A Third Party is the only way

It’s not that the information in this essay is wrong, because it isn’t wrong.  It’s that the information is provided in a “if you think it’s so easy, think again, so, you may as well quit thinking about it and support the Democratic Party” context.

Nobody thinks it will be easy.  Nobody believes that it will cure the ills facing our government overnight.  In fact, it probably won’t change a thing for a decade, maybe even two.

But, given the current situation of our government, a third political party is the only choice.

It is the threat of a third political party that galvanized the Democratic and Republican Parties to band together to get third-party candidates excluded from the debate process.  The last time we had a viable third-party candidate, it was Ross Perot, and he was eccentric, to be kind.  But, he did take 18% of the vote.

The very first problem you face with a third party is funding that isn’t dependent on corporations.  That, right there, is the key.  That, right there, is exactly why we voted for “change”, yet, we got more of the same.

“Change” health care?  Oh no, we can’t do that — our campaigns are financed by the health industry.  “Change” going to war?  Oh no, we can’t do that — our campaigns are financed by big military contractors.  Even the THREAT of investigations into a government system, and those who ran it, is something that few politicians, and even fewer corporations, want to see happen.  The reason is simple; if you shake up that system, it COULD change.  And, make no mistake, these people, these corporations, have spent decades buying off politicians, making sure the system is one where you don’t get elected UNLESS you are willing to break laws, to see anything else happen.

But, what do we now?  

We have Democratic politicians so scared that they will even pledge NOT to investigate a President who authorized torture.  We have Republicans so sure of the system that they DO put into place that torture regime knowing that they will not have to face any consequences.  Hell, we can’t even get reform to health care because politicians get their campaign money from corporations.  Right now, EVERY major industry knows that if they give enough money to Washington politicians, their industry, their profits, are secure.  It’s so bad that the politicians LET the industries write the laws that these politicians bring for a vote.

THAT is why we MUST get a third party.  A VIABLE party.  Yes, there is already a Libertarian Party and a Green Party.  Neither is getting much traction, and, for reason; neither of them cure the ills of our political system.  That is what the people want, a political party that is, once again, a party for the people.

Will it take hold tomorrow?  No.  Will it change the system tomorrow?  No.  But we have two choices; try to change the system by the rules as they are, or, change the system by making our own rules.

It is no longer about whether you vote Democrat or Republican; both are corrupt.  It is now about whether we, as a populace, are going to allow these corrupt politicians dictate the course of our country or not.

We aren’t fighting that 20% of the GOP who is left and who prove everyday just how homophobic, racist, and crazy they are.  We are fighting a SYSTEM.  It’s a system where corrupt politicians write rules and laws that allow them to be bribed, legally, by corporations.  It’s a system that has now perverted the press so that the public gets bullshit instead of reporting so that the majority of the public are clueless drones.  It’s a system that is pervading even the religious establishment.  

We voted for change.  What we got was a President who is working for the corporations.

We voted for change.  What we got was a Congress who is impotent to do anything meaningful for the public.

We voted to get out of the dark ages, and instead, we got definitive proof that our system is broken.

Violence is not the answer.  You must change the SYSTEM, not simply who is IN the system.

It won’t be easy, nor, will it be quick.  But, to return our government back to the people, it must be done.  The playbook has already been written for how to do it.

In the 1980’s, the GOP and its religious right attacked at the lowest levels.  It attacked city councils, county councils, and then worked up to the state level.  Once they got into the state level, they worked higher into the national level.  They did it with a concerted effort.  We can do it, as well.  And, we already have the proof that our way is the better way for ALL; Democrat, Republican and Independent.

Right now, people believe that there are only two choices.  That is wrong.  There IS a third choice IF you get people to believe there is a VIABLE third choice.

You want to vote for a Democrat?  What have they given you?  They have 60 votes in the Senate and what have they done?  You want to vote Republican?  If you aren’t rich, what have they given you besides lip service and politicians who spout family values while showing what hypocrites they are?  BOTH of those politicians are operating within the SYSTEM that has been warped, changed, into the “pay-to-play” system it is today.  A system where only corporations have the money to pay.

So, yes, it must start small.  It must start with financing other than corporations.  But, it MUST start, or, our country is lost to the corporation.  


  1. And I think the Repugs have given Socialism a new lease on life.

    Plus Bernie Sanders has.

    But, you know, before starting or joining some party, you need to change hearts and minds, because that’s really what it’s all about — everything else flows from that.  

    The Repugs have been attacking education since the 1980s for a reason.  And it’s by and large worked.  

    They control the media–but then they always did.  

    So, the big changes lately are:

    1. The educational system has gone further to the right than ever.

    2. Fake left websites have proliferated like DU and DK, where you must support the Democratic Party, or be labeled an outcast.  

    Counter those two things, and we’ll be a lot closer to third party victories than we are now.

    The Democratic Party is in total control of the US government right now–let them hang themselves just as they are doing.  But we need to point it out–they’re not left. They’re right of center–far right of center.

    The Republicans want to run against Socialists?  Well, most Americans are cognizant that the Democrats really aren’t that.  

    Socialist is one answer.   Let the Republicrats run against the real thing.

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