Rage Against Torture

(noon – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

Imagine listening to this for 20 days straight.

It IS torture, hell I can’t stand more than 20 seconds of it.

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    Of course, forcing people to listen to loud music for days on end is NOT the worst War Crime committed by Bush/Cheney, but it IS a War Crime nontheless by Geneva Standards.

    Well, it looks like Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam and many other musicians are DEMANDING accountability on torture, as far as their artistic contribution to it is concerned.

     Some of the more famous names in the music industry are formally lending their prestige to an effort being led by retired generals, progressive groups and a former member of Congress to shut GITMO down. The list includes Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, R.E.M., Pearl Jam, Jackson Browne, Rise Against, Rosanne Cash, Billy Bragg and the Roots, all of whom are joining the broader National Campaign to Close Guantanamo which was launched earlier in the week.

    Hoping to cast further light on the potential illegalities that took place at the detention facility, the group is also working to obtain records about why and how music was used (under laws authorized by the Bush administration) to effectively torture suspected terrorists. The musicians have officially endorsed a Freedom of Information Act request for the declassification of all secret government records pertaining to music utilized during interrogations. At least two members of the coalition, Reznor and Morello, have had their music linked to interrogations.

    “Guantanamo is known around the world as one of the places where human beings have been tortured — from water boarding, to stripping, hooding and forcing detainees into humiliating sexual acts — playing music for 72 hours in a row at volumes just below that to shatter the eardrums,” said Morello, in a statement provided by the NCCG. “Guantanamo may be Dick Cheney’s idea of America, but it’s not mine. The fact that music I helped create was used in crimes against humanity sickens me — we need to end torture and close Guantanamo now.”


    I nominate Tom Morello for Attorney General as SOON as I become President.

     What type of sick, f’ed up world is it when the only people who have the cajones to discuss torture and war crimes for what they are are the people who are the furthest from power to do something about it. Meanwhile that Dick Cheney parades around Washington dicktating who should go to war when and how many of our boys and girls should die for the MASSIVE War Crimes he committed and never fought for himself.

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     To Dick Cheney I say this, take off the suit and tie, suit up your fatigues and boots and get out there and fight this surge your fucking self! And that goes for every chickenhawk who was DEAD WRONG on WMD’s, DEAD WRONG on they’ll treat us like liberators, and DEAD WRONG on the 4,000 + Americans and over half a million Iraqi’s and Afghani’s who are DEAD now, dead and never coming back.American lives and other lives all LOST, so that Haliburton could have their no bid contracts and immunity from consequences for raping their female employees.

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     But we are stuck here with the Dicktator Cheney and his nitwit daughter, who some how thinks he gets to be Co-President of this Administration too.

     That’s why we HAVE elections!

     Isn’t it?

     But, back to the point. Torture IS torture. It happened. Dick and Bush did it. Torture IS against the law in America and the Civilized world.

Why wasn’t keeping America safe important BEFORE 9/11?

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     The question that matters is, is America still a part of the civilized world, or are we the country that lets Corporations rape women and politicians torture people.

     And, if so, when I move to French Polynesia, I’m taking Tom Morello and Pearl Jam with me.

Crossposted at The Progressive Electorate.com


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  1. as soon as I become President I promise to offer him the job.

  2. I’ll take it.

    • TMC on October 23, 2009 at 02:28

    RiaD put her diary Revulsion Begets Revolution up at DKos.

    • Miep on October 23, 2009 at 05:49

    It struck me as one of those that you just can’t process right away, it is so complex, has so many angles.

    Legs, even.

    To use art to torture is a kind of rape of the artist as well.

  3. Musicians not wanting their music used for modern psychological mind fuck experiments done by the MKULTRA crowd.  Valtin said so many times about the APA’s involvment.  Are all American institutions compromised?  Yes I could make many cases on that subject.

    I like that My Pet Goat picture too.  Did Bush suck as an actor or is man going through a negative brain power evolution.

  4. http://emptywheel.firedoglake….

    In short, there does not appear to be any valid avenue for damage recovery or injunctive relief to the harmed artists for the wrongful appropriation of their music by the US government for use in its torture program. What the artists can do is to seek the truth via the FOIA action, a process they have started. The other thing they, and you, can do is to speak out in objection to the illegal torture and detention scheme of the United States government. If you wish to join with the artists, and the generals, in voicing your objection to torture visit the CloseGitmoNow website.In short, there does not appear to be any valid avenue for damage recovery or injunctive relief to the harmed artists for the wrongful appropriation of their music by the US government for use in its torture program. What the artists can do is to seek the truth via the FOIA action, a process they have started. The other thing they, and you, can do is to speak out in objection to the illegal torture and detention scheme of the United States government. If you wish to join with the artists, and the generals, in voicing your objection to torture visit the CloseGitmoNow website.

    I admire their effort, and would love to see the courts side with them, but I hold little hope of that.

    • RUKind on October 24, 2009 at 04:46

    Anything by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (“Sheri” leads the list.

    “In-a-gadda-da-vida” (long version) Iron Butterfly

    “Staying Alive” BeeGees

    “Stairway to Heaven” Zep

    “Freebird” L. Skynyrd

    Come to think of it. I’ve been tortured for fifty years. 😉

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