The Obamafication of Community Moderation, Part One

Note to Dharmaniacs: This is obviously directed towards the Daily Kos community, but the theories and principles apply everywhere and to all walks of life.

The Obama Code is both moral and linguistic at once.  The President is using his enormous skills as a communicator to express a moral system.

For supporters of the President, it is crucial to understand the Code in order to talk overtly about the old values our new president is communicating. It is necessary because tens of millions of Americans-both conservatives and progressives-don’t yet perceive the vital sea change that Obama is bringing about.

The Obama Code by George Lakoff

I think it is safe to say that everyone here admires or at least respects Barack Obama. Among the many reasons there are to do so, none stands out as much as the central one. He is effective. His approach, tactics and methods, above all considerations of style or personal charm…

And a bigger part of that than can be measured in the fact that the Code that Lakoff talks about …works. It is a form of “walking your talk.” It is communicating who you are and what you stand for not just in what you say, but in how you say it as well.

Barack Obama, as a candidate and as president, has won just about every political battle he has been in. He has won them not just because he is right on nearly every issue, but because of the way he expresses this …rightness. Who he is and what he stands for is inherent and apparent every time he speaks. He literally embodies the principles he stands for. And, I reiterate, it works.

We should emulate him.

Not just politically, but with our interactions on this political blog as well.

Daily Kos, I think it is fair to say, was founded in opposition to Bush. Bush too, lol, embodied what he stood for. Arrogant, dismissive, intolerant, insulting and just plain mean. All aggression and opposition all the time. There is an old saying that the worst part of fighting totalitarians is that you have to sink to their level to defeat them. We did. But not just against them, against ourselves as well, here on this site.

To fight “Bush,” to oppose him, we were forced to sink to his level. The whole zeitgeist of the site was based on the animosity and memes established in the mindset that USED to be needed to fight Bush. We rightly railed against Dem politicians being too spineless, too nice, for bringing a spork to a gunfight. We The Kossaks then (rightly) embodied that dynamic as example and model of how we felt Bush needed to be opposed. All aggression and opposition all the time. Ok that is a gross overstatement, (pooties!) but it sums up the attitude we were forced to adopt. That is changing now, so the memes and methods and attitudes here, especially towards each other, can and doneed to change too.

We need to Obamafy!

And in fact we already are. Community Moderation has to my eye at least, become slowly (in blog years) less aggressive, and less mean. Has started to embody and express who we are and most importantly, who we want to be. But of course we can still do better.

It is necessary because tens of millions of Americans-both conservatives and progressives-don’t yet perceive the vital sea change that Obama is bringing about.

For Obama to fully succeed he, as he has said over and over, needs us. For Obama’s new paradigm of politics to succeed, WE have to adopt it, and nowhere is that more important….more effective….than in the way we relate to each other. The way we embody the values we espouse.

That does NOT mean, by the way, being soft. Obama is not soft. When he sees something wrong, he calls it out. If someone is wrong, he says they are wrong. Without insulting them. If he see someone needs to be “slapped down” (Hello Rush!) he slaps them down. While not dehumanizing them. He slaps them down in accordance with and within the moral “Code” that he embodies.

That “Code” is critical.

For the last decade, Republican hypocrisy, cheating, and corruption has destroyed our moral code. We see it in every aspect of American life. From the obscene immoral greed on Wall St. to the obscene immorality of illegal invasion and torture. We see it in the demonization of everyone, gays, minorities and especially Muslims. Everywhere, every aspect of American life has been corrupted and reduced to the blatant selfishness of us vs. them. With the none to subtle sub-text of destroying every one of them. Not defeating ‘them politically or even culturally….but destroying them.

We see it in the violent hatred for Obama himself, in the threats on his life. Yet he does not even flinch in the face of all of that, he presses forward, walking his talk. How can we do any less when the only “threat” that we face is merely the words of some “troll” or “asshole” on a screen?

Obama understands, as Lakoff points out that this “meta” battle to restore and refresh and reset America’s moral Code is the most important battle there we face. For ALL Progressive political goals ….are also moral goals. I cannot state that too strongly. Every thing we as Progressives believe and fight for has a moral root.

