Real News: Pepe Escobar: Where Is The Special Prosecutor?

We’ve had a pretty good run the past few days getting the demand for a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Bush war crimes into the media, but here is a little gem close to my own heart that was posted at The Real News today by one of my favorite journalists, a man who practice real journalism.

Here is Pepe Esobar asking: “Where Is The Special Prosecutor?”, and saying “in the end a prosecutor – special or otherwise – may not be that hard to find”.

The most popular question on President-elect Obama’s own Web site,, is whether he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Bush administration practices such as torture and illegal wiretapping.

Americans seem to be more concerned with this issue than with the state of the economy.

Pepe Escobar examines how both Obama and Vice-President- elect Joe Biden have given evasive answers at best compared to how both outgoing President Bush and Vice-President Cheney have been on the record strongly defending their practices.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has proposed – an investigating committee.

But in the end a prosecutor – special or otherwise – may not be that hard to find.

Bringing Bush and Cheney to justice

Real News: January 16, 2009 – 8 minutes 8 seconds

Pepe Escobar: Where is the special prosecutor?

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1 comment

    • Edger on January 17, 2009 at 03:03

    I posted this before I’ve even played it, because I trust Pepe Escobar’s journalism… so now I can relax and watch it.

    Then I guess I’ll have to go find his email address and send him a link to the petition… and maybe try to prod him into making another video. 😉

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