Muse in the Morning
 Muse in the Morning |
An Opened Mind V
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 Blue Mother
Chapter 6
The Spirit of the Valley
never dies.
It is called
the Mystic Female.
The Door
of the Mystic Female
Is the root
of Heaven and Earth.
Continuously, continuously,
It seems to remain.
Draw upon it
And it serves you with ease.
–Tao te Ching (tr. Lin Yutan)
Blue Mother
Like you
I hang my head
You in sorrow
Me in shame
Blue Mother
I weep with you
for the damage done
to the spirit
of the valley
–Robyn Elaine Serven
–November 1, 2005 |
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Good morning. Be excellent to one another.
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Making it through to the end of the day is going to be a real problem.
The only good thing I see is that we are looking forward to a high of 61 on a sunny day.
(Click on image for larger view)
Knowing others is intelligence
knowing yourself is true wisdom
Mastering others is strength
mastering yourself is true power
If you realize that you have enough
you are truly rich
If you stay in the center
and embrace death with your whole heart
you will endure forever