Governor Sanford, Where Art Thou?

I noticed a diary on another site which was titled “Let’s Hope for the Best for Governor Sanford, and no more Jokes”.  The diarist was using the bleeding heart liberal approach to Sanford and wanted everyone to be sure to worry about his safety.   Of course, I know Sanford is a Republican and worse yet, one who wanted to refuse the stimulus money for his state based on party affiliation only.  So I made a comment thusly: “How far would you go?  Cheney?

No response from the diarist, but I did get a response from someone that stated they would still be concerned about Cheney because he is after all, a human being with a family.  Now I AM a bleeding heart liberal.  My heart bleeds for the kids being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Sudan.  My heart bleeds for the homeless in the United States.  My heart bleeds plenty.   But my heart doesn’t bleed for Dick Cheney.  Even though my heart bleeds for so many, I can honestly say that if Cheney was out there somewhere on the Appalachian trail and people were fearing the worst, I wouldn’t give one God Damn.  I want my heart to bleed when the bleeding is just.

Many of the people who think in this manner, do not speak the same about the children killed around the world through violence from the US military machine.  Yet they want me to be concerned about Governor Sanford.  I’ve long thot that the most difficult thing for a human being to be is consistent in their thoughts and actions.  


  1. It’s not that I’m a bad guy, I just want people to realize that a 3 year old child in Afghanistan, killed by a drone controlled by a Nintendo warrior in California, is what we have to stop.  

  2. home has just been bombed, parents killed and nothing to eat.

    Yep…it’s all about perspective.

    As Always…Peace ;-)>

  3. dies or something, and all the Dk-ettes go ‘God Bless’.

    I say ‘Good Riddance’.

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