Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 45


(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous episode and previous pertinent episode

“If you are quite satisfied with your ahem, ensemble, I am afraid we shall have to keep moving for the next little while before I can fully “spill it,” but I can assure that soon we shall have the time an opportunity for a full briefing. For the nonce, we are still conducting evasive maneuvers, so if you would be so kind as to proceed after me….”

He walked down the service corridor a bit and opened yet another hatch and stepped through. She had been looking down and checking her new rig and not really paying much attention when she followed him through. So when she found herself stepping out onto, and somehow not falling through, the misty top of what her eyes registered, and her stunned, but rapidly recovering brain was rapidly figuring out was…. a thin streamer of white cloud high above the earth in an other wise crystal clear azure blue sky…..she just shrugged and followed, glad she had never been afraid of heights.

But after a few steps she couldn’t resist the urge….and she ran the short distance over near to the edge where she could really see. Stretched out before her was the whole curving surface of the blue and green globe. They must be pretty far up! She looked straight dow and swayed a bit. Gulp. Yes, pretty far up indeed!

A long jagged coastline (western Canada?) stretching up and away to her right side, and then in front of her for a far as the eye could see, a vast never ending ocean, stretching to the curving horizon. It was stunning. The melding of blue sky and grey blue ocean was beautiful and entrancing, this far up….and the horizon seemed to be calling to her. A touch of vertigo then, and she backed away and looked around for Rogers. He was far ahead, and she ran after him, feeling like a child again running to keep up with her Daddy on one of their hikes after stopping to look at a spider or a flower. She felt giddy.

Whatever the hell (heh) this place was, she thought to herself, it sure wasn’t boring!

“What the hell is this place anyway Slim?” she asked when she had caught up, “What’s with all the doors and the different ….worlds, and who the hell are we running from, and why?” She was practically skipping along beside him. “How did I make all those things appear and how can I get that hot dog and cream soda back?” A bit of a frown. “And what the hell am I doing here in the first place,” A scowl. “And why the hell did you have to kill me to get me here…..and what do I have to do to get you to send me back?”

She grabbed him now and spun him around, suddenly pretty darn angry again after having been distracted by her new clothes and the that spectacular view. Apparently he didn’t mind this time, since his arm didn’t disappear or go transparent.

“Talk to me, Slim.”

“I’m afraid I must impose upon your patience, and request that you wait for just a wee bit longer Iglesia, we are almost to our first destination. “A location,” he waved his arm around at the cloud they were standing on, “that is far more conducive to serious discussion…and enjoying a nice cup of tea.”


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    • RiaD on April 6, 2008 at 09:19

    i’ve caught up at last!

    new points of view….perspevtives…. never, ever a bad thing….

    i’ve fallen in love with your characters buhdy…specially Iglesia~ she has such a neat perspective of things….

    and i can hardly wait to see the destination!

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