damn. “they” strike again.

Humans are amazing. It’s not just that we never ever seem to learn from past mistakes, but that we, in our chosen collectives; ie religious/ ethnic racial political blocs, exempt ourselves from our respective contributions to the epic failures of this first decade in this new century.

I fear, the truth is that the fault, dear Democrats/progressives/liberals, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves . . . if we are underlings.

cross-posted at Daily Kos

Perhaps there’s an argument in the meaning here: that fault gets placed on underlings as a prerogative of power. But I read it like this: we are, whether we like it or not, in charge of our fates. When we cede our power to others, then the results belong to us.

So here we are. Screaming about THEY. And I wonder who the fuck THEY are. My mother was keenly aware of fashion fascist THEY, those insidious few controlling when I could and could not wear white pants. Remember the old rules? Not before Memorial Day and NOT after Labor Day???

And, apparently, THEY comprise killers of doctors providing abortions. THEY are killers of a nine-year-old child. THEY are the BillO followers and the minions of Malkin and the hacks licking up every word from Hannity.

On the other side of it, THEY are members of PETA and supporters of equal rights for OMG gays and transgenders. THEY are dirty socialists who want the gov’t to use tax dollars in benefit of citizens rather than bailing out billionaires.

We progressives can scream about extremists, but what does it serve? It is starting to sound, to me, like Bush selling terrorists and terrorism.

Because we underlings, no matter how sane or extreme, have not taken over the world. We’re no where close.

It’s just another exercise promoted by the real members of the THEY party… those who keep us parted and distracted. While THEY, those really in charge, continue to exploit us and the planet.

While Obama’s DOJ writes briefs in defense of marriage, because it’s the law, remember this: we can change the law. Yes. We can.

While Obama’s people allegedly threaten junior representatives not willing to vote for supplemental war funding, remember the mandate was to dismantle the war machine.

Remember who THEY are. Not small bands of lunatics. But a small band of vampires sitting in capitols and parliments, in board rooms and exerting power as organized crime.

This is the THEY upon whom we should keep our focus. The fringes on either side never see the fault in themselves and keep us from the real work. Finding the moderately sane humans: those Republican citizens, like Democratic citizens, Greens, Indies et al who didn’t sign on for torture or bail outs or any other crazy shit being perpetrated by the power players. We need to reassure each other . . .

. . . that most of us are NOT isolationists, expansionists, or completely unaware of our footprint on this globe. We do need, however, leadership that can tap into the altruist nature most of us seem to possess…

A large majority of Americans feel that US foreign policy should at times serve altruistic purposes independent of US national interests. Americans also feel that US foreign policy should be oriented to the global interest not just the national interest and are highly responsive to arguments that serving the global interest ultimately serves the national interest. Americans show substantial concern for global conditions in a wide range of areas.

We do, btw, have statistics to tell us who we are and what we believe. And, according to statistics, we are a LIBERAL country. How do progressives reach out to this middle, who may vote Republican but in poll after poll are much more like us????

…the average for the past 30 years: 20 percent liberal, 33 percent conservative, 47 percent moderate. And yet when “moderates” were questioned by pollsters for Louis Harris and Associates in 2005, they turned out to share pretty much the same beliefs as self-described liberals-they just couldn’t bring themselves to embrace the hated label.

Over the past 25 years or so, regardless of the party in power, about 37% of the country has self-identified as liberal or progressive or Democratic or “Blue;” about 25% of the population has self-identified as conservative or Republican or “Red,” and the remaining 35% percent – call them moderates.

It should come as no surprise that conservative media figures repeat the myth that most Americans share their views. Even when Democrats win, conservatives claim that their ideology is still dominant. On election night 2006, Fox News Washington managing editor Brit Hume acknowledged that Democrats were winning, but stressed that “from what we could see from all the polling and everything else, it remains a conservative country.”

I’ve read a lot about how horrible Republicans are. They’re like a lynch mob and they’re haters and they’re racist and they’re……… our neighbors, family members, and friends as well. And most of them do not fit into the caricature being painted. By a corporate media that wants us to feel overwhelmed by an image of our fellow citizens as a bunch of crazed white power freaks.

