(noon – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
While former U.S. president George W. Bush talked about democracy inside a downtown Edmonton conference centre on Tuesday, hundreds of protesters were outside exercising their right to free speech with signs, songs and screams.“Stop the killing, stop the war,” the protesters chanted to the beat of a drum. They held signs that said “Bush is a war criminal;” “Bush lied, 1,000s died;” and “Canada is not Bush Country.”
Several dozen police officers kept protesters away from the front of the Shaw Conference Centre and as the crowd grew, metal barricades went up between the police and the crowd.
Marilyn Gaa, who holds both American and Canadian citizenship, held a three-metre-tall black-clad Grim Reaper with a sign on his back that said: “GWB I am your biggest fan” and on the front, “Thanks for 8 great years.”

Read the whole article, you will be glad you did. At least there is one North American country that understands that George W. Bush DESTROYED America, and that after 30 years of Reagan/Bush/Clinton’s NAFTA and Gramm act and finally George W. Bush (waR-Criminal-Texastan) Obama possibly as the Worst Job Ever. Clean up 30 years of bullshit and corruption in 4 to 8 years seems a daunting task, and is proving to be a pain in the ass. It is a good thing that at least one North American nation is well aware that Neo-Conservatives and their foreign and domestic policies are entirely responsible for the sorry current state of the American nation.
And don’t even get me started on the crappy Bush Dog Democrats who helped Bush do it.
But make no mistake, there is a nation in North America that wants justice for War Crimes, is sick of Neo-Cons and their Lies and War Mongering and is willing to admit that George W. Bush is largely responsible for the Great Depressionesque clusterfuck and Vietnamesque quagmires in Baghdad and Kabul.
And that North American nation is Canada.
I will update if anyone is reported to have thrown their shoes at George W. Bush.

Crossposted at The Progressive Electorate.com
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they didnt arrest him?!
My aunt took an assailant down with a beautiful red stiletto.
We should send W a free airplane ticket to Spain. I could squeeze my budget a little for a donation.