Let us Temper Anger with Mercy 20090624

I am not a fan of Governor Sanford.  His politics are pretty much antithetic to me, and to most of us in this community.  I also think that he would be a horrible President, but that is my own thought.

The developments today are extremely sad on many levels.  We have seen a person with a career completely destroyed, although of his own making.  But I can not condemn a man for love.

My problem with him is his long track record of being a “values” (aka, Christin values) Republican.  He even voted to impeach President Clinton.  But this is not my point.

My point is that this person, as despicable is his extremely CATO values and his ugly words towards President Clinton, has one thing in common with every one.  He is a human.

Humans make mistakes.  Now and then, humans fall in love with other humans to whom they are not married, even though they are already married.

Some make much noise about about it, as Sanford has done in the past, condemning those who have fallen in love with another.  Some go to the hospital bed with their new mate, and tell the old one that she is done, like Gingrich did with his new squeeze.  Some prefer the animosity of a restroom stall, like the Wide Man, also a Republican did, and others prefer the underage same sex boys like Foley did.

That is sort of off topic, but my point is just this:  I believe that Sanford really and truly loves his mate in Argentina.  I also believe that he loves his wife and children in the United States.  I can not condemn him.  I personally love my wonderful wife and children, and I have fought the same temptations and lost to them, and that loss cost me, and more importantly, our family, years of sitting at the dinner table with good regards every night.

My mate, to her credit, has been very forgiving.  She knows that I used to have that wild sort of thought.  Fortunately, I have finally clamped down on that part of my very extraverted [this is not a typo] personality.  It took a long time, and more patience from her than for which I ever could hope, let alone expect.

To summarize, I very strongly disagree with the politics of Sanford.  On the other hand, I very strongly understand his heart that is now rent.  His career is over, and he knows it.  Peace be to him, and to all of them who are close to him.  I expect lots of bad comments, but that is OK.  Love is not logical.

Warmest regards,



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    • zett on June 25, 2009 at 17:35

    He who is without sin cast the first stone…

    I think the blogs are wasting time breathlessly covering this, getting off on cheap schadenfreude at the expense of a Republican, rather than covering, for instance, the fact that Lieberman’s “keep the torture photos secret” bill got passed out of the Senate by unanimous consent again (I’m staring daggers at you, Feingold, and you, Sanders)and will have to be fought all over again in the House.

    Will the progs stand strong against it as a standalone bill or will they cave this time.  Knowing Congress’ history, I’m worried.

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