Depose A Dharmanian! Special Ask Obama Edition

Docudharma is a small community of very smart (albeit funny looking) people. We may not have all the answers, but we certainly are witty and crafty enough to reply in an amusing fashion! So if you have a question, whether snarky, simple, political or philosophical, be it meta, meaty, maddening or impossible to answer,….what the hell? Post it here and see what happens! You have nothing to lose but your underwear! Heck, there is a chance it might even get answered, possibly even correctly!

Any questions?




BTW 42 is NOT the meaning of life, my favorite color is blue, no,  green (I’m still here!), and tying fruit of any kind to swallows is indicative of a very peculiar and rare psychosexual disease….seek help! While speculating on the airspeed of UNLADEN swallows is a far milder form….I still urge you to examine your soul!  For those who have no idea what I am talking about I urge YOU to …Depose A Dharmanian!

Special Edition! Here is your chance to Ask Obama ANY question you wish!!! As long as you don’t expect an answer. So go ahead and ask all those silly questions you have always wanted to ask! I SUPPOSE if you have to ask serious questions, that would be ok too. So…

Tonight’s First Question: What is YOUR question for Obama?

Tonight’s Second Question: President Obama. how DO you keep yourself from smacking the Republicans in DC upside the back of their heads to drive the stoopid out?

Tonight’s Random Answer: Love is the drug I’m that I’m thinking of.

Tonight’s Silly Question: Obama who?


Tonight’s Sound Track

Tonight’s Beauty Shots:

Que es mas macho?





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  1. Photobucket

  2. … I know that you are a lawyer. What in the hell does “depose” mean … it sounds awfully legal. Unless its illegal, like kicking a Sovereign King out of power. Except I guess that’s legal if you succeed and set up a Constitution that outlaws Kingship. Except if you steal an election and start acting like a King but are careful to always pretend its just Presidential.

    And, whatever it is, could you have someone do it to George W Bush?

    Oh, and that Dick Cheyenne guy too.

  3. Photobucket

    nuff said.

  4. Can I have a magic wand?????

    The one I keep trying to wave to make the world exactly as I wish it to be appears to be broken.

    Failing that do you really think love is the drug???? I would rather have free coffee for life.

    And can I survive the next five days with no internet tubes? Do I get a prize?

    • Robyn on January 26, 2009 at 03:12

    First Question: What is YOUR question for Obama?


    Random question:  Who is the man that would risk his neck

    For his brother man?

    Random Answer: Love is the drug that I’m thinking of.

    Knock, knock.

    Who’s there?


    Silly Question: Obama who?

    • Edger on January 26, 2009 at 03:15

    …or at least to question #2

  5. Tonight’s First Question: What is YOUR question for Obama?

    Tonight’s Second Question: President Obama. how DO you keep yourself from smacking the Republicans in DC upside the back of their heads to drive the stoopid out?

    Tonight’s Random Answer: Love is the drug I’m that I’m thinking of.

    Tonight’s Silly Question: Obama who?

    1) How does it feel to have the blood of innocents on your hands?

    2) “Heh, heh! I don’t have to.  Let’s face it, in ‘post-partisan’ politics, I listen to them as much as anybody!”

    3) Brainiac 5 meets Hyde!  Or Gackt!  Or You (the guitarist, not you)!  Or Reita!  Or Gomi Takanori!  Or…there are just too many to list!

    Silly Question: I think you can guess the answer from this quote:

    “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” – V.I. Lenin

    • RUKind on January 26, 2009 at 04:40

    Obama Won. 😉

  6. Love is the drug you get when you save animals.

    Love is the drug you use when you save animals.

    Save The Tiger

    Be The Tiger.


     Save the Tiger

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