Harmful If Swallowed
On the heels of his ad mocking Barack Obama as a Messiah-like figure, John McCain has now anointed himself as “The One.”
This new ad declares that “Washington’s broken” and “John McCain knows it.” He admits that “We’re worse off than we were four years ago.” But without acknowledging the brazen hypocrisy, the ad asserts that McCain is “the only” candidate who can fix our broken nation. Then he goes further to seriously describe himself in the same manner he had sarcastically portrayed Obama:
“One is ready to lead – McCain”
Here’s the ad:
Much of the last week was spent watching the media chew over McCain’s anti-Obama ad. With the pretense of engaging in substantive political discourse, they speculated as to whether Obama was too arrogant, and some even raised fears that he might be the anti-Christ. But McCain’s ad was a series of out-of-context snippets edited together to suggest that Obama said things that he never actually said.
Will the press take up the same debate now that McCain has made an ad where he is referring to himself in such reverential terms? Can the media possibly ignore that a just few days ago McCain was making fun of Obama as “The One” and now he is calling himself that in his own ad?
Probably. Remember that we are dealing with a thoroughly compromised press corps that is desperately trying to keep this race close so as to produce more drama and, hence, more viewers and advertising revenue.
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I’ve seen several reports on this ad this morning already, and not one of them noticed the hypocrisy.
a career in stand up for after November?
I expect to see much more of this kind of advertising from the McCain campaign.
I’ve been shocked that it’s not been in play until now.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, as the corporate media will play it over and over and offer no critical examination of it.
Look for Obama to be painted as the tool of corporate cartels.
Reality will be turned on it’s head as Republicans try to push a faux populism message and tap into the anti-corporate angst that is latent within our society, all the while protecting the ability of corporate cartels to dominate our political process.
It makes me sick to think of it, but they’re going to paint themselves as the party of the people and paint the Democrats as beholden to Special Interests.
Unfortunately, Democratic spinelessness and the ‘Third Way’ disaster of the Clinton Administration and DLC, which cemented Corporate Sponsored Public Policy on both sides of the aisle will fall right into the framing of the issue.
Also look for the corporate media cartel to stomp Obama on his funding and close ties to the Special Interests.
And also remember that we are dealing with a GOP that is absolutely drooling to keep the race/polls/etc close–the better to hack and steal again come November. The closer the polls, the easier to cheat!