slid further and further backwards.  Deeper into the abyss of corporatist hegemony, defended by ranks of the exploited who gain nothing from it, but who are recruited into its service with know-nothingism, jingoism and racism.  Each passing year has seen the further dessication and decline of any organized instance of progressive people’s power.  We’ve seen the great Robber Barons of our age plunder the populace, and then having completely screwed up in their plundering, turn around and plunder us using their auxiliary arm of the state–and in that second plunder, the so-called “party of the working people” the Dems, voted more heavily in favor of the plunder than the Rubes, the party of Wall Street did.  How in the world am I supposed to consider such people my allies?  After 30 years of holding my tongue, of compromising my most basic principles every day (all the while being lectured at how I refuse to compromise at all), enough.  If I’m to be in a small marginal fringe of society for taking such stands as opposing an illegal war of naked aggression, of policies of torture, of disappearance into a global gulag, then why did I ever leave the small marginal fringe that is my full real self in the first place?  

    • TMC on October 21, 2009 at 05:46

    I comment when I have something to say. I try to understand where people are coming from, where their hearts and their heads are. I try to inform and, occasionally, make people smile, even laugh. I found kindred spirits at GOS and followed them here and found “family”. Families have feuds and members walk away, slamming doors in anger. Like all families, we don’t all agree but we all care about each other.

     There is a lot on all out plates. The last 8 years have been a nightmare. The last 8 and a half months have been disappointing for many but satisfying for others. I am neither, nor am I surprised at what has transpired at this point. I am as angry as E.K. about the torture issue and unless Obama opens up the investigation, he too is complicit. I read this diary before coming back here. It made me even more angry at the US government that they would do something so psychologically destructive to the men and the women who serve this country. I read GOS because of diarists like slinkerwink and nyeve who have done so much work to get HCR with a strong, string free Public Option, because of buhdydharma, Turkana and now MoT and their incredible ability to communicate their causes be it health care, torture, environment, economy. I am impressed with the talent and intelligence of my “family”.

    E.K., if you are reading this, FUCK GOS(and you know I don’t curse in my comments), FUCK what happened yesterday or what anyone else said. Don’t quit. You are the voice who wrote these:

    Hey! The Boss Skipped Out On Vacation And Left A New Org Chart!

    August 6, 2001-We Will Never Forget

    Perverts And Sadists


    Writing in the Raw

    And all of this:

    Diaries by ek hornbeck

    Your voice is here, Come home.

  7. I HEAR YOU!!!!!

    Don’t have much time right now, but I just wanted to acknowledge you and this essay, which is straight forward.  The problems are real, desperate and worsening — that is the reality!

    Strangely, I said something a little similar just the other night on buhdy’s essay, “Change Quakes.”

    Nice to see you!  ðŸ™‚

  8. And so do you, and you, and you and….We all do.

    Something to listen to while I babble away:

    The eminent Dr. Stephen Hawking, one of physic’s greatest minds is propounding a radically new view of reality. A recent “Discover” magazine article was all about the new theory he is promoting, which is, of course, causing a bit of a tempest in the tea cup of theoretical physics. His new POV is that nano strings, which are being promoted as “the new smallest, indivisible particle/energy wave” (lmao), are in fact alternate histories of the universe. Each and every one is a seperate history. I can only take that to mean alternate realities, another description of the multi-verse.

    Let me leave that on one corner of my plate for the moment and I’ll add a second course.

    I am a “create your own reality” kinda guy, best exemplified by the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know?”, and a series of books by Jane Roberts channeling an entity named Seth. My personal favorite is the book “Nature of Personal Reality”. Seth is a being who has progressed far enough on the wheel of life that he no longer needs to incarnate into a physical body, as he goes about the process of continuing his journey to his existence as a self conscious, free willed, fully aware, member/part of the One Thing That Is Everything.

    Let me add some observations as a third course in the meal I’m serving.

    The world is more polarized each day. The gap between the wingnutters and the progressives is widening on a daily basis. Even in communities of like minded individuals this polarization is evident. It is not so much that the individual POVs are becoming more polarized as that the amount of energy given to these POVs is being increased. It seems to me that individuals across the spectrum, all around the world are getting more juice to put into their respective items of focus.

    One more dollop as desert….

    There is a gentleman named Max (?) who is a professor, I believe in cosmology, at MIT. There was in an article about him, also in “Discover” close to two years ago. He is a Swede or a Norwegian who had a lot to say about alternate realities, and more importantly, the divergence points between those alternate realities Hawking was talking about in his article.

    Now I have never been interested in food as artsy fartsy pretty little plates, so I am going to stir my plate all up with a big wooden spoon…..and I get a real stew. A stew which is very analogous to the process of mitosis, the biological process of cell division: the DNA strands unwind, the chromosomes become apparent, divide, and in the anaphasic stage (where I believe we are now) the chromosomes start migrating to opposite ends of the cell in preparation for the cell to divide.

    BTW, my plate? A reproduction of the enigmatic Mayan calender.

    The take away from this little bit of babble is that I feel that the world is getting ready for a major divergence from the reality we have all grown up with.

    Here is something with which to wipe your hands and mouth. Sorry no paper towels, just this old beat up roll of tin foil.

    Be well, to yourselves first and foremost. Individuals at peace with themselves are much more likely to be peaceful in their endeavors with others.

    Peace out my friends let us leave the transformers and star wars to the belligerent

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