Citizen’s Petition – a proposed edit

This essay is a proposed edit to the latest draft of Citizens Petition for a Special Prosecutor. I decided to put it in essay form so Buhdy would have access to the “edit” function, which will make it easier if he wants to pick and choose for the final product. I hope you’ll comment on the edits, but please don’t recommend. Thanks

Dear Attorney General Holder, we the undersigned hereby petition you to appoint a Special Prosecutor to aggressively investigate and prosecute the many and various crimes that we believe have been committed by the Bush Administration.

The most important founding principle of the United States of America is that no person is above the law. Our Constitution itself is meant to guarantee that principle. We have lost faith in the credibility of our justice system due to its corruption by the Bush Administration and our Constitution has been compromised. Only you Attorney General Holder, can restore that faith. As citizens of a democracy meant to be of, by, and for The People, we, your “employers,” demand that you do so.

The list of offenses is long but we believe that the most egregious and prosecutable items include:

The intentional manufacturing and exaggeration of evidence to justify the unnecessary, illegal, and immoral invasion of a sovereign nation.

The widespread and approved use of torture by the Bush Administration.

Illegal Wiretapping of American Citizens, prior to “legalization” under FISA “reform.”

Obstruction of Justice in the Plame Case.

We also refer you to Representative Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment, and former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega’s Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide, as well as Vincent Bugliosi’s charges in The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. A more comprehensive listing of the Bush Administration crimes and scandals can be found here, but as you no doubt well know Attorney General Holder, there are copious amounts of evidence just waiting to be developed.

These investigations and prosecutions that we so strongly urge you to undertake and pursue will have many consequences. Some of them could prove to be politically inexpedient for our new President and the Democratic Congress. To this end, we remind you that you work not on behalf of or for the President or the Congress, but for the People of the United States of America and for Justice itself. Only one man, standing independent from all other considerations, can restore both the Rule of Law in our great nation and the integrity of the Department of Justice itself, Attorney General Holder. And that man is you.

To that end, we petition you to appoint and fully empower an Independent or Special Prosecutor and to fully fund and support their investigation and prosecution of all the parties implicated therein.



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  1. We shouldn’t call Holder Attorney General.  Until he is sworn in, the correct appellation is Attorney General Designate.  

    Unless we want to wait to deliver these ideas to him until after the Inauguration and his swearing in, I don’t think we should call him Attorney General.

    • BobbyK on December 11, 2008 at 16:49


    The most important founding principle of the United States of America is that no person is above the law. Our Constitution itself is meant to guarantee that principle. We have lost faith in the credibility of our justice system due to its corruption by the Bush Administration and our Constitution has been compromised. Only you Attorney General Holder, can restore that faith. As citizens of a democracy meant to be of, by, and for The People, we, your “employers,” demand that you do so.


    We have lost faith in the credibility of our justice system. The most important founding principle of the United States of America is that no person is above the law. Our Constitution itself is meant to guarantee that principle.  The Bush Administration’s corruption has compromised the Constitution. Only you Attorney General Holder, can restore our faith. As citizens of a democracy meant to be of, by, and for The People, we, your “employers,” demand that you do so.

    original works well for me too. The important points we’re trying to get across are:

    A)No person is above the law.

    B)We have lost faith in the credibility of our justice system.

    C)Your Job will be to restore our faith.

    D)We demand you do your job.

    I like putting point B in front of point A.

    I’m a big fan of simple sentences too.

    I’ll be signing this either way. THANK YOU NLSP BUHDY and the Docudharma community for working on this project.

  2. This actually flipped a switch in my brain! Though my brain is moving so slowly right now that it may take a while for the current to reach it’s destination!

    More in my essay in a couple of hours.

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