Emperor Obama has banned torture

Hail Obama! Our new Emperor has banned the torture of captives. This means that for four or eight more years there will be no torture. Then we must hope that the next Emperor will reach the same decision. The people know that the word of the Emperor (officially known as the President) is supreme. That is why the Emperor’s spokesmen tell us to put our minds at ease. All that matters is the Emperor’s will. The law may provide amusement or employment for many earnest people, but when it comes to matters of state, it is the Emperor who decides, for he is the guardian of our national security.

When did the American President become an emperor? Was it on September 11, 2001? Was it during the rule of FDR, or Lyndon Johnson, or Nixon? Nobody can quite remember. But everyone agrees that Imperial leadership is emotionally gratifying. There is something stirring in the bold figure and inspiring words of Emperor Obama. He rises above the petty bickering of the legislature and commands the respect and admiration of his devoted citizens. Here is a great leader! When comes such another?


    • Viet71 on April 23, 2009 at 02:12

    an emperor when Ollie North basically gave the finger to congress, and congress began abdicating its constitutional function.

    Notwithstanding Clinton’s impeachment, congress had pretty much abandoned its constitutional role by the end of 1999 — witness the repeal of Glass-Steagall at the urging of Greenspan, Rubin, Gramm, and a bunch of lobbyists.

    Clearly, at least in retrospect, as of 9/12/01, the president was an emperor, and congress might as well not have existed for all the good it has done since.

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