Dem on Dem Filibuster…And the Hollow Reid That Allows It

Simulposted on Daily Kos

In the long and storied history of our fine and glorious land of sweeping plains, crashing oceans, and majestic mountains, a democracy that sweeps from sea to shining sea, a land that has been through a Civil War and racial strife, and perceived internal enemies, in an entire history of a land beset by challenges and strife, through all that we have been through as a nation, in the 233 years that this shining city on the hill has existed…


Never, not once, ever, nada, zip, bupkis. It is just NOT done.

But that is quite possibly what is about to happen.

Will this unprecedented instance of a political party be over a war? Over race or communism? Over say, Torture and War Crimes? Over some hugely important global threat to the safety of our nation? Will some urgent threat or emergency cause this never before seen rift in one of our political parties?

No this unique event will not be over some dire and imminent threat or internal strife that threatens the fabric of our nation….

It will be over getting decent Health care for our citizens.

A group of Democrats is threatening to filibuster…..other Democrats.

Over Health Care for American Citizens.

I know it is hard to conceive, hard to absorb, so I will say it again…

For the first time in history, a group of Democrats is going to filbuster their own Democratic Party….to prevent Americans from getting decent Health Care.

No, no it is really true!

Democrats didn’t filibuster the Patriot Act, didn’t filibuster FISA that allows Americans to be spied on by their government, didn’t filibuster going to war in Iraq, didn’t filibuster the Military Commissions Act that retroactively excused War Crimes….

….didn’t filibuster much of anything that the Republicans did (at least not in comparison to how the Republicans are filibustering simply EVERYTHING that Obama is trying to do) under a Republican President…

But now democrats are willing to filibuster their own President’s Health Care Plan.

Yes you heard me write, not only are some Democrats willing to go against their own Party for the first time in history….

They are willing to filibuster THE issue that could make or break their own President’s agenda and effectiveness.

They are willing to KILL President Obama’s Health Care Plan.

And deny decent health care to all Americans.

While obscenely fattening the coffers of the Insurance Companies by MAKING Americans buy Insurance from the very people that are screwing them over.

Let’s recap!

“Democrats” like Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Blanch Lincoln….and of course Joe Lieberman (I, me) are threatening to FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER filibuster their own Party, filibuster their own President in order to prevent Americans from getting decent health Care WHILE tring to hand a windfall profit to the Insurance Companies AND ….FORCE Americans to but a product from an industry that has used its federally granted Anti-trust protection…to kill 122 Americans a day.

Hard to believe isn’t it

How do we STOP this unprecedented tragedy and betrayal?

One man has the power to stop it, one man selected by all the other Senators to lead them, one man in charge of the entire Senate, one man whose only job it is is to ensure that this exact thing does not happen….

But is on the verge of indeed letting it happen.

In a conference call with political bloggers, Senator Arlen Specter (Still-Fresh D-PA) reported that in a recent gathering of the Senate Democratic caucus, he suggested his colleagues pledge to stick with the party on a cloture vote when the merged health care reform bill came to the floor. Much to Specter’s surprise, according to him, his idea was not embraced by his fellow Dems. And, perhaps even more surprising, Majority Leader Harry Reid approached Specter after the meeting (again, according to Specter), and thanked him for stressing a point that Reid, himself, admitted he was “reluctant to make.”

Specter recounted that during a recent Caucus meeting, he spoke up and suggested “all 60 go on the record committing to vote for cloture.” This, um, very appropriate idea went nowhere.

After the meeting, Specter continued, Reid went up to him and said, “thanks for saying that, I was reluctant to make that point myself.”

Harry Reid is RELUCTANT to make the point that Democrats shouldn’t filibuster each other.

Reluctant to do his JOB.

Call Evan Bayh (202 224-5623) and ask him this question: Are you REALLY going to filibuster your own Party?

Call Mary Landrieu (202224-5824) and ask her this question: Are you REALLY going to filibuster your own Party?

Call Ben Nelson (202 224-6551) and ask him this question: Are you REALLY going to filibuster your own Party?

Call Blanche Lincoln (202-224-4843) and ask her this question: Are you REALLY going to filibuster your own Party?

Call Joe Lieberman (202 224-4041)  and ask him this question: Why are you such an unremitting ass? Do you EVER want to get re-elected again in your life? Then don’t filibuster Health Care for Americans!

Call Harry “Hollow” Reid 202-224-3542 and……tell him to do his GotDam JOB! And prevent the first ever Dem on Dem filibuster in history on his watch.


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  1. Photobucket

    • Edger on October 16, 2009 at 20:42

    It sounds like they are willing to kill their own re-election prospects.

    Or would sound like that in a sane world.

    But then, in a sane world it wouldn’t be happening…

  2. and balloon boy, I really think my absurd.o.meter is finally and completely broken.

  3. …Ichabod Crane (aka: “give ’em hell harry”) remains slumbering in Sleepy Hollow.

    • ctrenta on October 20, 2009 at 02:39

    Forgive me for not coming here more often, but this one was so worth it! I take it you know that David Swanson posted it on After Downing Street. Nicely done!

    Keep blogging!

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