A Way to Pay for Healthcare You Will Never Hear Debated

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Recently we have all heard during the health care debate about the cost of health care reform and its impact on the deficit. Suddenly the right cares about the spending and its impact on the deficit (holy crap where were these deficit hawks during the tax cuts WHILE starting a multi trillion dollar war?).

Well I have looked at the numbers and I want to bring up a way to pay for health care which is as simple as could be, yet you will NEVER hear anyone on either the left or the right bring up…

Ok, so the estimate for the cost of HCR are roughly 900 billion over 10 years. That is roughly 90 Billion a year, so where can we find 90 Billion a year?

I say we take it directly from the US Military’s budget.

Look at the chart below:

We spent over 700 BILLION dollars last year on our military industrial complex. As you can see the closest any country in the world who comes close toour level of spending is China at a bit less than 200 Billion a year. Hell all of Europe combined only spends 289 Billion a year.

So don’t you think we could find in the 700 billion a year (or over 8 trillion over 10 years as the media would explain it if they explained military spending in the same way they are explaining the cost of Health Care reform)a small pittance of only 90 Billion for our Health Care stability and security?

Of course this seems to be a source of funding no one would ever bring up or debate.

And of course we can’t say we weren’t warned:

Crossposted at Daily Kos


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  1. Are highly welcome!

  2. the electronic cage which is US media does serve the purpose of continuing society by prepetuating that massive Matrix of xombinews.

  3. (that pie chart is hard to read) that the chart may actually understate the US’s world percentage.

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