Not a religious root or a politically ideological root. A moral root. Every. Single. One. ( I look forward to any challenges to that in the comments!) To repeat….NOT a religious Code, a moral one. Think about the difference please, before you comment on that!

Thus establishing a new morality is the key to all political victories. And HERE I must stress the contrasts between the INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITICAL Republican moral code that they violated at EVERY possible opportunity. I could fill tomes with examples, but you all know them. Let’s just go with the example of the “Family Values” of Diaper Dave Vitter. Ok I will throw in Terry Schiavo as well.

The point being that they have never walked their talk. And in very large part, that hypocrisy and the results that it brought is why they are currently swirling down the toilet bowl of history.

Gingrich/Palin 2012!

We then must learn….and practice…this lesson. We must, as does Obama, embody the moral code we wish to see. To quote another Progressive, Be the Change.

And that starts HERE.

In the way we relate to each other. In the way we do Community Moderation, especially. We need to walk the talk too. Yes We Can challenge each other and correct each other in new ways. Following Obama’s example in the way we relate to each other….AND to “trolls.”

I am not going to give examples or link to transgressors or try to tell you how to do anything. I am by no means saying I am perfect or some kind of role model. All I am asking is that we each look within and see where we can each change. Consciously.

It is already happening. We just need to be mindful of the Obama Code as we confront the disagreements and provocations that we encounter as we pursue our passion for change.The national discourse will not change overnight, and neither will we. This, like all things worth doing, will take time and effort on all of our parts and we WILL at times fail. We need to be Progresive and tolerant of those of our sisters and brother Kossaks who fail in this way as well.

Be firm in your convictions, state your case with confidence, do not be shy in confronting what needs to be confronted. But it is no longer necessary to dehumanize those who merely oppose or disagree with us.

Or Troll Rate them willy-nilly, just because you can! Cut that shit out, asshole! 🙂


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  1. Doesn’t carry a gun


    Tonight’s Sound Track:

    • Viet71 on March 9, 2009 at 00:09

    You want to believe.

    You are a cheerleader.

    You want to believe talk is all it takes.  Jesus.

  2. Since I am a Knight and in that capacity I could get a Redstate account however I deemed talking to inanimate objects pointless.  See banned from in under 48 hours. If this place too is to become a back patting society I have survivalist shit to do.

    Yes even I see a modicum of good intentions but I also see (from business school) a read between the lines dystopian control freak totalitarianism of unprecedented proportions.

    Again are we debating or are we back patting?

    I can rewire your house to 12 volts,have good skills in everything tradesman and know how to care for horses.  I can even fly small planes in addition to undocumented paranormal abilities.  Raised in the suburban Camelot of the post WWII years I was exposed to alot and the thesis of my Dead America book would be “All this for One Generation? You gotta be shitting me”.

    I don’t want to carry a gun either but I am a decent shooter, my daughters can both drive stick shift and are pretty good themselves with their nines.  What we can’t afford anymore is BS and this obsession with American Idol hero worship crap.

    If the “moral system” is globalization modeled after China, then consider me on a Jihad.

    I await either the insta Dkos ban or illustrations as to why in this media challenged world I am mistaken.  I do need to meet in person, the paranormal stuff works much better face to face.

    • kj on March 9, 2009 at 01:04
  3. Now let’s see him WALK THE WALK.

    Out of Iraq.

    Out of Afghanistan.

    Do OUR OWN dirty laundry. FIRST. NOW. SOONEST.

    That includes prosecution of the Bush administration and their lawless cronies for their WAR CRIMES.

    The military industrial complex is going to be the biggest house Hillary ever had to clean. Let’s get her on it – for real. No special interest crap, no “Family” or “Bilderberg Group” backroom deals taking priority over the needs of our nation, our Constitution and our people.

    END domestic spying. Prosecute those who abuse their power in this manner. JAIL those who are using their access to federal intelligence and law enforcement data to STALK people and BREAK THE LAW.

    Give taxpayer dollars to those who truly need them most. Let the wealthy start pulling their fucking weight or take the fall.

    Restore power to the people.

    Pull the plug on big oil and carbon based energy.

