Seekers of Truth

Thunder on the mountain, and there’s fires on the moon,

A ruckus in the alley and the sun will be here soon.

Or maybe not.

There’s been a ruckus in the alley for 30 years, but too many Democrats still keep bringing bouquets of bipartisan flowers to gun fights.  They keep getting riddled with bullets, over and over again, but they still don’t seem to have a clue that their Bouquet of Bipartisan Flowers Strategy isn’t worth a flying fuck and never has been.  

Thunder on the mountain, rollin’ like a drum,

Gonna fight for change here, it’s where the music’s coming from,

We don’t need any guide, we already know the way . . .

Seeking the truth is the way.  Seekers of truth are not conspiracy theorists, they are not purists, they don’t wear tinfoil fucking hats, they don’t need permission from Kos or anyone else to seek the truth about 9/11, about stolen elections, and about every other BushCo crime Cheney and his thugs keep high-fiving each other about while Eric Holder does nothing and Obama kisses the CIA’s ass and the Pentagon’s ass and the NSA’s ass and calls it change we can believe in.


I want justice we can believe in, I want accountability we can believe in, I want to hear thunder on the mountain like it’s Judgment Day, I want to see every BushCo criminal prosecuted, convicted, and sent to prison.

It’s called the rule of law, Obama.

Look into my heart and you will sort of understand.

You brought me here . . .

Change We Can Believe In Pictures, Images and Photos

Now you’re trying to run me away,

The writing’s on the wall, come read it, come see what it say.

Read what this says, Mr. President: The Geneva Conventions

Read what this says: United Nations Convention Against Torture

Read what this says: Constitution of the United States

Remember this?

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You didn’t say . . .

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, unless it interferes with looking forward and stuff like that.”

But that’s what he meant.

Thunder on the mountain, heavy as sin,

Mean old twister bearing down on him . . .

Complicity Pictures, Images and Photos

All the liars in Washington will be scrambling to get out of town.

When Karma comes calling and it all comes crashing down.

Refusing to prosecute war crimes is not change we can believe in, it’s complicity in war crimes.  Blocking the release of torture photos is not change we can believe in, it’s caving in to bellowing right wing thugs, just like Democrats did after 9/11, just like they did because of “Mushroom Cloud” bellowing and “Saddam Has WMD” bellowing and “Support the Troops” bellowing and “Democrats are Obstructionists” bellowing and “Up or Down Vote” bellowing and “Elections Have Consequences” bellowing and “Stay the Course” bellowing and “The Surge Is Working” bellowing and every other bellowing bullshit slogan Frank Luntz dreamed up after convening a focus group of ignorant shitheads who grew up watching Happy Days and don’t have a fucking clue what being a citizen of a democracy means.

Thunder on the mountain, rolling to the ground,

Gonna get up in the morning, walk the hard road down . . .

There’s only one road to real change.  It’s a hard road, it’s the hard road Bobby Kennedy traveled, the hard road Dr. King traveled, the hard road Paul Wellstone traveled, it’s the hard road we all must travel if real change is ever going to come.  They’re no longer with us, but their integrity still is, their courage still is, the shining example they set still is.  That light will never fade, no assassin’s bullet can ever extinguish it, no plane crash can ever snuff it out.  

We are that light now, we are the seekers of truth now, we are the seekers of justice they taught us to be, and no fucking FAQ’s on Daily Kos or anywhere else can keep us from lighting the way down that hard road, so others can see the truth, so they can walk beside us, so we can all show Obama what real change looks like, so the world can see that America still actually gives a damn about justice and the rule of law.  

And who knows, Obama might even tag along, if he ever realizes that just talking the talk doesn’t mean shit, if he ever decides it’s finally time to walk the walk, if he ever figures out that African American slaves didn’t endure centuries of slavery, that Freedom Riders didn’t suffer beatings, that Dr. King didn’t give his life just so the first African American president could cave in to right wing bellowing his entire presidency.

Human slavery wasn’t just “bad policy”, Mr. President.  Racial segregation wasn’t just “bad policy”, the worst crime rampage in American political history wasn’t just “bad policy”, it was a relentless criminal assault on the very foundations of American democracy.  So shut the fuck up about “looking forward”.  Enforce the Constitution and the rule of law.          


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    • Alma on May 20, 2009 at 20:13

    be still my heart:

    I want to see every BushCo criminal prosecuted, convicted, and sent to prison.

    Integrity?  What is this integrity you speak about?  I think its long gone from our govt. officials.


    Seekers of truth are not conspiracy theorists, they are not purists, they don’t wear tinfoil fucking hats, they don’t need permission from Kos or anyone else to seek the truth about 9/11, about stolen elections,

    Couldn’t have said it any better myself. I want to know and I don’t buy the BS official story.  

  2. much appreciated.

    Nice to hear your voice.

  3. I still love Obama. I’ll give him another couple years.. 🙂

    It’s a tough row to hoe, I’m sure, and the way our politics is set up, a president can’t really push the envelope until the second term. First he/she needs to get the votes to survive.

    If he keeps fucking the dog into 2013, I’ll certainly call for his head on a goddamn stake.

    Meantime, I’ll “HOPE” for a Ventura independent ticket in 2012 and a very interesting race. 🙂

    (this coming for a fella who volunteered and organized hundreds of hours last year as team leader in my community…)

    • BobbyK on May 22, 2009 at 05:28
  4. I think Obama feels or attempts to satisfy the left and the right at the same time — which, as we know, it just can’t be done.  You wind up in the middle with not much of any accomplishment one way or the other.  I have tried to be as empathetic as I know how considering the horrendous situation he came into. I also understand the relentless pressures of the right-wing forces (the same ones as were with us in the Bush Administration).   Obama is definitely on overload.

    Maybe, at a point, he’ll realize that he cannot placate both sides of the coin, and, finally, wake up, get tough and listen to his heart and good wisdom and tell the evil forces to go to hell, so to speak.

    The strange thing about it all is that were investigations to commence, Obama’s task would become less burdensome, in that many would lighten up in the face of investigations, at least for a while.  The GOP devils and complicit Dems will probably never totally give up.  And, of course, they’re all more or less backed into a corner right now.  

    It’s truly hard to figure out where Obama is at right now in his thinking — so much of what he said previously and at the beginning of his actual presidency continues to be watered down from the initial strong stance.  

    We must keep up the pressure, nonetheless!

    Thanks for this, Rusty!

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