Petition Delivered!!! Yay Us! Yay!

More Than 250,000 People Demand Accountability

There’s an old saying that goes, “early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and organize.” Well, we on the field team at the ACLU think it needs to be changed to “LATE to bed, early to rise, work like hell and organize!” Who goes to bed early when there’s work to be done?

Boxes filled with the names of 257,961 people who signed our petition. The sign reads: “People say: Appoint a Special Prosecutor.”

You can rest assured we have been working hard to make certain that people at the highest reaches of our government hear our call that torture is wrong, and that we demand action to ensure our country never engages in these horrific tactics again.

Due to the wonderful support of our members and activists, and the collaboration with members of the Stop Torture Now coalition, we gathered more than a quarter of a million signatures calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to examine torture and other government abuses. We delivered those petitions yesterday during a hearing on Capitol Hill that under normal circumstances, would have been a discussion of the budget of the Department of Justice. We pushed, prodded and pitched the media, contacted members of Congress and joined forces with other groups like MoveOn….,

…. Faithful America, Firedoglake, the Center for Constitutional Rights and many others to ensure that when AG Holder was at this hearing, he was asked the tough questions about the recently released torture memos,and what he was going to do about this sad chapter in our country’s history.

The first speaker in the hearing was Appropriations Committee Chair, Rep. David Obey (D-Wisc.). During his opening remarks he discussed the memos and said they definitely described torture. We knew right then and there that all our hard work paid off. As the hearing continued, member after member sought the Attorney General’s view on this issue and asked to hear his thoughts on what actions to take.

At one point, Holder said: “…it is my responsibility as the Attorney General to enforce the law. If I see wrongdoing, I will pursue it to the full extent of the law.”


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  1. Photobucket

    At least a preliminary one!

  2. But we ain’t done yet!  

  3. Makes it easy to hit two or three in a few minutes.

  4. We’re as big as the teabaggers.

    Where’s our wall to wall coverage Faux?

  5. “… If I see wrongdoing, I will pursue it to the full extent of the law.”

    May It Be So!!!

    And there is no way NOT to see wrongdoing.

  6. But the push ain’t over!  

    Thanks, buhdy!

    • RiaD on April 25, 2009 at 01:58

    you made it happen by keeping it in front of everyone.


  7. We never lost our voice during eight years of the Bush nightmare, and we’re not about to lose it now. Justice must be served.

  8. Great news, buhdy.  After 8 years of living in a rogue state, it’s nice to think we can return to the Constitution & the Geneva Conventions (& habeas corpus).

  9. the badge down on my blog, or are they still open?

    But WOOOOOT us!

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