    Get off the grid. Stop subsidies to vampires.

    Speaking of stopping subsidies, stop terrorizing small farmers and stop subsidies to special interests and cronies who are pretending to be farmers. FEED the people in this country who are hungry for a FAIR price.

    I’m just getting started. I’d like to see Obama just get started with the issues I’ve mentioned above.

    We’ve heard enough talk. Actions speak louder than words, however fine those words are.

  4. thank you. blessings.

    maybe I can come back to this to discuss more tomorrow. Tonight?, not so good timing for me.

    It’s not… ABOUT… Obama. It’s about us.

    Beatles on my radio earlier today, stayed with me…

  5. I think you’ve given a lot of thought to the manner in which Obama proceeds to get his points across — the methodology, so to speak.  He is a tremendous source of encouragement on the levels you point out.  No matter what is flung at him — he doesn’t flinch. Why?  Because he knows what he is about and what he wants to accomplish, albeit, against the greatest odds anyone could ever befront.  Without saying it, he provides each of us a “learning” lesson — how to communicate effectively!

    I was at a social function of a dear friend last night — a friend whose family is tremendously large and I have known a very long time.  I began somewhat of a railing for the things I was most upset about with Obama to one of the persons I spoke with  — without specifics, someone quite close to the situation.  Torture, Afghanistan, Iraq, you name it.  The response:  “He’s only been in office 45 days — he’s feeling his way around to see what needs to be done here and there.  He’s assessing everything!”  That was the gist — not 100% verbatim, but damn close.  I said, “You know what, you’re right and I’m glad you told me that.”  Another thing I said was, “You know the Repugs are doing everything to make sure that he fails, don’t you?” He said, “If Obama fails — we all fail.”  I told him I agreed with that thought — that “he is the most intelligent person we’ve had in a helluva’ long time.”

    But, I think what that REALLY means is, if we lose him due to Repug attempts to devastate all his efforts, then we truly will become a failure — and the Repugs will find their way in AGAIN!

    So (laboriously stated), I think if we just “develop” some of these skills that Obama exhibits — we can prevent the worst from happening!

    Just sayin,’ friends.  Thanks, buhdy!

  6. that I make a distinction between content and process.

    When it comes to content – I understand that folks see a mixed bag with Obama. I personally see someone who is working his hardest to turn a huge ship of state. It will all take time and I expect that there will be specific choices he makes that I won’t agree with.

    But when it comes to process – he’s a master. It takes a strong person to do what he does the way he does it. I’ve learned a tremendous amount from listening and watching.  

  7. in a supposed democratic country that for decades has agreed that drowning the government, shooting up the world and getting rich is the American Way. The very fact that he is the first pol in my living memory to get elected by treading through the machines political, the guns and money, plus last and not least the total dumbing down of a nation who wanted to drink with a psycho preppie hell bent on global sadism, makes me think if nothing else he knows how to do the politics.

    Why misdirect the rage, at the man, why not use it to get what you want from the system that right now has become so dysfunctional that it can’t even move.  He’s not a king he’s a talented pol who knows how to move people. We are no long the angry left that can be marginalized, may sound corny but we are the change we are the bottom up part. Let’s use that to make the crippled system well. Start where we are is all we can do, and where we are is a lot better then where we’ve been. Bottoms up and a president who can actually articulate and is a decent human, is a beginning not the solution.            

  8. I’m sick of the Limbaughization of American political discourse.  (Though I’ve been guilty of a little rant now and then myself 😉  But, in the end, anger begets anger.  Righteous anger can be a great energizing force to inspire activism-but years and years of constant anger is destructive, and on a personal level is physically, mentally and spiritually draining.

    Personally, though I’d often like to see P. Obama cut his republican opponents off at the knees, that’s not his style and in the end, though it would be momentarily satisfying to see him skewer the whiners, it just would give them more fuel to play aggrieved victim.  When he’s polite and respectful to them, they have no basis in reality for complaining and wind up looking like the sore losers and obstructionists that they really are.  

    Certainly, he’s not superman.  He’s made mistakes and he will make more mistakes, for which we can hold his feet to the fire-respectfully 😉  The country and the world are in a horrible state now, and I’m not sure anyone can set things right, at least not for a long time, and certainly not just one man-even if he’s the POTUS.  

