Real REAL bad stuff going on in Iraq

So it has pretty much been adopted by many of those who still deny reality that the “decrease in violence” is the proof that the ill fated escalation worked.  And it is also evident that John W. McCain has been a chief proponent and certainly the main beneficiary of this absolutely over simplistic and erroneous line of thinking.

But, buried in the hullabaloo of the latest Democrat to be in the cross hairs (due in large part to his own actions), as well as the obsession over the Clinton/Obama tit-for-tat is some news from Iraq that really does not bode well.  I offer a bit of analysis, but more in the way of information as to the situation on the ground.

Let’s start with a a new estimate that pegs the cost of this ongoing debacle at $12 BILLION per month in 2008.  A conservative estimate by the CBO pegs the cost for Iraq alone at $1 trillion – $1.2 trillion by 2017.  I’ll also note that John W. McSame has no intention of getting the troops out of Iraq – rather he is very much in favor of “more wars” (with what troops, popular support and money, I have no idea).

Another trend in Iraq is the continued violence that, despite the ongoing violence and the fact that US troop deaths have been at the same daily rate since January 1, 2005 apparently doesn’t exist according to the “surge believers” like John “four more wars” McSame.  Iraqi security force and civilian deaths are on pace for the largest number of deaths since last August.

Oh, but this is a mere blip, right?  After all, it is a violent area, except for the fact that there is the general thought that there is no more real violence.  Well, not so fast.

I take this with a grain of salt, but there is now a warning that al Qaeda is spreading in Iraq, and may be planning larger scale attacks in the country.  And who would have thought that when we armed the Sunni insurgents to fight against al Qaeda that they wouldn’t do the job for us?  Of course, when you only know how to outsource the hunt for al Qaeda (among pretty much everything else), you don’t always get the results you were hoping for.  

But there is always hope, right?

Well, when you have an ultra-fortified Green Zone and a partitioned off city like Baghdad, there is more than just hope.  Sectarian cleansing led to a reduction in violence as there were no more Sunnis or Shiites to kill in certain areas, and at least the increased troop level in Baghdad would lead to less violence there, even if the whack a mole approach led to increased violence elsewhere.

Except for the minor issue of major violence in Baghdad lately.  In what was the deadliest day so far this year for US troops, 8 troops and 14 others were killed, with more injured in multiple attacks in Baghdad.  This followed a wave of attacks a few days ago where close to 70 people were killed in attacks in the very safe city of Baghdad.  

But it isn’t just Baghdad either.   A bus hit a roadside bomb in southern Iraq, and this was just one of a number of bombings and blasts that killed another 30 people.  As for the targets – not just US troops or Iraqi security forces – they also targeted militias and civilians, a police station, a hotel, a busy traffic intersection and near a mosque and a hospital.  No biggie and just another day at the office for someone like John W. McCain, who would be ok with this for another 100 years.

There were over 700 deaths in February, which is close to a third more than January.  Already, March is on pace for over 900 deaths.  Obviously, the key here is that the invasion was wrong, the prosecution of the invasion and occupation was wrong, the theory behind the invasion and occupation was wrong, and even the excuses and metrics used to measure “success” are flat out wrong.  

Things are NOT getting better.  There was one measure that was latched onto that “proved” success, and even that is a total fallacy.  This is an occupation that John W. McBush wants to continue indefinitely.  He is dishonest about the facts on the ground.  He is dishonest with his rhetoric.  He is out of step with reality.  And since the press loves him and his BBQ, someone has to report the truth and smack this country back to reality.

It’s a damn good thing that there was a major link between Saddam and al Qaeda.  Oh wait, even the Pentagon has said there was no link.


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  1. Keep yelling!

  2. opined the other day that things would stay relatively quiet until the elections so the democrats would win and we would go away.  I asked my friend to send me the piece of anyone’s platform that said we would go away.  Now he’s mad, too.

    Good, I say.  Get mad.  

    • brobin on March 11, 2008 at 22:00

    As we all know, that will be played by the administration and their lap dog Petraeus as no big deal when he gives his lap dog and pony show to Congress in a few weeks.

    The situation will be played off as an aberration and we can expect Iraqi’s to be throwing flowers instead of bombs and handing out candy…oops, they can’t afford candy, or electricity, or even if they could its not available.

    We need to get out now and let the soverign country of Iraq take back the country that belongs to them.  In my opinion, they will be able to do more than we could ever do in 10 years to bring back the peace and the infrastructure than our presence there could ever do.

    Sorry, Bushie.  They will have to sell us oil at a premium so they can undo the screw ups you and your idiot “idea people” have done to them.  OH!  Thats right!  This is the reason we arrived there and the reason we have not left.

    Those “idea people” may have missed something important.  I’m sure General Petraeus won’t mention it.

  3.  Since all news getting out of Iraq is “filtered” by the Pentagon, it’s a good bet things are much worse than reported.  I have an old bone to pick on this issue–Why the fuck doesn’t Bushco get called on their non attendance at funerals for our lost heros?  How callous to send soldiers off to battle and then neglect those fallen.  This is the media’s fault–enabling the cheapening of supreme sacrifice.

    America has a sad history of ignoring the death and torture of its enemies–but now it doesn’t give a shit for its own dead and maimed soldiers.  To Bushies, the loss of poor folk is of little import.

    cross posted in orange under my other name–melvynny

  4. Bill didn’t want to bomb, bomb bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!

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