We missed a big moment in the 2008 election cycle to try and oust some influential Democrats. We should NOT lose the opportunity in 2010 to find strong net roots and grass roots citizens to challenge the real group comprising THEY… the Pelosis, the Reids, and the Schumers.

It isn’t more Democrats we need. It is better thinkers. Mature citizens. People of depth and vision but not in lock step. God no. Not more power players completely blinded by their corrupt and meaningless game.

We’re a good people, we Americans. And I believe we can take our leaders along with us… when those leaders have the potential of Barack Obama . Yeah. I’ll admit it. While some of our President’s decisions have me worried that he’s just another politician, I know he can be more. I hope he can be more. I pray to a god I don’t believe in that he’s more.

But they heavy-lifting is up to us . . . to bring him along with us . . .


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    • pfiore8 on June 13, 2009 at 13:49
    • RiaD on June 13, 2009 at 15:57



    • Edger on June 13, 2009 at 17:03

    ‘they’ll’ come around? 😉

    But this could be some goddamn ‘heavy’ lifting, couldn’t it? 😉

    • kj on June 13, 2009 at 18:11

    It isn’t more Democrats we need. It is better thinkers. Mature citizens. People of depth and vision but not in lock step. God no. Not more power players completely blinded by their corrupt and meaningless game.

    • kj on June 13, 2009 at 18:17

    i do realize a joke isn’t exactly necessary or timely to this piece… but the whole thing about vampires being somehow on the ‘other’ side… not Spike.  or Angel.  i mean, i am a fan-girl for Spike.  Spike is probably the greatest, funniest, most awesome character ever to hit television.  i’m sorry, but Spike is real to me.  and Spike is a vampire.  (but he gets a soul later, and he used to be a nerdy poet before he was turned, what’s not to love about Spike???!!!!)

    okay.  back to reading/lurking.  but just remember.  not all vamps are bad, some are very, very good.  ‘-)

  1. that only about 20% of humans are capable of thinking in a liberal, open, rational manner.  Can’t remember where, but humans have different capabilities within their brains.  

    • Joy B. on June 13, 2009 at 18:35

    …rise up to themselves become the “They,” they are inevitably as bad as the last “They.” There’s something about that old adage about power corrupting that illustrates a hole in the human soul. I sometimes wonder if it can ever be patched or filled with anything but corruption.

  2. We need more and better Progressives in government.

    Whatever labels they self apply is their business.

  3. Maybe, we could just break it all down into two Codes.  The Code of Greed and the Code of Human/Humane!

    Thanks for this, pf8!

  4. they are not followers, “they” are an elite ruling class that uses the Limbaugh and BillO followers to do their bidding. In return, the followers get to feel like they’re part of the deal.

    In the end though, they and their followers are a minor inconvenience. “They” are the minority and as soon as Americans start fighting back “they” and their system will be exposed as the paper tiger they are.

    Nearly everything we need to bring real change is in place. The problem is we’ve chosen a leader and left him on his own. He’s doing what the powers that be want him to do, but if we are louder then those elites he will listen to us.

    In fact, I think the “Bush lite” things President Obama has been doing lately are part of the same “long game” that put him in office. I think he’s trying to rile people up because there is no stronger force for change than the anger of a nation. If I’m wrong, then I have overestimated Obama from the start.

  5. …back around these parts.  Whoopie!

    How are things in the Netherlands?

  6. and after that my sociopath mother.

    Good people just don’t believe it even if evil memes repeat time and time again.  I was a low life evil person for even suggesting my mother was among that 5% of the population who have zero empathy for other people.

    They in my book means “The Illuminati”, that collective myriad of organizations driving world events by manipulation of public opinion, policical parties left and right and even religions.


    Project censored is an excellent mainstream site but my Pulitzer Prize for journalism would go to


    I like watching the vampires slink away behind their paid jarhead security goons.

  7. This is what I’ve been talking about.  This rabid foaming-at-the-mouth thing is just getting misdirected.  

    We need to form together and fight the big guys that are working directly against all of US.

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