  9. Barack Obama and the new spirit of empathy (a collaborative video project)

    h/t dharmasyd

    This is a chronology of video clips of Barack Obama talking about his most important value of Empathy. It contains excerpts from about 30 of his speeches, interviews, etc. where he talks about empathy. For more about the project check out Progressive Spirit.

    The video is over an hour long but if you visit the link above there are individual clips at the bottom of the page as well as text transcripts of his and Michelle’s speeches which talk about empathy.  

  10. comment. Buhddy, this is not something that everyone is going to embrace. There is a fun in anger, a joy in hammering at those that disagree or are fools in our eyes. It is not pretty. It is often addicting and destructive, but it is very much a human trait.

    There is a reason that it is so effective for President Obama, and that is that he is rare in his ability to do it all the time. It is a great goal, but it is only a goal for those that want to go that way. It can’t be forced, and for those not ready to hear this idea and embrace it, it is going to make no sense, as a lot of this thread seems to show.

    If you want to live it and model its effects and benefits, that is about as good as it is going to get. I struggle with this same ideal and its practice everyday. I still fail more often then I succeed, but there is value in the effort, IMHO.  

  11. And am taking the day off to recharge.

    I’ll try to get back to these comments tomorrow!

  12. …I just noticed that all who have rec’ed this diary are girls, womyns, ladies, folks of the female persuasion.  At least I think so.  Is this correct?  If so, it’s an interesting comment on this topic, or so methinks…

    What do you think it means?

    • kj on March 10, 2009 at 14:20

    running late, contacts blurry, ideas not thought out… BUT

    the thing about Lakoff is not to idealize Lakoff anymore than idealizing Obama.  the thing about Lakoff is what he (laborously) attempts to teach us.   that the right have think tanks and bullizions of dollars to hone their messages.  we have the blogs.  LOL  yeah, real democratic, that.   🙂  suits me fine, although we’re so far behind.

    so, some of us work on message and language, so that in all the atrocities that some of us have devoted to exposing have TOOLS in which to SPEAK that might, just might, penetrate the minds that have been so well-conditioned not to the think.  minds conditioned by the bullizions and the think tanks and the whole Faux News phenon.

    we have each other.   if we can’t, won’t, learn to talk to EACH OTHER effectively, we sure as hell aren’t going to message to the people we say we want to reach… other progressives, middle-of-the-roaders, conservatives.

    i’m partial to the idea because:

    a) i’m a writer and a poet and i love metaphor

    b) i’m stuck in winger land and usually have less than 5 seconds to make a point in any given conversation

    so, i see the value of brief, non-bomb-throwing speech.  frame breaking, if not frame creating.

    and this approach in NO WAY TAKES AWAY from the passions of progressives… it is simply a way to firm up the issues.

    we fight each other or we fight the wingers.  how do we choose to fight?  Newt style?  really?  how far does that get us in our workplaces, homes and among friends?  

    if we’re all about street fighting, that’s a whole nother thing.  but language, approach?  isn’t that tailor-made for the tubes?

    running late, contacts blurry, idea not thought out…

  13. yesterday with a co-worker about this idea of the importance of a moral code in the work that we do. His response was that without that kind of grounding – all we have is operations towards a goal and can therefore justify any means necessary to get to the goal. And that reminded me of the words of Martin Luther King.

    We will never have peace in the world until men everywhere recognize that ends are not cut off from means, because the means represent the ideal in the making, and the end in process. Ultimately, you can’t reach good ends through evil means, because the means represent the seed and the end represents the tree.

  14. have gathered from coincidence… use your sense  comes to mind

    • dkmich on March 10, 2009 at 23:11

    IF you have an open minded and honest individual with authority working with you, this strategy absolutely works and is the best.  When you don’t have an open minded and honest individual with authority working with you, it is a waste of breath. I guess it boils down to how much trust and faith you have in Obama the American political process.  On a scale of 1 – 10, how much faith and trust do you have?  Me, not much.  It has a good beat, but you can’t dance to it.  

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