Impeachment Is Off the Table, But God’s Blessings Aren’t

(10:00AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

Madame Speaker:

“You know, God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject.”  She then tsk-tsked Bush for “challenging Congress when we are trying to sweep up after his mess over and over and over again.”

Wow!  That tongue lashing will bring Bush to his knees in abject shame, imploring forgiveness from God and everyone.  

We’re making progress, fellow advocates!  America’s total failure Speaker of the House just slammed America’s total failure president.  Enjoy that progress while it lasts, if Nancy doesn’t apologize before the day is out, I’ll be a total failure as a prophet.      

Meet the new direction . . .

Same as the old direction . . .


So . . . God bless Bush, bless his heart.

Well don’t be stingy with God’s blessings, Nancy.  If Bush deserves God’s blessing, so do his friends . . .      

So God bless KBR, bless their hearts, electrocuting the troops, raping their employees, a total failure at everything except extortion, losing all credibility with the American people but still getting billion dollar no bid contracts . . .

While the Pentagon has previously reported that 13 Americans have been electrocuted in Iraq, many more have been injured, some seriously, by shocks, according to the documents.  A log compiled earlier this year at one building complex in Baghdad disclosed that soldiers complained of receiving electrical shocks in their living quarters on an almost daily basis.

Yes.  And God bless Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, bless their hearts, off-the charts greed personified, total failures, losing all credibility with the American people but getting bailed out anyway by their elitist friends in Washington because the top priority of the elitists of Pennsylvania Avenue and Wall Street is to stick it to the taxpaying rabble every chance they get . . .

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-supported mortgage giants at the centre of America’s housing market, pose a particularly acute problem for the Bush administration. Not only are they too big to fail. They are almost too big to rescue.

They hold or guarantee some $5.2 trillion of the nation’s $12 trillion of mortgages, backed by the thinnest wafer of capital, meaning their collapse would imperil the already paralysed American housing market. Yet as Joshua Rosner, an analyst at Graham Fisher, a research firm, points out, nationalising them, a stark choice for the government since their shares tumbled last week, would “result in a doubling of the federal deficit, a further collapse of the dollar and unthinkable implications for the Treasury’s cost of funding in the debt markets.”

Yes.  And God bless the hacks at the Department of Justice, bless their hearts, total failures at everything except keeping Republicans out of prison, losing all credibility with the American people but still obstructing justice at Warp Factor Nine, still protecting torturers, NSA spies, telecom criminals, war profiteers, KBR thieves and rapists, Blackwater killers, PlameGate traitors, and the thugs in that fascist bunker that used to be the White House . . .

In Senate testimony, Mukasey left no doubt that the Justice Department would take no action against anyone in the administration who violated criminal statutes in the “war on terror” if they were following legal advice from superiors, a modern version of the so-called Nuremberg defense.

Mukasey declared that anyone who acted in “good faith” and relied on the Justice Department’s legal advice “cannot and should not be prosecuted.” The same protection should cover government lawyers who gave the advice, he said.

Yes.  And God bless Exxon/Mobil and their friends at Chevron, Shell, and British Petroleum, bless their hearts, total failures as human beings but excellently excellent at committing crimes against humanity . . .  

Just two days after leading climate change scientist James Hansen told the U.S. Congress that he believed ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel company CEOs “should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature” for their role in delaying a serious global response to climate change, the U.S. Supreme Court decreed that a $2.5 billion punitive judgment against Exxon for the Valdez oil spill disaster denied the company the “sense of fairness” to which it is entitled.  

Yes.  And most of all, God bless Dick Cheney, bless his heart, a total failure at everything except being a goose-stepping fascist, losing all credibility with the American people but still scheming to send their sons and daughters into a bloodbath in Iran, still in absolute control of the executive branch despite eight years of crimes, still handing billions in taxpayer dollars to his corporate cronies, still directing the worst crime rampage in American history while Madame Speaker just sits there and watches it.

Dennis Kucinich . . .

“We have men and women with their lives on the line in Iraq, a war based on lies.  Over 4,000 soldiers have died, over a million innocent Iraqis have died in this war. This is about our moral caliber here as to whether or not Washington can see the truth.”

“Let me tell you something,” concluded Kucinich. “In Washington, the truth is an unidentified flying object. And it’s time that someone stood for the truth. The American people demand nothing less.”

Bush and Cheney don’t deserve to be blessed by God or anyone else, Madame Speaker, they deserve to be damned.  



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  1. Take her off the table and drop kick her into San Francisco Bay.

  2. Kabuki whacking of the Repubs until November 4, then we’re all chums again.

    Bumper sticker for the day: I won’t be sending my Honor Roll Student to die in the stupid, vicious war.

  3. you were making up that quote from madame speaker.

    suddenly, after reading chesapeake’s comment and laughing initially, i’m feeling a bit more sober.

    what the fuck is she thinking… i love your comment, though:

    Take Madame Speaker off the table, Cindy Sheehan. (4.00 / 2)

    Take her off the table and drop kick her into San Francisco Bay.

    i’m going to donate to Cindy’s campaign tOday. i’ve been meaning to get around to it and this makes me fucking crazy now… slow burn, you know?

    • Edger on July 18, 2008 at 17:07

    Fuck George Bush

    • geomoo on July 18, 2008 at 17:16

    Great essay. That’s just great stuff. What is there to add, except your billboard could have been five times as long, as we all know.

    Your clear truth is echoing in an empty room.  It’s heartbreaking.

    I’m a relentless pessimist–can’t believe we’re still kicking after the year 1984, drive my friends nuts with my dark predictions, BUT, never in my life did I imagine the whole country (and a lot of the world) would stand by and watch while psychopathic madmen turned our country into a sadistic dark power in the world.

  4. Photobucket

    • robodd on July 18, 2008 at 18:55

    is that Pelosi says these things, but does nothing about them.  We agree, Nancy.  NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    • pico on July 18, 2008 at 20:27

    I live a few miles from there, incidentally.

  5. Crises

    Naomi Klein: Bush Sees Crises in Fuel, Food, Housing and Banking as Chance to Exploit Us More

    By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. Posted July 16, 2008.

    People are desperate for solutions but instead they’re handed policies that don’t solve the crises, and are highly profitable for corporations.    

    As the country and the world reel from crises ranging from skyrocketing oil prices and global food shortages to housing and climate change, how best to understand the government policies being pushed through? Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman interviewed Naomi Klein, author of ‘The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism’.

    Amy Goodman: President Bush has lifted an almost two-decade-old executive order banning offshore and natural gas drilling. With prices at the pump over $4 a gallon, Bush has been pushing to allow more drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic Wildlife National Refuge, amidst strong opposition from environmentalists.

    The executive drilling ban was issued by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. His son’s lifting of the ban yesterday is largely symbolic, because a separate congressional ban has prohibited offshore drilling since 1981. Speaking on the White House lawn Monday, the President urged lawmakers to lift the ban.

    President George Bush: The failure to act is unacceptable. It’s unacceptable to me, and it’s unacceptable to the American people. So today I’ve issued a memorandum to lift the executive prohibition on oil exploration in the OCS. With this action, the executive branch’s restrictions on this exploration have been cleared away. This means that the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the US Congress. Now the ball is squarely in Congress’s court. . . .

    And, then, check this out:

    AlterNet’s Weekly Zeitgeist: Phony Drilling, Afghan Escalation, Never-Ending Financial Crisis and Much More

    By Don Hazen, AlterNet. Posted July 18, 2008.

    From Bush’s oil hoax to the New Yorker’s sorry attempt at satire, our Zeitgeist list tracks the progressive issues of the week.

    Lightning Strikes: Get Used to Catastrophic Wildfires and Worse

    Scott Thill, AlterNet

    Food: A luxury Item?

    Frei Betto, Latin America in Movement

    Md. Police Infiltrated Groups Opposed to War and the Death Penalty

    Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive

    The Power of the Miniskirt

    Molly Faulkner-Bond, Sirens Magazine

    The Financial Crisis Could Shake the Foundations of American Politics

    William Greider,

    How Long Will Your Doctor Continue Accepting Private Insurance?

    Maggie Mahar, Health Beat

    The Do-It-Yourself Economy

    Ellen Goodman, Washington Post Writers Group

    VA Ban on Voter Registration Drives for Injured Vets Becomes National Fight

    Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

    This week’s Zeitgeist rundown shows new issues have busted through to the consciousness of progressives, including the escalating war in Afghanistan (and with it the serious complexities of Pakistan), the rescinded presidential moratorium on offshore oil drilling, which critics say is all for show, and the huge brouhaha provoked by the New Yorker magazine’s extremely provocative cover of Michelle and Barack Obama.

    Still, the AlterNet Zeitgeist has some unfinished business, including the residue of anger about the newly passed FISA law, the constant reminder that Iraq is still all about the oil, and the ongoing debate about the future of feminism.

    1. Phony drilling: once again the oilman in the White House is doing Big Oil’s bidding

    The Bush plan is a hoax and will neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence. But Bush and McCain sound good to beleaguered drivers with $4.50 gas prices. Oil companies should start drilling on the 68 million acres of public land they already lease.

    The Three Biggest Myths the Bush Administration Wants You to Believe About Offshore Drilling . . . .

    So, yes, Rusty, you’ve “tagged” every one of the “facades” before us — so, thanks for that.  NOW WHAT?

    Thanks, Rusty — “good tracking.”

  6. we need more proof “the Illuminati” does in fact rule the globe.

  7. …but after going to the “no public transport zone” (because they don’t need such rabble transport in PACIFIC HEIGHTS) and participating in the “die in” which I thought might include me in the reality zone (due to aging CPLD)and walking up 3 steep Pac Hei..s…hills to get there, I can only say, Tanks for posting this.  the Tanks is a {sic} zone.  

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